Chapter 17 – Fax Parameters
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands (PN S000294J)
Chapter 17 – Fax Parameters
This chapter summarizes a number of the more commonly used fax-related operations. For more information, refer to the
TIA/EIA-592 standards.
Fax Action Commands
The +FDR command initiates transition to Phase C data reception. This can occur after answering,
after dialing, after a document is received, or after a page is received. When the DCE is ready to
commence data transfer, it shall issue a CONNECT response code.
The +FDT command requests the DCE to transmit a Phase C page. It is issued at the beginning of
each page, either in Phase B or in Phase D. When the DCE is ready to accept Phase C data, it shall
issue the negotiation responses and the CONNECT result code to the DTE.
The +FIP command causes the DCE to initialize all the parameters to the manufacturer determined
default settings. Individual commands can be issued to accomplish the same.
The +FKS command causes the DCE to terminate the session in an orderly manner. The DCE will
respond with a +FHS result code.
Fax Responses
Fax Connection.
The +FCO response indicates that a connection has been made
with a Group 3 facsimile station.
DCS Frame Information.
Reports negotiated parameters; sent after +FDT or
+FDR execution but before the CONNECT result code. This is the final negotiation
after both sides have identified their respective capabilities tFIS. Refer to
sub-parameter table below.
DIS Frame Information.
Reports remote station capabilities. Originate, Answer,
+FDT or +FDR command executions could generate these responses and is
followed by "OK". Refer to sub-parameter table below.
Remote Polling Indication.
The +FPO response indicates that the remote station
has a document to poll, and invites the DTE to poll it. The +FPO response is
delivered between the +FIS and the "OK" result code if enabled (+FSP=1 and
+FCI: "Called
station ID”
Called Station ID.
Reports the received remote ID string, if any.
+FPI: "Polling
station IDd"
Polling Station ID.
Reports the received remote ID string, if any.
Phase C Page Reception.
The +FPS response is generated by the receiving DCE
at the end of data reception in Phase C. This is after the receiving station has
obtained the RTC from the sending side. This response is also controlled by how
+FCQ parameter is set.
Page Good
Page Bad; retrain requested
Page good; retrain requested
Page good; remote request for procedure interrupt requested
Page Bad; retrain requested; remote request for procedure interrupt
If +FCQ is set, the receiving DCE may count lines, bad lines, maximum
consecutive bad line count; this is the number of lines in the largest group of
consecutive bad lines and lost byte count. Note that these capabilities are
controlled by the DCE copy quality checking capabilities using the +FCQ