L4400 , WSM
(1) Cylinder Head and Valves
External Components
1. Set the engine to the disassembling stand.
2. Remove the cooling fan (1).
3. Remove the alternator (3) and fan belt (2).
4. Remove the starter motor (4).
• After reassembling the fan belt, be sure to adjust the fan belt
tension. (See page 1-S16.)
Cylinder Head Cover
1. Remove the lead (1).
2. Remove the breather hose (2).
3. Remove the head cover screws (3).
4. Remove the cylinder head cover (4).
(When reassembling)
• Check to see if the cylinder head cover gasket is not defective.
Injection Pipes
1. Loosen the screws on the pipe clamps (1).
2. Detach the injection pipes (2).
3. Remove the inlet Manifold (3).
(When reassembling)
• Blow out dust inside the pipes.
(1) Cooling Fan
(2) Fan Belt
(3) Alternator
(4) Starter Motor
Tightening torque
Cylinder head cover screw
6.9 to 11.3 N·m
0.7 to 1.15 kgf·m
5.1 to 8.32 ft-lbs
(1) Lead
(2) Breather Hose
(3) Head Cover Screw
(4) Cylinder Head Cover
(5) Cylinder Head Cover Gasket
(6) Breather Valve
(7) Plate
Tightening torque
Injection pipe retaining nut
24.5 to 34.3 N·m
2.5 to 3.5 kgf·m
18.1 to 25.3 ft-lbs
(1) Pipe Clamp
(2) Injection Pipe
(3) Inlet Manifold
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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