Keysight Technologies InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Programmer'S Manual Download Page 43

Setting Up


Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide



Step 2. Connect and set up the oscilloscope

The 3000T X-Series oscilloscope has two different interfaces you can use for 

• USB (device port).
• LAN. To configure the LAN interface, press the 


 key on the front panel, 

then press the 


 softkey, then press the 



These interfaces are always active.

Using the USB (Device) Interface


Connect a USB cable from the controller PC's USB port to the "USB DEVICE" 

port on the back of the oscilloscope.

This is a USB 2.0 high-speed port.

Using the LAN Interface


If the controller PC is not already connected to the local area network (LAN), do 

that first.


Contact your network administrator about adding the oscilloscope to the 


Find out if automatic configuration via DHCP or AutoIP can be used. Also, find 

out whether your network supports Dynamic DNS or Multicast DNS.

Figure 1

Control Connectors on Rear Panel

USB Device Port


Option Module


Option Module

Summary of Contents for InfiniiVision 3000T X Series

Page 1: ...Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide...

Page 2: ...n accor dance with the terms of such license Restricted Rights Legend If software is for use in the performance of a U S Government prime contract or subcon tract Software is delivered and licensed as...

Page 3: ...o all instruments Chapter 6 Root Commands starting on page 191 describes commands that reside at the root level of the command tree and control many of the basic functions of the oscilloscope Chapter...

Page 4: Chapter 19 HARDcopy Commands starting on page 403 describes commands that set and query the selection of hardcopy device and formatting options Chapter 20 LISTer Commands starting on page 421 descr...

Page 5: ...y r Commands starting on page 1165 describes commands that control reference waveforms Chapter 37 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands starting on page 1175 describes obsolete commands which still work...

Page 6: ...VISA and VISA COM libraries in general see the documentation that comes with the Keysight IO Libraries Suite For information on controller PC interface configuration see the documentation for the inte...

Page 7: ...lloscope Program Structure 52 Initializing 52 Capturing Data 52 Analyzing Captured Data 53 Programming the Oscilloscope 54 Referencing the IO Library 54 Opening the Oscilloscope Connection via the IO...

Page 8: ...Value Ranges 162 d Digits 162 Quoted ASCII String 162 Definite Length Block Response Data 162 5 Common Commands CLS Clear Status 169 ESE Standard Event Status Enable 170 ESR Standard Event Status Reg...

Page 9: ...213 OPERegister CONDition Operation Status Condition Register 215 OPERegister EVENt Operation Status Event Register 217 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register 219 OVLRegister Overload Event Registe...

Page 10: ...l n INVert 272 CHANnel n LABel 273 CHANnel n OFFSet 274 CHANnel n PROBe 275 CHANnel n PROBe HEAD TYPE 276 CHANnel n PROBe ID 277 CHANnel n PROBe MMODel 278 CHANnel n PROBe SKEW 279 CHANnel n PROBe STY...

Page 11: ...Notation n BACKground 319 DISPlay ANNotation n COLor 320 DISPlay ANNotation n TEXT 321 DISPlay ANNotation n X1Position 322 DISPlay ANNotation n Y1Position 323 DISPlay CLEar 324 DISPlay DATA 325 DISPla...

Page 12: ...S CLOCk 371 FUNCtion m BUS SLOPe 372 FUNCtion m BUS YINCrement 373 FUNCtion m BUS YORigin 374 FUNCtion m BUS YUNits 375 FUNCtion m CLEar 376 FUNCtion m DISPlay 377 FUNCtion m FFT CENTer 378 FUNCtion m...

Page 13: ...Work ADDRess 411 HARDcopy NETWork APPLy 412 HARDcopy NETWork DOMain 413 HARDcopy NETWork PASSword 414 HARDcopy NETWork SLOT 415 HARDcopy NETWork USERname 416 HARDcopy PALette 417 HARDcopy PRINter LIST...

Page 14: ...ASure DUAL VBASe 475 MEASure DUAL VPP 476 MEASure DUAL VRMS 477 MEASure DUTYcycle 478 MEASure FALLtime 479 MEASure FREQuency 480 MEASure NDUTy 481 MEASure NEDGes 482 MEASure NPULses 483 MEASure NWIDth...

Page 15: ...518 MEASure VTIMe 519 MEASure VTOP 520 MEASure WINDow 521 MEASure XMAX 522 MEASure XMIN 523 23 MEASure Power Commands MEASure ANGLe 529 MEASure APParent 530 MEASure CPLoss 531 MEASure CRESt 532 MEASu...

Page 16: ...ODe 568 MTESt RMODe FACTion MEASure 569 MTESt RMODe FACTion PRINt 570 MTESt RMODe FACTion SAVE 571 MTESt RMODe FACTion STOP 572 MTESt RMODe SIGMa 573 MTESt RMODe TIME 574 MTESt RMODe WAVeforms 575 MTE...

Page 17: PSRR FREQuency MAXimum 619 POWer PSRR FREQuency MINimum 620 POWer PSRR RMAXimum 621 POWer QUALity APPLy 622 POWer RIPPle APPLy 623 POWer SIGNals AUTosetup 624 POWer SIGNals CYCLes HARMonics 625 POW...

Page 18: ...INEW 654 POWer TRANsient NEXT 655 27 RECall Commands RECall ARBitrary STARt 659 RECall DBC STARt 660 RECall FILename 661 RECall MASK STARt 662 RECall PWD 663 RECall SETup STARt 664 RECall WMEMory r ST...

Page 19: ...A429 AUTosetup 704 SBUS n A429 BASE 705 SBUS n A429 COUNt ERRor 706 SBUS n A429 COUNt RESet 707 SBUS n A429 COUNt WORD 708 SBUS n A429 FORMat 709 SBUS n A429 SIGNal 710 SBUS n A429 SOURce 711 SBUS n A...

Page 20: ...IGger SYMBolic VALue 747 SBUS n FLEXray Commands 748 SBUS n FLEXray AUTosetup 750 SBUS n FLEXray BAUDrate 751 SBUS n FLEXray CHANnel 752 SBUS n FLEXray COUNt NULL 753 SBUS n FLEXray COUNt RESet 754 SB...

Page 21: ...rn DATa2 792 SBUS n IIC TRIGger QUALifier 793 SBUS n IIC TRIGger TYPE 794 SBUS n LIN Commands 796 SBUS n LIN PARity 798 SBUS n LIN SAMPlepoint 799 SBUS n LIN SIGNal BAUDrate 800 SBUS n LIN SOURce 801...

Page 22: ...US n SENT TRIGger SLOW ILENgth 848 SBUS n SENT TRIGger TOLerance 849 SBUS n SPI Commands 850 SBUS n SPI BITorder 852 SBUS n SPI CLOCk SLOPe 853 SBUS n SPI CLOCk TIMeout 854 SBUS n SPI FRAMing 855 SBUS...

Page 23: Commands General SEARch Commands 890 SEARch COUNt 891 SEARch EVENt 892 SEARch MODE 893 SEARch STATe 894 SEARch EDGE Commands 895 SEARch EDGE SLOPe 896 SEARch EDGE SOURce 897 SEARch GLITch Commands...

Page 24: ...n ID 931 SEARch SERial CAN PATTern ID MODE 932 SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic MESSage 933 SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic SIGNal 934 SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic VALue 935 SEARch SERial FLEXray Commands 936 SEAR...

Page 25: ...ODE 967 SEARch SERial SENT SLOW DATA 968 SEARch SERial SENT SLOW ID 969 SEARch SERial SPI Commands 970 SEARch SERial SPI MODE 971 SEARch SERial SPI PATTern DATA 972 SEARch SERial SPI PATTern WIDTh 973...

Page 26: ...1017 TRIGger SWEep 1018 TRIGger DELay Commands 1019 TRIGger DELay ARM SLOPe 1020 TRIGger DELay ARM SOURce 1021 TRIGger DELay TDELay TIME 1022 TRIGger DELay TRIGger COUNt 1023 TRIGger DELay TRIGger SLO...

Page 27: ...arity 1057 TRIGger RUNT QUALifier 1058 TRIGger RUNT SOURce 1059 TRIGger RUNT TIME 1060 TRIGger SHOLd Commands 1061 TRIGger SHOLd SLOPe 1062 TRIGger SHOLd SOURce CLOCk 1063 TRIGger SHOLd SOURce DATA 10...

Page 28: ...Veform SEGMented COUNt 1109 WAVeform SEGMented TTAG 1110 WAVeform SOURce 1111 WAVeform SOURce SUBSource 1115 WAVeform TYPE 1116 WAVeform UNSigned 1117 WAVeform VIEW 1118 WAVeform XINCrement 1119 WAVef...

Page 29: ...on NOISe 1152 WGEN w MODulation STATe 1153 WGEN w MODulation TYPE 1154 WGEN w OUTPut 1156 WGEN w OUTPut LOAD 1157 WGEN w OUTPut POLarity 1158 WGEN w PERiod 1159 WGEN w RST 1160 WGEN w VOLTage 1161 WGE...

Page 30: ...e SCRatch 1203 MEASure TDELta 1204 MEASure THResholds 1205 MEASure TMAX 1206 MEASure TMIN 1207 MEASure TSTArt 1208 MEASure TSTOp 1209 MEASure TVOLt 1210 MEASure UPPer 1211 MEASure VDELta 1212 MEASure...

Page 31: ...egister OPERegister CONDition 1256 Arm Event Register AER 1257 Overload Event Register OVLRegister 1258 Hardware Event Event Register HWERegister EVENt 1259 Hardware Event Condition Register HWERegist...

Page 32: ...nds Are Sequential 1284 42 Programming Examples VISA COM Examples 1286 VISA COM Example in Visual Basic 1286 VISA COM Example in C 1295 VISA COM Example in Visual Basic NET 1304 VISA COM Example in Py...

