BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Setup
This screen allows you to display a +/- sign in front of numerical
values sent through the serial port. If not selected, only negative
numbers will include a sign. Note that the second option is used
to change the format of sent data. When checked, a period will be
used to indicate a decimal point in the data. When not checked, a
comma is used.
NOTE: These settings only affect the format of data sent via the
serial port. Note that the second option is only applicable for non-
English users. While English uses a period to indicate a decimal
place, some other languages use a comma, and those users may wish to alter this setting, based on data acquisi-
tion software requirements.
SQC Batch Setup
Note that the
SQC Batch Setup
page allows you to define the
Batch Count value and decide whether to clear data and/or print
reports at the end of the batch.
Environmental Compensation
Environmental Compensation Setup
tab allows you to de-
fine temperature information so that the BenchMike Pro will auto-
matically compensate for temperature differences. When Thermal
Compensation is active, a thermometer icon will appear over the
part icon in the upper left corner of the screen. All measurements
will then be the theoretical value referenced
to the “Standard
Optical Plate Compensation Setup
tab allows you to enter
compensation values for the Actual Temperature and CPU tem-
perature of the optical plate. The Optical Plate temperature is a
‘read only’ value from a sensor on the Optical plate. The ‘CPU
Temp’ is a ‘read only’ value of the temperature of the computer
inside the BenchMike.