L4400 , WSM
Step and Center Cover
1. Disconnect foot accelerator rod (1).
2. Disconnect differential lock pedal (2).
3. Remove step (3) and center cover (4).
Suction Pipe and Hydraulic Block
1. Remove suction pipe (1), (4).
2. Remove oil filter bracket (3) together with oil filter (9).
3. Remove hydraulic block (8) together with return pipe (7).
4. Remove 3P delivery pipe (2), I-PTO delivery pipe (5).
5. Remove brake connecting rod RH (6) and LH.
(When reassembling)
• Apply grease to the O-rings.
(1) Foot Accelerator Rod
(2) Differential Lock Pedal
(3) Step
(4) Center Cover
Tightening torque
3P delivery pipe joint bolts
49.0 to 69.0 N·m
5.0 to 7.0 kgf·m
36.2 to 50.6 ft-lbs
(1) Suction Pipe
(2) 3P Deliver Pipe
(3) Oil Filter Bracket
(4) Suction Pipe
(5) I-PTO Delivery Pipe
(6) Brake Connecting Rod
(7) Return Pipe
(8) Hydraulic Block
(9) Oil Filter
KiSC issued 07, 2007 A
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