Page 33: ...33 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1 What s New Version 4 00 at Introduction 34 Command Differences From 4000 X Series Oscilloscopes 35...

Page 34: ...oscilloscopes were introduced with version 4 00 of oscilloscope operating software The command set is most closely related to the InfiniiVision 4000 X Series oscilloscopes and the 3000 X Series 7000A...

Page 35: ...TR option is licensed New built in demo signals with Option EDU license that comes with the N6455A Education Kit One waveform generator output 4000 X Series oscilloscopes have two waveform generator o...

Page 36: ...values will be included when analysis results are saved SAVE RESults FORMat MASK see page 685 Specifies whether mask statistics will be included when analysis results are saved SAVE RESults FORMat ME...

Page 37: not supported in the 3000T X Series oscilloscopes DEMO FUNCtion see page 300 The DCMotor HARMonics COUPling CFD and SENT functions are now available with the DSOXEDK educator s kit license DISPlay...

Page 38: ...Command Differences From InfiniiVision 4000 X Series Oscilloscopes Discontinued Command Current Command Equivalent Comments ACQuire RSIGnal none There is no 10 MHz REF connector on the 3000T X Series...

Page 39: Programmer s Guide 39 WGEN w TRACk none There is only one waveform generator output on the 3000T X Series oscilloscopes WGEN w TRACk AMPLitude none WGEN w TRACk CSIGnal none WGEN w TRACk FREQuency...

Page 40: ...40 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1 What s New...

Page 41: ...IO Libraries Suite software 42 Step 2 Connect and set up the oscilloscope 43 Step 3 Verify the oscilloscope connection 45 This chapter explains how to install the Keysight IO Libraries Suite software...

Page 42: ...grammer s Guide 2 Setting Up Step 1 Install Keysight IO Libraries Suite software 1 Download the Keysight IO Libraries Suite software from the Keysight web site at http www keysight com find iolib 2 Ru...

Page 43: the USB Device Interface 1 Connect a USB cable from the controller PC s USB port to the USB DEVICE port on the back of the oscilloscope This is a USB 2 0 high speed port Using the LAN Interface 1 I...

Page 44: ...and enable all the configuration options supported by your network d If automatic configuration is not supported press the Addresses softkey Use the Modify softkey and the other softkeys and the Entry...

Page 45: ...roller PC click on the Keysight IO Control icon in the taskbar and choose Keysight Connection Expert from the popup menu 2 In the Keysight Connection Expert application instruments connected to the co...

Page 46: ...Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 2 Setting Up You must manually add instruments on LAN interfaces a Right click on the LAN interface choose Add Instrument from the popup menu b If the oscilloscope is...

Page 47: ...ies Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 47 Otherwise if the instrument is not on the same subnet click Add Address i In the next dialog select either Hostname or IP address and enter the oscilloscope s h...

Page 48: ...ries Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 2 Setting Up iii If the instrument is successfully opened click OK to close the dialog If the instrument is not opened successfully go back and verify the LAN con...

Page 49: ...end Commands To This Instrument from the popup menu b In the Keysight Interactive IO application enter commands in the Command field and press Send Command Read Response or Send Read c Choose Connect...

Page 50: ...50 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 2 Setting Up...

Page 51: ...ogramming the 3000T X Series oscilloscopes It describes basic oscilloscope program structure and shows how to program the oscilloscope using a few simple examples The getting started examples show how...

Page 52: ...ller initialization ensures that the interface to the oscilloscope is properly set up and ready for data transfer Oscilloscope initialization sets the channel configuration channel labels threshold vo...

Page 53: ...DIGitize on the other hand ensures that data capture is complete Also DIGitize when complete stops the acquisition process so that all measurements are on displayed data not on a constantly changing d...

Page 54: ...Variables on page 60 Reading Definite Length Block Query Response Data on page 60 Sending Multiple Queries and Reading Results on page 61 Checking Instrument Status on page 62 Referencing the IO Libr...

Page 55: ...or WriteIEEEBlock methods are used for sending commands and queries After a query is sent the response is read using the ReadString ReadNumber ReadList or ReadIEEEBlock methods The following Visual Ba...

Page 56: ...cope Setup The AUToscale command performs a very useful function for unknown waveforms by setting up the vertical channel time base and trigger level of the instrument The syntax for the autoscale com...

Page 57: ...vertical range to 1 6 volts full scale with center screen at 0 4 volts with 10 1 probe attenuation and DC coupling myScope WriteString CHANnel1 PROBe 10 Probe attenuation to 10 1 myScope WriteString...

Page 58: ...iteString WAVeform POINts 500 myScope WriteString WAVeform DATA This setup places the instrument into the averaged mode with eight averages This means that when the DIGitize command is received the co...

Page 59: ...ue typically has a format specification for handling the response message When using the VISA COM library in Visual Basic you use different read methods ReadString ReadNumber ReadList or ReadIEEEBlock...

Page 60: ...Dim varQueryResult As Variant varQueryResult myScope ReadNumber MsgBox Range variant CStr varQueryResult After running this program the controller displays Range variant 40 Reading Definite Length Blo...

Page 61: ...uery result This can be accomplished by reading them back into a single string variable multiple string variables or multiple numeric variables For example to read the TIMebase RANGe DELay query resul...

Page 62: ...mands myScope WriteString TIMebase RANGe DELay Dim varResults As Variant varResults myScope ReadList MsgBox Timebase range FormatNumber varResults 0 1000 4 _ ms delay FormatNumber varResults 1 1000000...

Page 63: ...nect to the oscilloscope via a telnet socket issue the following command telnet hostname 5024 where hostname is the hostname of the oscilloscope This will give you a command line with prompt For a com...

Page 64: ...64 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 3 Getting Started...

Page 65: ...65 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 4 Commands Quick Reference Command Summary 66 Syntax Elements 161...

Page 66: ...e 83 FUNCtion Commands Summary see page 84 HARDcopy Commands Summary see page 88 LISTer Commands Summary see page 90 MARKer Commands Summary see page 90 MEASure Commands Summary see page 92 MTESt Comm...

Page 67: ...ERial M1553 Commands Summary see page 140 SEARch SERial SENT Commands Summary see page 141 SEARch SERial SPI Commands Summary see page 141 SEARch SERial UART Commands Summary see page 142 SYSTem Comma...

Page 68: ...8 DDE Dev Dependent Error 2 4 QYE Query Error 1 2 RQL Request Control 0 1 OPC Operation Complete n a ESR see page 172 status 0 to 255 an integer in NR1 format n a IDN see page 172 KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGI...

Page 69: ...Video reserved reserved reserved reserved Digital Voltmeter Spectrum Visualizer reserved reserved USB 2 0 Low Full Speed USB 2 0 High Speed All field 0 All reserved 0 MSO 0 MSO Xilinx FPGA Probe 0 FP...

Page 70: ...6 MAV Message Available 3 8 Not used 2 4 MSG Message 1 2 USR User 0 1 TRG Trigger n a STB see page 186 value 0 to 255 an integer in NR1 format as shown in the following Bit Weight Name 1 Indicates 7 1...

Page 71: ...MSO models source can be repeated up to 5 times n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format AUToscale AMODE value see page 199 AUToscale AMODE see page 199 value NORMa...

Page 72: ...le n see page 205 HWEenable see page 205 n 16 bit integer in NR1 format n a HWERregister CONDiti on see page 207 n 16 bit integer in NR1 format n a HWERegister EVENt see page 208 n 16 bit integer in N...

Page 73: ...or value PRINt options see page 223 n a options print option print option print option COLor GRAYscale PRINter0 BMP8bit BMP PNG NOFactors FACTors print option can be repeated up to 5 times RUN see pag...

Page 74: ...ands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns ACQuire COMPlete complete see page 233 ACQuire COMPlete see page 233 complete 100 an integer in NR1 format ACQuire COUNt count see page 234 ACQuire...

Page 75: ...BUS n Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns BUS n BIT m 0 OFF 1 ON see page 247 BUS n BIT m see page 247 0 1 n 1 or 2 an integer in NR1 format m 0 15 an integer in NR1 format BUS n...

Page 76: ...n 1 or 2 an integer in NR1 format Table 5 BUS n Commands Summary continued Command Query Options and Query Returns Table 6 CALibrate Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns n a CALib...

Page 77: ...0 1 n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format CHANnel n COUPling coupling see page 269 CHANnel n COUPling see page 269 coupling AC DC n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format CHANnel n DISPlay 0 OFF 1 ON see p...

Page 78: ...6251 P670X P671X TCP202 n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format CHANnel n PROBe SKE W skew_value see page 279 CHANnel n PROBe SKE W see page 279 skew_value 100 ns to 100 ns in NR3 format n 1 to analog ch...

Page 79: ...ODE mode see page 291 COUNter MODE see page 291 mode FREQuency PERiod TOTalize COUNter NDIGits value see page 292 COUNter NDIGits see page 292 value 3 to 8 in NR1 format COUNter SOURce source see page...

Page 80: from 0 to 360 in NR3 format DEMO OUTPut 0 OFF 1 ON see page 305 DEMO OUTPut see page 305 0 1 Table 10 DIGital d Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns DIGital d DISPlay 0 OFF 1 ON...

Page 81: ...NR1 format DISPlay ANNotation n BACKground mode see page 319 DISPlay ANNotation n BACKground see page 319 mode OPAQue INVerted TRANsparent n an integer from 1 to 4 in NR1 format DISPlay ANNotation n C...

Page 82: ...ers maximum separated by newline characters DISPlay MENU menu see page 329 n a menu MASK MEASure SEGMented LISTer POWer DISPlay SIDebar sidebar see page 330 n a sidebar SUMMary CURSors MEASurements DV...

