BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Setup
4.10 Measurement Functions
By selecting the
option, you can define ex-
pressions, settings for fixtures, measurement types, nomi-
nal/limit/tolerance settings, the floating nominal value, and a
user master value. When multiple Features exist, measure-
ment settings are unique to each.
NOTE: Measurement commands are unique to each feature
within each library.
4.10.1 Expression Editor
You can define equations or desired calculations with the
. The default expressions for all predefined
measurement types cannot be changed.
4.10.2 Fixture Menu
menu allows you to control fixture measurement
settings and access settings for different fixtures.
Fixture Measurement Setup
menu shown allows you to
define how the fixture behaves during measurement. If a mo-
torized fixture is being used, you can choose to have the
BenchMike Pro take measurements automatically (according
to your Position and Motion values), manually, or continuous-
ly. Non-motorized fixtures only support the manual mode.
For automatic rotating fixtures: Measurement is initiated by
the Go command. At the end of each averaging period (de-
fined in Measurement Setup), the fixture rotates to the next position and takes measurement data. The number of
measurements may be from 2 to 360 and can be entered as a number of positions or as the angular increment
between positions. Measurements are not taken
during rotation.