L4400 , WSM
Replacing Crankshaft Sleeve
1. Remove the used crankshaft sleeve (3) using a special-use puller
set (Code No. 07916-09032).
2. Set the sleeve guide (2) to the crankshaft (5).
3. Set the stopper (1) to the crankshaft as shown in figure.
4. Heat a new sleeve to a temperature between 150 to 200 °C (302
to 392 °F), and fix the sleeve to the crankshaft as shown in figure.
5. Press fit the sleeve using the auxiliary socket for pushing (4).
(Refer to “SPECIAL TOOLS”.)
• Mount the sleeve with its largely chamfered surface facing
(1) Stopper
(2) Sleeve Guide
(3) Crankshaft Sleeve
(4) Auxiliary Socket for Pushing
(5) Crankshaft
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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