Page 83: ...uffix see page 342 EXTernal RANGe see page 342 range vertical full scale range value in NR3 format suffix V mV EXTernal UNITs units see page 343 EXTernal UNITs see page 343 units VOLT AMPere Table 14...

Page 84: ...t frequency see page 359 FFT STARt see page 359 frequency the start frequency in NR3 format FFT STOP frequency see page 360 FFT STOP see page 360 frequency the stop frequency in NR3 format FFT VTYPe u...

Page 85: ...lay 0 OFF 1 ON see page 377 FUNCtion m DISPlay see page 377 0 1 m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m FFT CE NTer frequency see page 378 FUNCtion m FFT CE NTer see page 378 frequency the curr...

Page 86: ...f frequency value in NR3 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m INTegrat e IOFFset input_offset see page 386 FUNCtion m INTegrat e IOFFset see page 386 input_offset DC offset correction...

Page 87: ...o 400E 3 The range for the DIFF function is 80E 3 to 8 0E12 depends on current sweep speed The range for the FFT function is 8 to 800 dBV m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m REFerenc e leve...

Page 88: ...t see page 401 type VAVerage ACRMs VRATio PERiod FREQuency PWIDth NWIDth DUTYcycle RISetime FALLtime m 1 to math functions in NR1 format Table 15 FUNCtion m Commands Summary continued Command Query Op...

Page 89: ...y NETWork PAS Sword password see page 414 n a password quoted ASCII string HARDcopy NETWork SLO T slot see page 415 HARDcopy NETWork SLO T see page 415 slot NET0 NET1 HARDcopy NETWork USE Rname userna...

Page 90: ...Y X value in NR3 format MARKer MODE mode see page 429 MARKer MODE see page 429 mode OFF MEASurement MANual WAVeform BINary HEX MARKer X1Position position suffix see page 430 MARKer X1Position see page...

Page 91: ...ERCent MARKer XUNits USE see page 436 n a n a MARKer Y1Position position suffix see page 437 MARKer Y1Position see page 437 position Y1 cursor position value in NR3 format suffix V mV dB return_value...

Page 92: ...t seconds NR3 format MEASure BRATe source see page 462 MEASure BRATe source see page 462 source digital channels CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r digital channels DIGital d for the MSO models d 0...

Page 93: ...old spec see page 467 MEASure DEFine THResholds see page 468 threshold spec STANdard threshold mode upper middle lower threshold mode PERCent ABSolute MEASure DELay source1 source2 see page 470 MEASur...

Page 94: ...ASe source1 source2 see page 475 MEASure DUAL VBASe source1 source2 see page 475 source1 source2 CHANnel n with N2820A probe connected n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format base_voltage voltage at the...

Page 95: ...o digital channels 1 in NR1 format return_value ratio of positive pulse width to period in NR3 format MEASure FALLtime source see page 479 MEASure FALLtime source see page 479 source CHANnel n FUNCtio...

Page 96: ...MEASure NDUTy source see page 481 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format...

Page 97: ...ry r for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format d...

Page 98: ...EMory r for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format...

Page 99: ...o math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value the percent of preshoot of the selected waveform in NR3 format MEASure PWIDth source see page 492 MEASure PWIDth source s...

Page 100: ...o analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value calculated std deviation in NR3 format MEASure SHOW 0 OFF 1 ON see page 498 MEASure...

Page 101: ...2000 in NR1 format MEASure STATistics R ESet see page 505 n a n a MEASure STATistics R SDeviation 0 OFF 1 ON see page 506 MEASure STATistics R SDeviation see page 506 0 1 n a MEASure TEDGe slope occu...

Page 102: ...O models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format return_value time in seconds of specified v...

Page 103: ...see page 513 MEASure VBASe source see page 513 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format...

Page 104: ...516 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value voltage peak to peak of the se...

Page 105: ...on m MATH m WMEMory r for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms...

Page 106: ...ormat m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value horizontal value of the maximum in NR3 format Table 19 MEASure Commands Summary continued Command Query Option...

Page 107: ...age 565 n a n a MTESt ENABle 0 OFF 1 ON see page 566 MTESt ENABle see page 566 0 1 MTESt LOCK 0 OFF 1 ON see page 567 MTESt LOCK see page 567 0 1 MTESt RMODe rmode see page 568 MTESt RMODe see page 56...

Page 108: ...ue see page 578 MTESt SCALe XDELta see page 578 xdelta_value X delta value in NR3 format MTESt SCALe Y1 y1_value see page 579 MTESt SCALe Y1 see page 579 y1_value Y1 value in NR3 format MTESt SCALe Y2...

Page 109: 595 n a n a POWer EFFiciency TYP E type see page 596 POWer EFFiciency TYP E see page 596 type DCDC DCAC ACDC ACAC POWer ENABle 0 OFF 1 ON see page 597 POWer ENABle see page 597 0 1 POWer HARMoni...

Page 110: ...U Rce source see page 612 POWer MODulation SOU Rce see page 612 source V I POWer MODulation TYP E modulation see page 613 POWer MODulation TYP E see page 613 modulation VAVerage ACRMs VRATio PERiod FR...

Page 111: ...QUALity count see page 626 POWer SIGNals CYCLes QUALity see page 626 count integer in NR1 format Legal values are 1 to 100 POWer SIGNals DURati on EFFiciency value suffix see page 627 POWer SIGNals DU...

Page 112: ...ue Maximum expected input Voltage in NR3 format suffix V mV POWer SIGNals VMAXim um ONOFf ON value suffix see page 637 POWer SIGNals VMAXim um ONOFf ON see page 637 value Maximum expected input Voltag...

Page 113: ...1 format POWer SWITch RDS value suffix see page 648 POWer SWITch RDS see page 648 value Rds on value in NR3 format suffix OHM mOHM POWer SWITch VCE value suffix see page 649 POWer SWITch VCE see page...

Page 114: file name it must be dbc serialbus SBUS n n 1 to of serial bus in NR1 format RECall FILename base_name see page 661 RECall FILename see page 661 base_name quoted ASCII string RECall MASK STARt fil...

Page 115: ...IMAGe FACTors 0 OFF 1 ON see page 674 SAVE IMAGe FACTors see page 674 0 1 SAVE IMAGe FORMat format see page 675 SAVE IMAGe FORMat see page 675 format BMP BMP24bit BMP8bit PNG NONE SAVE IMAGe INKSaver...

Page 116: ...e 686 0 1 SAVE RESults FORMat SEARch 0 OFF 1 ON see page 687 SAVE RESults FORMat SEARch see page 687 0 1 SAVE RESults FORMat SEGMented 0 OFF 1 ON see page 688 SAVE RESults FORMat SEGMented see page 68...

Page 117: ...ct math operations can be saved as reference waveforms return_value source SAVE WMEMory STARt file_name see page 696 n a file_name quoted ASCII string If extension included in file name it must be h5...

Page 118: ...ed speed see page 712 SBUS n A429 SPEed see page 712 speed LOW HIGH SBUS n A429 TRIGger LABel value see page 713 SBUS n A429 TRIGger LABel see page 713 value 8 bit integer in decimal hex octal or stri...

Page 119: ...Table 27 SBUS n CAN Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns n a SBUS n CAN COUNt ER Ror see page 722 frame_count integer in NR1 format n a SBUS n CAN COUNt OV ERload see page 723 fram...

Page 120: ...0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format SBUS n CAN TRIGger condition see page 735 SBUS n CAN TRIGger see page 736 condition SOF EOF IDData DATA FDData IDRemote IDEither ERRor ACKerror FORMerror STUFfer...

Page 121: ...6 SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic SIGNal see page 746 name quoted ASCII string SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic VALue data see page 747 SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic VALue see page 747 data value in NR3 format T...

Page 122: ...FLEXray TRIG ger EVENt TYPE event see page 762 SBUS n FLEXray TRIG ger EVENt TYPE see page 762 event WAKeup TSS FES DTS BSS SBUS n FLEXray TRIG ger FRAMe CCBase cycle_count_base see page 763 SBUS n F...

Page 123: source CHANnel n DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format SBUS n I2S SOURce D ATA source see page 774 SBUS n I2S SOURce D ATA see page 7...

Page 124: 781 base BINary HEX DECimal SBUS n I2S TRIGger RANGe lower upper see page 782 SBUS n I2S TRIGger RANGe see page 782 lower 32 bit integer in signed decimal nondecimal or string upper 32 bit integer...

Page 125: ...DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern ADDRess value see page 790 SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern ADDRess see page...

Page 126: ...801 SBUS n LIN SOURce see page 801 source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format SBUS...

Page 127: ...ry continued Command Query Options and Query Returns Table 32 SBUS n M1553 Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns SBUS n M1553 AUTose tup see page 811 n a n a SBUS n M1553 BASE base...

Page 128: ...SENT LENGth see page 827 _nibbles from 1 6 in NR1 format SBUS n SENT PPULse 0 OFF 1 ON see page 828 SBUS n SENT PPULse see page 828 0 1 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s DISPlay 0 OFF 1 ON see page 829 SBUS n SEN...

Page 129: ...AST DATA see page 843 string nnnn where n 0 1 X string 0xn where n 0 9 A F X SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW DATA data see page 844 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW DATA see page 844 data when ILENgth SHORt from 1 d...

Page 130: ...lue CHANnel n EXTernal for the DSO models value CHANnel n DIGital d for the MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format SBUS n SPI SOURce F RAMe source see...

Page 131: 4 to 64 in NR1 format SBUS n SPI TRIGger TYPE value see page 864 SBUS n SPI TRIGger TYPE see page 864 value MOSI MISO SBUS n SPI WIDTh word_width see page 865 SBUS n SPI WIDTh see page 865 word_wid...

