Chapter 15 – Provisioning AT Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands (PN S000294J)
Download PRL +DPRL
This command is used to download a Preferred Roamer List (PRL) to the module. The PRL must be
formatted in accordance with TIA/EIA-683-A. The PRL download process consists of a sequence of one or
more +DPRL commands. Each command appends its associated PRL data to an internal buffer where it is
held until the +WCMT command is issued. The maximum PRL size that is supported by the Q24x8 module
is 8192 bytes.
The +DPRL command is part of the Wavecom suite of service programming commands. The module service
programming code must be successfully entered (see +WSPC) prior to using this command.
The +DPRL command consists of parameters, a carriage return (0x0d) character, and PRL data bytes.
Required parameters include the target NAM number, current sequence number, last sequence number,
and length of the PRL data in the sequence.
The host application must not use other AT commands until the number of bytes specified by the length
parameter has been sent to the module and an OK or ERROR response is returned. There is no mechanism
available to abort an in prDPRL command once it is started. The <length> specified number of
<PrlData> bytes must be sent.
An error will occur if the <nam> number changes or the sequence number is out of order. The <PrlData>
associated with a DPRL command is discarded. However, the <PrlData> associated with previously
sent sequences remains valid. If the PRL is downloaded using a DPRL command, <cur_seq> and
<last_seq> should be set to zero.
Once the PRL has been successfully downloaded to the module, the +WCMT=1 command must be used to
save the PRL to NV Ram and activate it. The PRL is validated as part of the commit operation and the
results of this validation is returned using the +DPRL unsolicited response. A downloaded PRL that fails
validation is not activated and the old PRL, if any, remains in effect.
To discard download PRL data prior to final commit, use the AT+WCMT=0 command. To re-start the
download sequence, set the current sequence number (<cur_seq>) to zero. 16.15.2
Command syntax:
AT+DPRL=<nam>,<cur_seq>,< last_seq>,<length><cr><PrlData>
Possible responses
Note: Enter service programming code.
AT+DPRL=1,0,0,4096<cr><byte1 … byte4096>
Note: Send complete Nam1 PRL.
Note: Activate new Nam1 PRL.
Note: Code successfully entered.
Note: PRL stored in module.
Note: PRL validated.
Note: Module software reset begins.
+WIND: 8
Note: Module software reset complete.
Note: Enter service programming code.
AT+DPRL=2,0,2,99<cr><byte1 … byte99>
Note: Send Nam2 PRL part 1 of 3.
AT+DPRL=2,1,2,99<cr><byte1 … byte99>
Note: Send Nam2 PRL part 2 of 3.
Note: Other AT commands permitted after +DPRL
OK or ERROR response.
AT+DPRL=2,2,2,57<cr><byte1 … byte57>
Note: Send Nam2 PRL part 3 of 3.
Note: Activate new Nam2 PRL.
Note: Code successfully entered.
Note: Part 1 (99 bytes) stored in module.
Note: Part 2 (99 bytes) stored in module.
+CGSN: FE7A7704
Note: Part 3 (57 bytes) stored in module.
Note: PRL validated.
Note: Module software reset begins.
+WIND: 8
Note: Module software reset complete.
Note: Display parameter ranges.
+DPRL: (1-2),(0-255),(0-255),(1-4096)
Note: Valid parameter ranges.
Note: Display last used parameter values.
+DPRL: 1,0,0,57
Note: Parameter values displayed.