L4400 , WSM
Clearance between Differential Pinion Shaft and Differential
1. Measure the differential pinion shaft O.D.
2. Measure the differential pinion I.D. and calculate the clearance.
3. If the clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace them.
Backlash between Differential Pinion and Differential Side Gear
1. Set a dial indicator (lever type) on the tooth of the differential
2. Hold the differential side gear and move the differential pinion to
measure the backlash.
3. If the measurement is not within the factory specifications, adjust
with the differential side gear washer.
• Thickness of differential side gear washers :
1.5 mm (0.059 in.) 1.7 mm (0.067 in.)
1.6 mm (0.063 in.)
Clearance between
differential pinion shaft
and differential pinion
Factory spec.
0.060 to 0.102 mm
0.00236 to 0.00402 in.
Allowable limit
0.25 mm
0.0098 in.
Differential pinion shaft
Factory spec.
19.959 to 19.980 mm
0.78579 to 0.78661 in.
Differential pinion I.D.
Allowable limit
20.040 to 20.061 mm
0.78898 to 0.78980 in.
Backlash between
differential pinion and
differential side gear
Factory spec.
0.15 to 0.30 mm
0.0059 to 0.0118 in.
Allowable limit
0.4 mm
0.016 in.
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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