Page 132: ...ity HIGH LOW SBUS n UART SOURce RX source see page 879 SBUS n UART SOURce RX see page 879 source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in N...

Page 133: ...Gger QUALifier see page 885 value EQUal NOTequal GREaterthan LESSthan SBUS n UART TRIGger TYPE value see page 886 SBUS n UART TRIGger TYPE see page 886 value RSTArt RSTOp RDATa RD1 RD0 RDX PARityerror...

Page 134: ...point number in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps SEARch GLITch LESSth an less_than_time suff ix see page 900 SEARch GLITch LESSth an see page 900 less_than_time floating point number in NR3 format suff...

Page 135: ...idered a peak in NR3 format Table 40 SEARch RUNT Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns SEARch RUNT POLarity polarity see page 911 SEARch RUNT POLarity see page 911 polarity POSitive...

Page 136: ...A429 L ABel value see page 921 SEARch SERial A429 L ABel see page 921 value 8 bit integer in decimal hex octal or string from 0 255 hex Hnn where n 0 9 A F octal Qnnn where n 0 7 string 0xnn where n 0...

Page 137: ...for hexadecimal SEARch SERial CAN PA TTern ID MODE value see page 932 SEARch SERial CAN PA TTern ID MODE see page 932 value STANdard EXTended SEARch SERial CAN SY MBolic MESSage name see page 933 SEAR...

Page 138: ...Her SEARch SERial I2S MO DE value see page 944 SEARch SERial I2S MO DE see page 944 value EQUal NOTequal LESSthan GREaterthan INRange OUTRange SEARch SERial I2S PA TTern DATA string see page 945 SEARc...

Page 139: ...ger or string string 0xnn n 0 9 A F SEARch SERial IIC PA TTern DATA2 value see page 953 SEARch SERial IIC PA TTern DATA2 see page 953 value integer or string string 0xnn n 0 9 A F SEARch SERial IIC QU...

Page 140: ...PA TTern FORMat base see page 960 SEARch SERial LIN PA TTern FORMat see page 960 base HEX DECimal Table 47 SEARch SERial LIN Commands Summary continued Command Query Options and Query Returns Table 48...

Page 141: ...a see page 968 SEARch SERial SENT S LOW DATA see page 968 data from 1 don t care to 65535 in NR1 format SEARch SERial SENT S LOW ID id see page 969 SEARch SERial SENT S LOW ID see page 969 id from 1 d...

Page 142: ...UART M ODE see page 976 value RDATa RD1 RD0 RDX TDATa TD1 TD0 TDX PARityerror AERRor SEARch SERial UART Q UALifier value see page 977 SEARch SERial UART Q UALifier see page 977 value EQUal NOTequal G...

Page 143: ...TIME see page 993 time hours minutes seconds in NR1 format SYSTem TOUCh 1 ON 0 OFF see page 994 SYSTem TOUCh see page 994 1 0 Table 52 SYSTem Commands Summary continued Command Query Options and Quer...

Page 144: ...d window Table 53 TIMebase Commands Summary continued Command Query Options and Query Returns Table 54 General TRIGger Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger FORCe see page 1...

Page 145: ...Commands Summary continued Command Query Options and Query Returns Table 55 TRIGger DELay Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger DELay ARM SL OPe slope see page 1020 TRIGger...

Page 146: ...Summary continued Command Query Options and Query Returns Table 56 TRIGger EBURst Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger EBURst COUNt count see page 1027 TRIGger EBURst COUN...

Page 147: ...t For digital channels MSO models level 8 V source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d EXTernal for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 i...

Page 148: ...ormat suffix s ms us ns ps TRIGger GLITch LEVel level source see page 1041 TRIGger GLITch LEVel see page 1041 For internal triggers level 75 x full scale voltage from center screen in NR3 format For e...

Page 149: ...urce see page 1045 TRIGger GLITch SOURc e see page 1045 source CHANnel n DIGital d n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format Table 58 TRIGger GLITch Commands Summary...

Page 150: ...TTern FORM at see page 1051 base ASCii HEX TRIGger PATTern GREa terthan greater_than_time s uffix see page 1052 TRIGger PATTern GREa terthan see page 1052 greater_than_time floating point number in NR...

Page 151: ns ps Table 62 TRIGger SHOLd Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger SHOLd SLOPe slope see page 1062 TRIGger SHOLd SLOPe see page 1062 slope NEGative POSitive TRIGger SHOL...

Page 152: ...4 TRIGger TV Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger TV LINE line number see page 1073 TRIGger TV LINE see page 1073 line number integer in NR1 format TRIGger TV MODE tv mode...

Page 153: ZONE SOURce source see page 1083 TRIGger ZONE SOURce see page 1083 source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format TRIGger ZONE STATe 0 OFF 1 ON see page 1084 TRIGger ZONE STATe see page 1084...

Page 154: the syntax would be 800001000 1000 bytes of data NL 8 is the number of digits that follow 00001000 is the number of bytes to be transmitted 1000 bytes of data is the actual data WAVeform FORMat v...

Page 155: ...UNt see page 1109 count an integer from 2 to 1000 in NR1 format with Option SGM n a WAVeform SEGMented T TAG see page 1110 time_tag in NR3 format with Option SGM WAVeform SOURce source see page 1111 W...

Page 156: ...rrent preamble in NR3 format n a WAVeform YREFerence see page 1124 return_value y reference value in the current preamble in NR1 format Table 66 WAVeform Commands Summary continued Command Query Optio...

Page 157: ...EN w FREQuency frequency see page 1136 WGEN w FREQuency see page 1136 frequency frequency in Hz in NR3 format w 1 or 2 in NR1 format WGEN w FUNCtion signal see page 1137 WGEN w FUNCtion see page 1140...

Page 158: ...see page 1148 frequency hop frequency in Hz in NR3 format w 1 in NR1 format WGEN w MODulation F SKey RATE rate see page 1149 WGEN w MODulation F SKey RATE see page 1149 rate FSK modulation rate in Hz...

Page 159: ...2 WGEN w VOLTage HIGH see page 1162 high high level voltage in volts in NR3 format w 1 or 2 in NR1 format WGEN w VOLTage LOW low see page 1163 WGEN w VOLTage LOW see page 1163 low low level voltage in...

Page 160: ...NR1 format skew time in seconds in NR3 format WMEMory r YOFFset offset suffix see page 1172 WMEMory r YOFFset see page 1172 r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format offset vertical offset value in NR3 forma...

Page 161: ...Format NR1 specifies integer data NR3 specifies exponential data in floating point format for example 1 0E 3 NL Line Terminator NL new line or linefeed ASCII decimal 10 The line terminator or a leadi...

Page 162: ...EL1 LABEL One has a quoted ASCII string of One In order to read quoted ASCII strings from query return values some programming languages require special handling or syntax Definite Length Block Respon...

Page 163: ...Commands Quick Reference 4 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 163 1000 bytes of data is the actual data...

Page 164: ...164 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 4 Commands Quick Reference...

Page 165: ...Request 5 32 CME Command Error 4 16 EXE Execution Error 3 8 DDE Dev Dependent Error 2 4 QYE Query Error 1 2 RQL Request Control 0 1 OPC Operation Complete n a ESR see page 172 status 0 to 255 an inte...

Page 166: ...o reserved reserved reserved reserved Digital Voltmeter Spectrum Visualizer reserved reserved USB 2 0 Low Full Speed USB 2 0 High Speed All field 0 All reserved 0 MSO 0 MSO Xilinx FPGA Probe 0 FPGAX M...

Page 167: ...V Message Available 3 8 Not used 2 4 MSG Message 1 2 USR User 0 1 TRG Trigger n a STB see page 186 value 0 to 255 an integer in NR1 format as shown in the following Bit Weight Name 1 Indicates 7 128 O...

Page 168: ...ceived by the instrument the instrument remains in the selected subsystem For example if the program message ACQuire TYPE AVERage CLS COUNt 256 is received by the instrument the instrument sets the ac...

Page 169: ...error queue and the Request for OPC flag See Also Introduction to Common Commands on page 168 STB Read Status Byte on page 186 ESE Standard Event Status Enable on page 170 ESR Standard Event Status Re...

Page 170: ...rd Event Status Enable ESE Bit Name Description When Set 1 High True Enables 7 PON Power On Event when an OFF to ON transition occurs 6 URQ User Request Event when a front panel key is pressed 5 CME C...

Page 171: ...uery returns the current contents of the Standard Event Status Enable Register Return Format mask_argument NL mask_argument 0 255 an integer in NR1 format See Also Introduction to Common Commands on p...

Page 172: ...vent Status Register ESR Bit Name Description When Set 1 High True Indicates 7 PON Power On An OFF to ON transition has occurred 6 URQ User Request A front panel key has been pressed 5 CME Command Err...

Page 173: ...tatus 0 255 an integer in NR1 format See Also Introduction to Common Commands on page 168 ESE Standard Event Status Enable on page 170 OPC Operation Complete on page 176 CLS Clear Status on page 169 S...

Page 174: ...rn Format manufacturer_string model serial_number X XX XX NL manufacturer_string KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES model the model number of the instrument serial_number the serial number of the instrument X XX X...

Page 175: ...e instrument settings at a later time Return Format learn_string NL learn_string SYST SET setup_data setup_data binary block data in IEEE 488 2 format learn string specifies the current instrument set...

Page 176: ...ister when all pending device operations have finished Query Syntax OPC The OPC query places an ASCII 1 in the output queue when all pending device operations have completed The interface hangs until...

Page 177: ...d reserved reserved I2S Serial reserved Educator s Kit Waveform Generator MIL 1553 ARINC 429 Serial Extended Video reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Digital Voltmeter Counter reserved reser...

Page 178: ...d indicates whether the unit is a mixed signal oscilloscope The OPT query returns the following See Also Introduction to Common Commands on page 168 IDN Identification Number on page 174 Module Module...

