L4400 , WSM
Brush Wear
1. Measure the brush length with vernier calipers.
2. If the measurement is less than allowable limit, replace it.
3. Make sure that the brush moves smoothly.
4. If the brush is defective, replace it.
1. Check the continuity across each diode of rectifier with an analog
ohmmeter. Conduct the test in the (R x 1) setting.
2. The rectifier is normal if the diode in the rectifier conducts in one
direction and does not conduct in the reverse direction.
• Do not use a 500 V megger for measuring because it will
destroy the rectifier.
• Do not use an auto digital multimeter. Because it's very hard
to check the continuity of rectifier by using it.
IC Regulator
1. Check the continuity across the B terminal and the F terminal of
IC regulator with an analog ohmmeter. Conduct the test in the (R
x 1) setting.
2. The IC regulator is normal if the IC regulator conducts in one
direction and does not conduct in the reverse direction.
• Do not use a 500 V megger for measuring because it will
destroy the IC regulator.
• Do not use an auto digital multimeter. Because it's very hard
to check the continuity of IC regulator by using it.
Brush length
Factory spec.
10.5 mm
0.413 in.
Allowable limit
8.4 mm
0.331 in.
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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