L4400 , WSM
Brake Disc Wear
1. Measure the brake disc thickness with vernier calipers.
2. If the measurement is less than the allowable limit, replace it.
Plate Wear
1. Measure the plate thickness with vernier calipers.
2. If the measurement is less than the allowable limit, replace it.
Brake disc thickness
Factory spec.
4.6 to 4.8 mm
0.181 to 0.189 in.
Allowable limit
4.2 mm
0.165 in.
Plate thickness
Factory spec.
2.54 to 2.66 mm
0.1000 to 0.1047 in.
Allowable limit
2.1 mm
0.0827 in.
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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