Page 179: ...s Programmer s Guide 179 RCL Recall see page 1276 Command Syntax RCL value value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The RCL command restores the state of the instrument from the specified save recall register See Al...

Page 180: ...e no user settings that remain unchanged To perform the equivalent of the front panel s Default Setup key where some user settings like preferences remain unchanged use the SYSTem PRESet command Reset...

Page 181: ...ld TTL 1 4 V Display Menu Persistence Off Grid 20 Quick Meas Menu Source Channel 1 Run Control Scope is running Time Base Menu Main time division 100 us Main time base delay 0 00 s Delay time division...

Page 182: ...ork as expected Most of the following initialization commands are initialized by RST It is not necessary to reinitialize them unless the default setting is not suitable for your application myScope Wr...

Page 183: ...Save see page 1276 Command Syntax SAV value value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The SAV command stores the current state of the instrument in a save register The data parameter specifies the register where the...

Page 184: Enable Register contains a mask value for the bits to be enabled in the Status Byte Register A one in the Service Request Enable Register enables the corresponding bit in the Status Byte Registe...

Page 185: ...2 Service Request Enable Register SRE Bit Name Description When Set 1 High True Enables 7 OPER Operation Status Register Interrupts when enabled conditions in the Operation Status Register OPER occur...

Page 186: ...bit 6 instead of the RQS request service bit The MSS indicates whether or not the device has at least one reason for requesting service Return Format value NL value 0 255 an integer in NR1 format From...

Page 187: ...ce When polled that the device is requesting service MSS Master Summary Status When read by STB whether the device has a reason for requesting service 5 ESB Event Status Bit An enabled condition in th...

Page 188: ...mmer s Guide 5 Common Commands TRG Trigger see page 1276 Command Syntax TRG The TRG command has the same effect as the DIGitize command with no parameters See Also Introduction to Common Commands on p...

Page 189: ...a self test on the instrument The result of the test is placed in the output queue A zero indicates the test passed and a non zero indicates the test failed If the test fails refer to the troubleshoot...

Page 190: Programmer s Guide 5 Common Commands WAI Wait To Continue see page 1276 Command Syntax WAI The WAI command has no function in the oscilloscope but is parsed for compatibility with other instruments...

Page 191: ...teger in NR1 format levels logical highs or lows 32 bit integer in NR1 format n a AER see page 196 0 1 an integer in NR1 format AUToscale source source see page 197 n a source CHANnel n for DSO models...

Page 192: ...CHANnel n DIGital d POD 1 2 BUS 1 2 FUNCtion m MATH m SBUS 1 2 for MSO models source can be repeated up to 5 times n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format m 1 to m...

Page 193: ...7 128 Channel 2 Fault 6 64 Channel 1 Fault 4 16 Ext Trigger OVL 3 8 Channel 4 OVL 2 4 Channel 3 OVL 1 2 Channel 2 OVL 0 1 Channel 1 OVL n a OVLRegister see page 221 value integer in NR1 format See OV...

Page 194: d POD 1 2 BUS 1 2 FUNCtion m MATH m SBUS 1 2 WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 f...

Page 195: ...ger in NR1 format bit 0 DIGital 0 bit 15 DIGital 15 See Also Introduction to Root Commands on page 194 POD n THReshold on page 587 DIGital d THReshold on page 313 NOTE Because the ACTivity query retur...

Page 196: ...ion Status Event Register A Service Request can be generated when the Wait Trig bit transitions and the appropriate enable bits have been set in the Operation Status Enable Register OPEE and the Servi...

Page 197: ...ces will be enabled and all others blanked The autoscale channels mode see AUToscale CHANnels on page 200 is set to DISPlayed channels Then the autoscale is performed When the AUToscale command is sen...

Page 198: ...UToscale CHANnels on page 200 AUToscale AMODE on page 199 Example Code AUTOSCALE This command evaluates all the input signals and sets the correct conditions to display all of the active signals mySco...

Page 199: acquisition type and the RTIMe real time acquisition mode When CURRent is selected the current acquisition type and mode are kept on subsequent AUToscales Use the ACQuire TYPE and ACQuire MODE comm...

Page 200: ...selected all channels that meet the requirements of AUToscale will be displayed When DISPlayed is selected only the channels that are turned on are autoscaled Use the VIEW or BLANk root commands to tu...

Page 201: option changes the behavior of AUToscale to let you make quick visual comparisons to determine whether the signal being probed is a DC voltage ground or an active AC signal Channel coupling is main...

Page 202: ...od math function serial decode bus or reference waveform location The BLANk command with no parameter turns off all sources See Also Introduction to Root Commands on page 194 DISPlay CLEar on page 324...

Page 203: ...and It causes the instrument to acquire waveforms according to the settings of the ACQuire commands subsystem When the acquisition is complete the instrument is stopped If no argument is given DIGitiz...

Page 204: ...X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 6 Root Commands Example Code Capture an acquisition using DIGitize myScope WriteString DIGitize CHANnel1 See complete example programs at Chapter 42 Programmi...

Page 205: ...r as an integer number Return Format value NL value integer in NR1 format See Also Introduction to Root Commands on page 194 AER Arm Event Register on page 196 CHANnel n PROTection on page 281 OPERegi...

Page 206: ...X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 6 Root Commands OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 OVLRegister Overload Event Register on page 221 STB Read Status Byte on page 186 SRE Ser...

Page 207: ...Operation Status Event Register on page 217 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 OVLRegister Overload Event Register on page 221 STB Read Status Byte on page 186 SRE Service Request E...

Page 208: ...on Status Condition Register on page 215 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 OVLRegister Overload Event Register on page 221 STB Read Status Byte on page 186 SRE Service Request Enabl...

Page 209: ...value contained in the Mask Test Event Enable register as an integer number Return Format value NL value integer in NR1 format Table 78 Mask Test Event Enable Register MTEenable Bit Name Description W...

Page 210: ...ommands on page 194 AER Arm Event Register on page 196 CHANnel n PROTection on page 281 OPERegister EVENt Operation Status Event Register on page 217 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 2...

Page 211: ...3 OPERegister CONDition Operation Status Condition Register on page 215 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 Table 79 Mask Test Event Event Register Bit Name Description When Set 1 Hig...

Page 212: ...eysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 6 Root Commands OVLRegister Overload Event Register on page 221 STB Read Status Byte on page 186 SRE Service Request Enable on pag...

Page 213: ...IO Operation Complete Event when the IO operation completes 12 HWE Hardware Event Event when hardware event occurs 11 OVLR Overload Event when 50 input overload occurs 10 Not used 9 MTE Mask Test Even...

Page 214: ...mands on page 194 AER Arm Event Register on page 196 CHANnel n PROTection on page 281 OPERegister EVENt Operation Status Event Register on page 217 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219...

Page 215: ...dware event occurs 11 OVLR Overload A 50 input overload has occurred 10 Not used 9 MTE Mask Test Event A mask test event has occurred 8 6 Not used 5 Wait Trig Wait Trig The trigger is armed set by the...

Page 216: ...on page 281 OPEE Operation Status Enable Register on page 213 OPERegister EVENt Operation Status Event Register on page 217 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 OVLRegister Overload E...

Page 217: ...erload A 50 input overload has occurred 10 Not used 9 MTE Mask Test Event A mask test event has occurred 8 6 Not used 5 Wait Trig Wait Trig The trigger is armed set by the Trigger Armed Event Register...

Page 218: 281 OPEE Operation Status Enable Register on page 213 OPERegister CONDition Operation Status Condition Register on page 215 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 OVLRegister Overlo...

Page 219: ...analog channel input impedance to 50 on the 300 MHz 500 MHz and 1 GHz bandwidth oscilloscope models On these same bandwidth models if there are only two analog channels you can also set external trig...

Page 220: 213 OPERegister CONDition Operation Status Condition Register on page 215 OPERegister EVENt Operation Status Event Register on page 217 OVLRegister Overload Event Register on page 221 STB Read St...

Page 221: two analog channels you can also set external trigger input impedance to 50 Table 84 Overload Event Register OVLR Bit Description When Set 1 High True Indicates 15 10 Not used 9 Channel 4 Fault Fau...

Page 222: ...OTection on page 281 OPEE Operation Status Enable Register on page 213 OVLenable Overload Event Enable Register on page 219 STB Read Status Byte on page 186 SRE Service Request Enable on page 184 1 Ch...

Page 223: ...PNG NOFactors FACTors The print option parameter may be repeated up to 5 times The PRINt command formats the output according to the currently selected format device If an option is not specified the...

Page 224: ...Also Introduction to Root Commands on page 194 SINGle on page 226 STOP on page 228 Example Code RUN_STOP not executed in this example RUN starts the data acquisition for the active waveform display ST...

Page 225: ...3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 225 SERial see page 1276 Query Syntax SERial The SERial query returns the serial number of the instrument Return Format Unquoted string NL See Also Int...

Page 226: ...ot Commands SINGle see page 1276 Command Syntax SINGle The SINGle command causes the instrument to acquire a single trigger of data This is the same as pressing the Single key on the front panel See A...

Page 227: ...hannels 1 in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format The STATus query reports whether the channel function serial decode bus or reference waveform location sp...

Page 228: ...Root Commands STOP see page 1276 Command Syntax STOP The STOP command stops the acquisition This is the same as pressing the Stop key on the front panel See Also Introduction to Root Commands on page...

Page 229: ...rred The Trigger Event Register is summarized in the TRG bit of the Status Byte Register STB A Service Request SRQ can be generated when the TRG bit of the Status Byte transitions and the TRG bit is s...

Page 230: ...el function serial decode bus or reference waveform location See Also Introduction to Root Commands on page 194 BLANk on page 202 CHANnel n DISPlay on page 270 DIGital d DISPlay on page 309 FUNCtion m...

