L4400 , WSM
Gear Shaft Assemblies
1. Remove shift fork assembly (1), (2) together with counter gear
shaft assembly (3).
2. Remove main gear shaft assembly (4), I-PTO counter gear shaft
assembly (5), I-PTO gear shaft assembly (6), and then PTO gear
shaft (7).
• To easily remove the gear shaft assembly, tap lightly a tool,
like the one shown in the photo, through small holes (8) from
front inside wall of clutch housing.
Rear Propeller Shaft (4WD)
1. Pull out front axle drive shaft (1) from the rear.
(When assembling)
• Install bearing (6), spacer (5), oil seal (4) and internal snap ring
to clutch housing (8)
• Install sleeve (7) to the rear propeller shaft with dimension shown
on the figure, then install the rear propeller shaft from the rear.
• Install sleeve (2) by using rear propeller shaft tool.
(1) Shift Fork Assembly (1 - 2)
(2) Shift Fork Assembly (3 - 4)
(3) Counter Gear Shaft Assembly
(4) Main Gear Shaft Assembly
(5) I-PTO Counter Gear Shaft Assembly
(6) I-PTO Gear Shaft Assembly
(7) PTO Gear Shaft
(8) Hole
(1) Rear Propeller Shaft
(2) Sleeve
(3) Internal Snap Ring
(4) Oil Seal
(5) Spacer
(6) Bearing
(7) Sleeve
(8) Clutch Housing
A : To Front Propeller Shaft
L : 538 mm (21.182 in.)
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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