Technical Information
G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers
Circulation pump without slide shutter: MPEH (approx. 85 W)
With the circulation pump without the slide shutter, all three spray arms are supplied
with water at the same time. The total water circulation rate is approx. 68 l/min.
Approx. 15 l/min flow through the top spray arm, approx. 34 l/min through the middle
spray arm and approx. 19 l/min through the bottom spray arm. This pump version
does not have a speed sensor.
Both pumps are equipped with a winding changeover, which increases the torque at
the moment they are switched on (higher starting torque). In this state the main
winding is connected directly, and the auxiliary winding connected indirectly via the
capacitor, to the power supply.
The winding changes are made via a changeover relay on the electronic module. At
every switch-on, the changeover relay and the circulation pump-starting relay are
supplied with power at the same time. The changeover relay switches the windings
with a time delay.
Both circulation pumps have thermal winding protection.
Circulation Pump - Speed Sensor and Load Sensing
G1570 SC VI, G2570 SC VI G2630 SCI, G2670 SCVI, G2830 SCI
The MPEW circulation pump (with slide shutter) is fitted with a speed sensor (Hall
Sensor), which is located between the pump housing and motor. The pump speed
can be measured via the sensor and a ring magnet mounted on the circulation pump
The quantity of water taken in at the start of the program is measured via the flow
meter, B3/4. This basic quantity of water wets the load and settles in certain areas
such as on the bottom of cups. The lower the quantity of water that flows back into
the sump, the greater the quantity of dishes in the appliance, as more water has
been required to wet the load. The way the circulation pump is running is used to
register how much water has flowed back to the sump. If sufficient water has
returned, the pump runs evenly. With too little water, the pump speed fluctuates.
Using this feature, additional small quantities of water are taken in until a stable
motor speed is registered.
By monitoring the speed in this way and thus controlling additional water intake
precisely can reduce energy and water consumption. The potential savings are
approx. 15% water and 19% energy.