Page 231: ...ire COUNt count see page 234 ACQuire COUNt see page 234 count an integer from 2 to 65536 in NR1 format ACQuire MODE mode see page 235 ACQuire MODE see page 235 mode RTIMe ETIMe SEGMented n a ACQuire P...

Page 232: ...lution command sets the oscilloscope in the high resolution mode also known as smoothing This mode is used to reduce noise at slower sweep speeds where the digitizer samples faster than needed to fill...

Page 233: ...for the COMPlete command is 100 All time buckets must contain data for the acquisition to be considered complete Query Syntax ACQuire COMPlete The ACQuire COMPlete query returns the completion criter...

Page 234: ...ny value from 2 to 65536 Query Syntax ACQuire COUNT The ACQuire COUNT query returns the currently selected count value for averaging mode Return Format count_argument NL count_argument an integer from...

Page 235: ...and sets the oscilloscope in real time mode The ACQuire MODE SEGMented command sets the oscilloscope in segmented memory mode Query Syntax ACQuire MODE The ACQuire MODE query returns the acquisition m...

Page 236: ...t signal The number of points acquired is not directly controllable To set the number of points to be transferred from the oscilloscope use the command WAVeform POINts The WAVeform POINts query will r...

Page 237: ...d It corresponds to the front panel Analyze Segments softkey which appears in both the Measurement Statistics and Segmented Memory Menus In order to use this command the oscilloscope must be stopped a...

Page 238: ...ed by the WAVeform SEGMented COUNt query The maximum number of segments may be limited by the memory depth of your oscilloscope For example an oscilloscope with 1M memory allows a maximum of 250 segme...

Page 239: of the currently indexed memory segment is returned by the WAVeform SEGMented TTAG query The maximum number of segments may be limited by the memory depth of your oscilloscope For example an oscill...

Page 240: ...ode strQueryResult Set the number of segments to 25 myScope WriteString ACQuire SEGMented COUNt 25 myScope WriteString ACQuire SEGMented COUNt strQueryResult myScope ReadString Debug Print Acquisition...

Page 241: ...CStr lngI myScope WriteString ACQuire SEGMented INDex strQueryResult myScope ReadString Debug Print Acquisition memory segment index strQueryResult Display the segment time tag myScope WriteString WAV...

Page 242: ...Quire SRATe query returns the current oscilloscope acquisition sample rate The sample rate is not directly controllable When the MAXimum parameter is used the oscilloscope s maximum possible sample ra...

Page 243: ...ayed time range For example if the digitizer samples at 200 MSa s but the effective sample rate is 1 MSa s because of a slower sweep speed only 1 out of every 200 samples needs to be stored Instead of...

Page 244: ...on page 235 DIGitize on page 203 WAVeform FORMat on page 1101 WAVeform TYPE on page 1116 WAVeform PREamble on page 1106 Example Code AQUIRE_TYPE Sets the acquisition mode which can be NORMAL PEAK or A...

Page 245: ...n BIT m 0 OFF 1 ON see page 247 BUS n BIT m see page 247 0 1 n 1 or 2 an integer in NR1 format m 0 15 an integer in NR1 format BUS n BITS channel_list 0 OFF 1 ON see page 248 BUS n BITS see page 248...

Page 246: ...issued following a RST command BUS1 DISP 0 LAB BUS1 MASK 255 BUS n LABel string see page 252 BUS n LABel see page 252 string quoted ASCII string up to 10 characters n 1 or 2 an integer in NR1 format B...

Page 247: ...selected bus If the parameter is a 1 ON the bit is included in the definition If the parameter is a 0 OFF the bit is excluded from the definition Note BIT0 15 correspond to DIGital0 15 Query Syntax BU...

Page 248: definition If the parameter is a 0 OFF then the bits in the channel list are excluded from the definition of the selected bus Query Syntax BUS n BITS The BUS n BITS query returns the definition for...

Page 249: ...BUS n Commands 8 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 249 Include digital channels 1 through 5 8 and 14 in bus 1 myScope WriteString BUS1 BITS 1 5 8 14 ON...

Page 250: ...suffix to BUS and defines the bus that is affected by the command The BUS n CLEar command excludes all of the digital channels from the selected bus definition See Also Introduction to BUS n Commands...

Page 251: ...affected by the command The BUS n DISPlay command enables or disables the view of the selected bus Query Syntax BUS n DISPlay The BUS n DISPlay query returns the display value of the selected bus Ret...

Page 252: ...he BUS n LABel query returns the name of the specified bus Return Format quoted_string NL quoted_string any series of 10 or less characters as a quoted ASCII string See Also Introduction to BUS n Comm...

Page 253: ...the bus that is affected by the command The BUS n MASK command defines the bits included and excluded in the selected bus according to the mask Set a mask bit to a 1 to include that bit in the selecte...

Page 254: ...254 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 8 BUS n Commands...

Page 255: ...g quoted ASCII string up to 32 characters CALibrate OUTPut signal see page 259 CALibrate OUTPut see page 259 signal TRIGgers MASK WAVEgen WGEN1 WGEN2 Note WAVE and WGEN1 are equivalent Note WGEN2 only...

Page 256: ...ds The CALibrate subsystem provides utility commands for Determining the state of the calibration factor protection switch CAL PROTECT Saving and querying the calibration label string Reporting the ca...

Page 257: ...scopes Programmer s Guide 257 CALibrate DATE see page 1276 Query Syntax CALibrate DATE The CALibrate DATE query returns the date of the last calibration Return Format date NL date year month day in NR...

Page 258: ...CALibrate LABel command saves a string that is up to 32 characters in length into the instrument s non volatile memory The string may be used to record calibration dates or other information as neede...

Page 259: ...indicating a failure WAVEgen WGEN1 waveform generator sync output signal This signal depends on the WGEN w FUNCtion setting Query Syntax CALibrate OUTPut The CALibrate OUTPut query returns the current...

Page 260: ...Syntax CALibrate PROTected The CALibrate PROTected query returns the rear panel calibration protect CAL PROTECT button state The value PROTected indicates calibration is disabled and UNPRotected indic...

Page 261: ...ARt command starts the user calibration procedure See Also Introduction to CALibrate Commands on page 256 CALibrate PROTected on page 260 NOTE Before starting the user calibration procedure you must s...

Page 262: ...STATus query returns the summary results of the last user calibration procedure Return Format return value NL return value status_code status_string status_code an integer status code status_string a...

Page 263: ...Perature see page 1276 Query Syntax CALibrate TEMPerature The CALibrate TEMPerature query returns the change in temperature since the last user calibration procedure Return Format return value NL retu...

Page 264: ...Guide 9 CALibrate Commands CALibrate TIME see page 1276 Query Syntax CALibrate TIME The CALibrate TIME query returns the time of the last calibration Return Format date NL date hour minutes seconds i...

Page 265: ...CHANnel n DISPlay see page 270 0 1 n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format CHANnel n IMPedance impedance see page 271 CHANnel n IMPedance see page 271 impedance ONEMeg FIFTy n 1 to analog channels in NR...

Page 266: ...SKE W skew_value see page 279 CHANnel n PROBe SKE W see page 279 skew_value 100 ns to 100 ns in NR3 format n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format CHANnel n PROBe STY Pe signal type see page 280 CHANnel...

Page 267: ...h the CHANnel n DISPlay command as well as with the root level commands VIEW and BLANk Reporting the Setup Use CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 or CHANnel4 to query setup information for the CHANnel n subsy...

Page 268: ...analog channels in NR1 format The CHANnel n BWLimit command controls an internal low pass filter When the filter is on the bandwidth of the specified channel is limited to approximately 25 MHz Query S...

Page 269: ...nalog channels in NR1 format The CHANnel n COUPling command selects the input coupling for the specified channel The coupling for each analog channel can be set to AC or DC Query Syntax CHANnel n COUP...

Page 270: ...R1 format The CHANnel n DISPlay command turns the display of the specified channel on or off Query Syntax CHANnel n DISPlay The CHANnel n DISPlay query returns the current display setting for the spec...

Page 271: ...n NR1 format The CHANnel n IMPedance command selects the input impedance setting for the specified analog channel The legal values for this command are ONEMeg 1 M and FIFTy 50 Query Syntax CHANnel n I...

Page 272: ...analog channels in NR1 format The CHANnel n INVert command selects whether or not to invert the input signal for the specified channel The inversion may be 1 ON inverted or 0 OFF not inverted Query S...

Page 273: NL string quoted ASCII string See Also Introduction to CHANnel n Commands on page 267 DISPlay LABel on page 327 DIGital d LABel on page 310 DISPlay LABList on page 328 BUS n LABel on page 252 Examp...

Page 274: ...values varies with the value set by the CHANnel n RANGe and CHANnel n SCALe commands If you set the offset to a value outside of the legal range the offset value is automatically set to the nearest le...

Page 275: ...rigger levels If an AutoProbe probe is connected to the oscilloscope the attenuation value cannot be changed from the sensed value Attempting to set the oscilloscope to an attenuation value other than...

Page 276: ...ND12 Single ended 12dB SEND20 Single ended 20dB DIFF0 Differential 0dB DIFF6 Differential 6dB DIFF12 Differential 12dB DIFF20 Differential 20dB Query Syntax CHANnel n PROBe HEAD TYPE The CHANnel n PRO...

Page 277: ...l n PROBe ID query returns the type of probe attached to the specified oscilloscope channel Return Format probe id NL probe id unquoted ASCII string up to 11 characters Some of the possible returned v...

Page 278: ...P6248 P6249 P6250 P6251 P670X P671X TCP202 n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The CHANnel n PROBe MMODel command sets the model number of the supported Tektronix probe Query Syntax CHANnel n PROBe M...

