Chapter 19 – TCP/IP App AT Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands (PN S000294J)
Dormant Mode Status Change +WDOR
This unsolicited response is used to indicate a change in the module dormant mode status. The module
enters dormant mode after a carrier specific amount of time (about 10 seconds) of no activity during a data
call. In dormant mode, the module releases CDMA traffic channel resources to conserve power and
minimize carrier network loading. The module exits dormant mode when activity requiring CDMA traffic
channel resources is again necessary.
Response Values:
Normal mode; CDMA traffic channel is active.
Dormant mode; CDMA traffic channel is inactive.
Syntax: Response
+WDOR: <status>
Possible responses
+WDOR: 0
Note: Module not in dormant mode.
+WDOR: 1
Note: Module in dormant mode.
DNS Lookup Indication +WDNS
Description :
This unsolicited response is used to indicate the result of each step of a domain name lookup operation
using the +WDNS command. See the +WDNS command for more information.
Response Values:
DNS lookup results available. confidential © Page : 260/ 313 This document is the sole
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communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.
DNS lookup result.
Syntax: Response
+WDNS: <status>
+WDNS: <ip address>
Possible responses
+WDNS: 0
Note: DNS lookup step one complete.
Note: DNS lookup step two complete.