Operating Manual Leica EM ACE600
Version 01/19
Page 7
Product description
Field of application and proper use
The Leica EM ACE600 coating system is used for precise coating of samples for
subsequent examination with an electron microscope (EM). Up to two angled
sources can be configured. Automated stage rotation is integrated for best
distribution. Integrated quartz crystal measurement accurately determines the
layer thickness Automated height and tilt adjustment is optional, otherwise tilt and
height are set manually. The optional glow discharge makes grids hydrophilic. A
planetary drive stage for even distribution of coating material is available.
The samples are metal coated using the sputtering method where argon plasma
erodes a target material or e-beam evaporation. Carbon coating is achieved by
carbon thread, carbon rod or e-beam evaporation. Any sample can be processed
as long as it is not sensitive to vacuum, argon plasma or the heat generated
during carbon coating.
The Leica EM ACE600 coater can be configured with up to two (some limitations)
of the following processes: sputtering, carbon thread evaporation, carbon rod
evaporation, e-beam evaporation.
The removable shielding, shutter, source and door are designed to enable easy
and comprehensive cleaning of the system.
The vacuum system creates an ultimate vacuum ≤ 2x10
mbar. Pressure is
monitored by a combined thermal and cold cathode vacuum gauge.
Main components:
The Leica EM ACE600 coating system includes the following main functional
units, depending on the configuration:
Vacuum Chamber
Touch screen control panel (see 4.)
Rotating sample stage, 24 positions for 12,7mm SEM stubs (exchangeable,
see 3.9)
Removable shielding, shutter and door (see 3.6, 3.7)
Quartz (QSG) thickness measurement (3.8)
Carbon thread source or sputter source or e-beam source or carbon rod
source (see 4.6 – 4.9)
Planetary drive stage (see 3.9)
Automated or manual height and tilt adjustment (see 3.9)
Sample stage for two 76 mm x 26 mm (3” x 1”) glass slide, sample stage for
low angle rotary shadowing and clamping grids (60mm diameter)
(exchangeable, see 3.9)
VCT Stage with four positions
Glow discharge (see 3.7)