Page 279: ...nd sets the channel to channel skew factor for the specified channel Each analog channel can be adjusted or 100 ns for a total of 200 ns difference between channels You can use the oscilloscope s prob...

Page 280: and determines how offset is applied When single ended is selected the CHANnel n OFFSet command changes the offset value of the probe amplifier When differential is selected the CHANnel n OFFSet co...

Page 281: ...t the overload protection It allows the channel to be used again in 50 mode after the signal that caused the overload has been removed from the channel input Reset the analog channel input impedance t...

Page 282: ...ged the range value is multiplied by the probe attenuation factor Query Syntax CHANnel n RANGe The CHANnel n RANGe query returns the current full scale range setting for the specified channel Return F...

Page 283: ...command sets the vertical scale or units per division of the selected channel If the probe attenuation is changed the scale value is multiplied by the probe s attenuation factor Query Syntax CHANnel...

Page 284: ...connected probe Select VOLT for a voltage probe and select AMPere for a current probe Measurement results channel sensitivity and trigger level will reflect the measurement units you select Query Synt...

Page 285: ...1 ON 0 OFF n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The CHANnel n VERNier command specifies whether the channel s vernier fine vertical adjustment setting is ON 1 or OFF 0 Query Syntax CHANnel n VERNier T...

Page 286: ...286 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 10 CHANnel n Commands...

Page 287: ...F 1 ON see page 290 COUNter ENABle see page 290 0 1 COUNter MODE mode see page 291 COUNter MODE see page 291 mode FREQuency PERiod TOTalize COUNter NDIGits value see page 292 COUNter NDIGits see page...

Page 288: ...ollowing is a sample response from the COUNter query In this case the query was issued following the RST command COUN ENAB 0 SOUR CHAN1 MODE FREQ NDIG 5 COUNter TOTalize GAT E SOURce source see page 2...

Page 289: ...UNter CURRent see page 1276 Query Syntax COUNter CURRent The COUNter CURRent query returns the current counter value Return Format value NL value current counter value in NR3 format See Also COUNter E...

Page 290: ...OUNter ENABle 0 OFF 1 ON The COUNter ENABle command enables or disables the counter feature Query Syntax COUNter ENABle The COUNter ENABle query returns whether the counter is enabled or disabled Retu...

Page 291: ...of the signal s cycles TOTalize the count of edge events on the signal Query Syntax COUNter MODE The COUNter MODE query returns the counter mode setting Return Format mode NL mode FREQ PER TOT See Als...

Page 292: ...e times which cause the measurement times to be longer as well Query Syntax COUNter NDIGits The COUNter NDIGits query returns the currently set number of digits of resolution Return Format value NL va...

Page 293: ...ften trigger events are detected This can be more often than when triggers actually occur due to the oscilloscope s acquisition time or update rate capabilities The TRIG OUT signal shows when triggers...

Page 294: ...The COUNter TOTalize CLEar command zeros the edge event counter See Also COUNter CURRent on page 289 COUNter ENABle on page 290 COUNter MODE on page 291 COUNter NDIGits on page 292 COUNter SOURce on...

Page 295: ...gnal polarity is true The second gating signal can be one of the remaining analog channel inputs Query Syntax COUNter TOTalize GATE ENABle The COUNter TOTalize GATE ENABle query returns whether totali...

Page 296: ...The gating signal is specified with the COUNter TOTalize GATE SOURce command Query Syntax COUNter TOTalize GATE POLarity The COUNter TOTalize GATE POLarity query returns the currently specified gatin...

Page 297: ...og channel that has the totalizer gating signal Query Syntax COUNter TOTalize GATE SOURce The COUNter TOTalize GATE SOURce query returns the current totalizer gating signal source Return Format source...

Page 298: ...egative edges are counted Query Syntax COUNter TOTalize SLOPe The COUNter TOTalize SLOPe query returns the currently set slope specification Return Format slope NL slope NEG POS See Also COUNter CURRe...

Page 299: ...DEMO subsystem Return Format The following is a sample response from the DEMO query In this case the query was issued following the RST command DEMO FUNC SIN OUTP 0 Table 90 DEMO Commands Summary Com...

Page 300: ...0 5 Vpp of random noise added Off PHASe 1 kHz sine wave 2 4 Vpp 0 0 V offset 1 kHz sine wave 2 4 Vpp 0 0 V offset phase shifted by the amount entered using the DEMO FUNCtion PHASe PHAS e on page 304 c...

Page 301: ...6 25 MHz digital clock 3 5 Vpp 1 75 V offset Data signal 3 5 Vpp 1 75 V offset LFSine 30 Hz sine wave 2 7 Vpp 0 V offset with very narrow glitch near each positive peak Off FMBurst FM burst modulated...

Page 302: ...o digital input D7 WS TTL level low for left channel high for right channel internally routed to digital input Off CANLin CAN_L 250 kbps dominant low 2 8 Vpp 1 4 V offset LIN 19 2 kbps 2 8 Vpp 1 4 V o...

Page 303: ...9 HARMonics 1 kHz sine wave 3 5 Vpp 0 0 V offset with a 2 kHz sine wave coupled in Off COUPling 1 kHz square wave 1 Vpp 0 0 V offset with a 90 kHz sine wave with 180 mVpp riding on top Off CFD CAN FD...

Page 304: ...60 in NR3 format For the phase shifted sine demo signals the DEMO FUNCtion PHASe PHASe command specifies the phase shift in the second sine waveform Query Syntax DEMO FUNCtion PHASe PHASe The DEMO FUN...

Page 305: ...MO OUTPut on_off on_off 1 ON 0 OFF The DEMO OUTPut command specifies whether the demo signal output is ON 1 or OFF 0 Query Syntax DEMO OUTPut The DEMO OUTPut query returns the current state of the dem...

Page 306: ...306 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 12 DEMO Commands...

Page 307: ...els 1 in NR1 format string any series of 10 or less ASCII characters enclosed in quotation marks DIGital d POSition position see page 311 DIGital d POSition see page 311 d 0 to digital channels 1 in N...

Page 308: ...ling and positioning of digital channels They also control threshold settings for groups of digital channels or pods Reporting the Setup Use DIGital d to query setup information for the DIGital subsys...

Page 309: ...y command turns digital display on or off for the specified channel Query Syntax DIGital d DISPlay The DIGital d DISPlay query returns the current digital display setting for the specified channel Ret...

Page 310: ...t in non volatile memory replacing the oldest label in the list Query Syntax DIGital d LABel The DIGital d LABel query returns the name of the specified channel Return Format label string NL label str...

Page 311: serial decode waveforms or the zoomed time base are displayed Query Syntax DIGital d POSition The DIGital d POSition query returns the position of the specified channel If the returned value is 1...

Page 312: ...els on the display Sizes are set for all digital channels Therefore if you set the size on digital channel 0 for example the same size is set on all other as well Query Syntax DIGital d SIZE The DIGit...

Page 313: ...mand sets the logic threshold value for all channels in the same pod as the specified channel The threshold is used for triggering purposes and for displaying the digital data as high above the thresh...

Page 314: ...314 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 13 DIGital d Commands...

Page 315: ...t DISPlay ANNotation n COLor color see page 320 DISPlay ANNotation n COLor see page 320 color CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 DIG MATH REF MARKer WHITe RED n an integer from 1 to 4 in NR1 format DISPlay ANNotation n...

Page 316: ...nsity WA Veform value see page 326 DISPlay INTensity WA Veform see page 326 value an integer from 0 to 100 in NR1 format DISPlay LABel 0 OFF 1 ON see page 327 DISPlay LABel see page 327 0 1 DISPlay LA...

Page 317: ...4 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 317 The following is a sample response from the DISPlay query In this case the query was issued following a RST command DISP LA...

Page 318: ...he upper left corner of the oscilloscope s display The annotation is useful for documentation purposes to add notes before capturing screens Query Syntax DISPlay ANNotation n The DISPlay ANNotation n...

Page 319: ...s a solid background INVerted the annotation s foreground and background colors are switched TRANsparent the annotation has a transparent background Query Syntax DISPlay ANNotation n BACKground The DI...

Page 320: white red or colors that match analog channels digital channels math waveforms reference waveforms or markers Query Syntax DISPlay ANNotation n COLor The DISPlay ANNotation n COLor query returns th...

Page 321: backslash and n characters in the string Carriage returns lessen the number of characters available for the annotation string Use DISPlay ANNotation n TEXT to remotely clear the annotation text Two...

Page 322: ...y ANNotation n X1Position command sets the annotation s horizontal X1 position Query Syntax DISPlay ANNotation n X1Position The DISPlay ANNotation n X1Position query returns the annotation s horizonta...

Page 323: ...lay ANNotation n Y1Position command sets the annotation s vertical Y1 position Query Syntax DISPlay ANNotation n Y1Position The DISPlay ANNotation n Y1Position query returns the annotation s vertical...

Page 324: ...The DISPlay CLEar command clears the display and resets all associated measurements If the oscilloscope is stopped all currently displayed data is erased If the oscilloscope is running all of the data...

Page 325: ...ion to DISPlay Commands on page 316 HARDcopy INKSaver on page 409 PRINt on page 223 RCL Recall on page 179 SAV Save on page 183 VIEW on page 230 Example Code IMAGE_TRANSFER In this example we will que...

Page 326: ...ger from 0 to 100 in NR1 format The DISPlay INTensity WAVeform command sets the waveform intensity This is the same as adjusting the front panel Intensity knob Query Syntax DISPlay INTensity WAVeform...

Page 327: ...and off Query Syntax DISPlay LABel The DISPlay LABel query returns the display mode of the analog and digital labels Return Format value NL value 0 1 See Also Introduction to DISPlay Commands on page...

