MS-850 Raster Scanner User’s Manual
Label Length
. Regardless of orientation, the measurement taken across the label's
bars from one end to the other, including the quiet zone.
Label Speed
(LS) is the distance per second that a label moves as it travels through
the scan lines.
Label Transitions
. The transition of bars and spaces on a label, used to detect the
presence of a label on an object.
Ladder Label Orientation
. A bar code label in which the bars are parallel to the
label’s direction of travel.
Match Code
. The ability to compare bar code labels being scanned against a master
label that is stored in the memory of the scanner.
Menu Configuration
. The process of changing factory default settings via a
sequence of menus displayed on a terminal monitor.
. One thousandths of an inch or 0.0254 mm. In bar-coding, a measurement that
identifies a bar code label by the width of its narrowest element.
. An event that occurs when the scanned bar code label does not match
the master label that is stored in the memory of the scanner.
. The width of the narrowest bar of a given label, expressed in
thousands of an inch (or mils).
Non-volatile RAM
(NOVRAM). Random Access Memory that is available on power-
on; that is, after power to the unit has been recycled.
. A non-read. A condition that occurs when the scanner is set up to decode
labels, and no labels are scanned during the read cycle.
Number of Scans Calculation
. The number of times a bar code label is scanned by
the scanner during one pass through the laser beam.
Object Detector
. A photo electric device used to sense to presence or absence of
an object (also referred to as a package detector).
Operational Commands
. Serial commands from the host to the scanner that con-
trol current operating parameters, counters, master label operations, and program
management that are not stored in non-volatile RAM.
Picket Fence Label Orientation
. A bar code label in which the bars are perpendic-
ular to the label’s direction of travel.
. Label (or scanner) rotation around the center a line perpendicular to the
label’s bars.
. A protocol consisting of a single communications event, typically
used to connect a bar code scanner to a terminal or host computer.
. Logical circuit for data entry and exit. (One or more ports may be included
within a single connector.)
Primary Scanner
. First scanner in a daisy chain mode and linked directly to the
host and in tandem to succeeding scanners.
. The rules for communication between devices, providing a means to con-