Mitel SMB Controller
syd-0657/2.0 – R6.0 – 09.2018
or incorrectly type passwords are also logged. The logs can be read by each user (au-
thorization level)
Expert mode
Retrieving the log data
The system monitors all the accesses and failed access attempts and saves them in
the file system of the communication server. These lists can be retrieved locally or re-
motely. (
CLIP verification
If in the general maintenance settings (
) of the parameter
CLIP required
is acti-
vated, remote maintenance is only possible if the retrieving party is using a CLIP. The
CLIP number is also recorded by the access log.
Entering the processes in the log
Each access attempt generates an entry in the corresponding list.
In case of remote maintenance an entry will not be generated if remote maintenance is
barred or if
CLIP required
is activated in the configuration and no CLIP is received.
There is no access log for the SMB Controller Manager.
5. 6
WebAdmin remote access
With a remote maintenance access the user is authenticated using his user name and
password. The user account must also be assigned an authorization profile in which
the interface access
Remote maintenance dial-up access
is enabled. This also applies
to SRM (Secure IP Remote Management), secure IP remote management.
There is no remote access for the SMB Controller Manager.
5. 6. 1
Access enabled by local users
Remote maintenance access can be enabled in two ways:
• Using function codes (see page 169)
• With WebAdmin
It can be revoked again automatically or manually.
All enabling types have equal authorization status. This means that remote mainte-
nance access can be enabled using a function code for example, and then barred
again using the WebAdmin in general maintenance settings (