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MS-850 Raster Scanner User’s Manual
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Continuous Read 1 Output
Enabling Continuous Read 1 Output when Number of Labels is set to any num-
ber greater than one will cause Number of Labels to default back to one.
Label data is immediately transmitted once every time new label data is placed in
front of the scanner. With Timeout enabled for End Of Read Cycle, if the label doesn't
change, the scanner will repeat the output at the end of each subsequent timeout
period. For example, if Timeout were set to one second, the scanner would output the
label data immediately, and then repeat the output at intervals of one second, for as
long as the label continued to be scanned.
With Timeout disabled (that is, End Of Read Cycle set to New Trigger), the scanner
will output the current label data immediately, but output it only once. A new label
appearing at any time in the scan range will produce a new read output as long as the
new label is not identical to the previous label.
External Level
Allows a read cycle to be initiated by a trigger signal from an object detector when an
object appears within the detector’s range. The read cycle exists as long as the detec-
tor “sees” the object and ends when the object moves out of the detector’s range.
Level and Edge apply to the active logic state (positive or negative) that exists
while the object is in a read cycle, between the rising edge and falling edge. Rising
edge is the trigger signal associated with the appearance of an object. Falling edge is
the trigger signal associated with the subsequent disappearance of the object.
External Edge
As with Level, Edge allows a read cycle to be initiated by a trigger signal from an object
detector when it detects the appearance of an object (rising edge). But unlike Level
mode, the removal of an object (falling edge) does not end the read cycle. With Edge
enabled, the read cycle ends with a good read output, a timeout, or a new trigger.
Subsequen t rising edg e trigger
Object # 2, m oving in front of the detec tor's beam , cau ses
a second trigger (risin g edg e trigger) sign al to be sent to
the scann er. Th is signal initiates a new read cycle
a n d
end s the previous read cycle
p ro v id e d
that New T rigger or
Tim eou t and New T rigger is enabled and a good read or
tim eout has not alread y o ccurred .
First rising ed ge trigger
Object # 1, m ovin g in front o f the detector beam , c auses
the first trig ger (rising ed ge trigger) signal to be sen t to the
scan ner, initiating the read cycle.