Eliminating malfunctions
Twine tying
Twine tying does not start
External blockage
> Correct the position of the
twine carriage sensors.
Twine threaded incorrectly
> Thread the twine in accor-
dance with the information
on the labels
The twine retainers are too tight
and impede the entire tying pro-
> Loosen the twine retainers
> Use the recommended twine
Star wheel wobbles and not all
tines picked up. This can be
seen from the LED on the sen-
sor. Every tine must cause the
LED to light up.
> Secure the star wheel so that
it does not wobble and adjust
the star wheel sensor so that
each tine is picked up. Di-
stance approximately 1 mm
Defective star wheel sensor
> Contact a repair specialist
Mechanical blockage
> Remove the blockage
Temporary current interruption
> Fit the cable supplied for the
power supply in accordance
with the operating manual.
Polarity reversal of the twine
motors with the alternating mo-
> Change the polarity and
check if the twine carriage
returns to the initial position
when there is a 'Reset' via
the AutoPlus-Pilotbox
Motor faulty
> Contact a repair specialist.
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