Page 328: ...LABList query returns the label list Return Format binary block NL binary block an ordered list of up to 75 labels a maximum of 10 characters each separated by newline characters See Also Introductio...

Page 329: ...InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 329 DISPlay MENU see page 1276 Command Syntax DISPlay MENU menu menu MASK MEASure SEGMented LISTer POWer The DISPlay MENU command changes...

Page 330: ...rammer s Guide 14 DISPlay Commands DISPlay SIDebar see page 1276 Command Syntax DISPlay SIDebar sidebar sidebar SUMMary CURSors MEASurements DVM NAVigate CONTrols EVENts COUNter The DISPlay SIDebar co...

Page 331: ...the persistence setting MINimum indicates zero persistence INFinite indicates infinite persistence time for variable persistence that is you can specify how long acquisitions remain on the screen Use...

Page 332: ...Tors vectors vectors 1 ON Vector display is always ON in the 3000T X Series oscilloscopes When vectors are turned on the oscilloscope displays lines connecting sampled data points Query Syntax DISPlay...

Page 333: ...M Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns DVM ARANge 0 OFF 1 ON see page 334 DVM ARANge see page 334 0 1 n a DVM CURRent see page 335 dvm_value floating point number in NR3 format DVM...

Page 334: ...ical scale vertical ground level position and trigger threshold voltage level used for the counter frequency measurement are automatically adjusted The Auto Range capability overrides attempted adjust...

Page 335: ...5 DVM CURRent see page 1276 Query Syntax DVM CURRent The DVM CURRent query returns the displayed 3 digit DVM value based on the current mode Return Format dvm_value NL dvm_value floating point number...

Page 336: ...setting OFF 0 ON 1 The DVM ENABle command turns the digital voltmeter DVM analysis feature on or off Query Syntax DVM ENABle The DVM ENABle query returns a flag indicating whether the digital voltmet...

Page 337: ACRMs displays the root mean square value of the acquired data with the DC component removed DC displays the DC value of the acquired data DCRMs displays the root mean square value of the acquired...

Page 338: ...ct the analog channel on which digital voltmeter DVM measurements are made The selected channel does not have to be on displaying a waveform in order for DVM measurements to be made Query Syntax DVM S...

Page 339: ...rting the Setup Use EXTernal to query setup information for the EXTernal subsystem Return Format The following is a sample response from the EXTernal query In this case the query was issued following...

Page 340: ...or product compatibility The only legal value is 0 or OFF Use the TRIGger HFReject command to limit bandwidth on the external trigger input Query Syntax EXTernal BWLimit The EXTernal BWLimit query ret...

Page 341: ...nce constants for scaling the display factors and for setting trigger levels If an AutoProbe probe is connected to the oscilloscope the attenuation value cannot be changed from the sensed value Attemp...

Page 342: ...using 1 1 probe attenuation the range can only be set to 8 0 V If the probe attenuation is changed the range value is multiplied by the probe attenuation factor Query Syntax EXTernal RANGe The EXTerna...

Page 343: ...T for a voltage probe and select AMPere for a current probe Measurement results channel sensitivity and trigger level will reflect the measurement units you select Query Syntax EXTernal UNITs The CHAN...

Page 344: ...344 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 16 EXTernal Trigger Commands...

Page 345: ...ange of legal values is from 0 Hz to 25 GHz FFT CLEar see page 349 n a n a FFT DISPlay 0 OFF 1 ON see page 350 FFT DISPlay see page 350 s 1 6 in NR1 format 0 1 FFT DMODe display_mode see page 351 FFT...

Page 346: ...UN 8 FFT SOURce1 source see page 357 FFT SOURce1 see page 357 source CHANnel n FUNCtion c MATH c n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format c 1 2 FFT SPAN span see page 358 FFT SPAN see page 358 span the cu...

Page 347: the number of averages will increase resolution and reduce noise Query Syntax FFT AVERage COUNt The FFT AVERage COUNt query returns the number of waveforms to be averaged together Return Format co...

Page 348: ...the current center frequency in NR3 format The range of legal values is from 0 Hz to 25 GHz See Also FFT AVERage COUNt on page 347 FFT CENTer on page 348 FFT DISPlay on page 350 FFT DMODe on page 351...

Page 349: ...the FFT CLEar command clears the number of evaluated waveforms See Also FFT AVERage COUNt on page 347 FFT CENTer on page 348 FFT DISPlay on page 350 FFT DMODe on page 351 FFT OFFSet on page 353 FFT RA...

Page 350: ...FFT function is neither calculated nor displayed Query Syntax FFT DISPlay The FFT DISPlay query returns whether the function display is on or off Return Format display NL display 0 1 See Also FFT AVE...

Page 351: ...cted number of averages where it holds MAXHold records the maximum vertical values found at each horizontal bucket across multiple analysis cycles and uses those values to build a waveform This displa...

Page 352: ...352 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 17 FFT Commands FFT WINDow on page 362...

Page 353: legal value Query Syntax FFT OFFSet The FFT OFFSet query returns the current offset value for the FFT function Return Format offset NL offset the value at center screen in NR3 format See Also FFT...

Page 354: ...NGe The FFT RANGe query returns the current full scale range value for the FFT function Return Format range NL range the full scale vertical axis value in NR3 format See Also FFT AVERage COUNt on page...

Page 355: ...est legal value Query Syntax FFT REFerence The FFT REFerence query returns the current reference level value for the FFT function Return Format level NL level the current reference level in NR3 format...

Page 356: ...end on the selected function Query Syntax FFT SCALe The FFT SCALe query returns the current scale value for the FFT function Return Format svale_value NL scale_value floating point value in NR3 format...

Page 357: ...current source1 for the FFT function Return Format source NL source CHANnel n FUNCtion c MATH c n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format c 1 2 See Also FFT AVERage COUNt on page 347 FFT CENTer on page 34...

Page 358: ...y returns the current frequency span in Hertz Return Format span NL span the current frequency span in NR3 format Legal values are 1 Hz to 100 GHz See Also FFT AVERage COUNt on page 347 FFT CENTer on...

Page 359: ...can also be set with the FFT CENTer and FFT SPAN commands Query Syntax FFT STARt The FUNCtion m FFT FREQuency STARt query returns the current start frequency in Hertz Return Format frequency NL freque...

Page 360: ...ange can also be set with the FFT CENTer and FFT SPAN commands Query Syntax FFT STOP The FFT STOP query returns returns the current stop frequency in Hertz Return Format frequency NL frequency the sto...

Page 361: FFT VTYPe The FFT VTYPe query returns the current FFT vertical units Return Format units NL units DEC VRMS See Also FFT AVERage COUNt on page 347 FFT CENTer on page 348 FFT CLEar on page 349 FFT D...

Page 362: useful for certain classes of input signals RECTangular useful for transient signals and signals where there are an integral number of cycles in the time record HANNing useful for frequency resolut...

Page 363: ...FFT Commands 17 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 363 FFT SOURce1 on page 357 FFT SPAN on page 358 FFT STARt on page 359 FFT STOP on page 360 FFT VTYPe on page 361...

Page 364: ...364 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 17 FFT Commands...

Page 365: ...HANnel n DIGital d n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m BUS SLOP e slope see page 372 FUNCtion m BUS SLOP e see p...

Page 366: NR3 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m FFT SP AN span see page 381 FUNCtion m FFT SP AN see page 381 span the current frequency span in NR3 format Legal values are 1 Hz to 100 GH...

Page 367: ...creen in NR3 format The range of legal values is 10 times the current sensitivity of the selected function m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m OPERatio n operation see page 390 FUNCtion m O...

Page 368: ...V dB m 1 to math functions in NR1 format FUNCtion m SMOoth P OINts points see page 397 FUNCtion m SMOoth P OINts see page 397 points odd integer in NR1 format FUNCtion m SOURce1 source see page 398 FU...

Page 369: ...r commands for specifying options for that operation See FUNCtion m OPERation on page 390 The SOURce1 DISPlay RANGe and OFFSet or REFerence commands apply to any function Reporting the Setup Use FUNCt...

Page 370: ...on m AVERage COUNt command sets the number of waveforms to be averaged together The number of averages can be set from 2 to 65536 in increments of powers of 2 Increasing the number of averages will in...

Page 371: ...format source DIGital d d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The FUNCtion m BUS CLOCk command selects the clock signal source for the Chart Logic Bus State operation Query Syntax FUNCtion m BUS CLO...

Page 372: ...slope m 1 to math functions in NR1 format slope NEGative POSitive EITHer The FUNCtion m BUS SLOPe command specifies the clock signal edge for the Chart Logic Bus State operation Query Syntax FUNCtion...

Page 373: ...1 format value value per bus code in NR3 format The FUNCtion m BUS YINCrement command specifies the value associated with each increment in Chart Logic Bus data Query Syntax FUNCtion m BUS YINCrement...

Page 374: ...ions in NR1 format value value at bus code 0 in NR3 format The FUNCtion m BUS YORigin command specifies the value associated with Chart Logic Bus data equal to zero Query Syntax FUNCtion m BUS YORigin...

Page 375: ...YUNits units m 1 to math functions in NR1 format units VOLT AMPere NONE The FUNCtion m BUS YUNits command specifies the vertical units for the Chart Logic Bus operations Query Syntax FUNCtion m BUS YU...

Page 376: ...Guide 18 FUNCtion m Commands FUNCtion m CLEar see page 1276 Command Syntax FUNCtion m CLEar When the FUNCtion m OPERation is AVERage MAXHold or MINHold the FUNCtion m CLEar command clears the number...

Page 377: ...turns the display of the function on or off When ON is selected the function performs as specified using the other FUNCtion commands When OFF is selected function is neither calculated nor displayed...

Page 378: ...FFT CENTer The FUNCtion m FFT CENTer query returns the current center frequency in Hertz Return Format frequency NL frequency the current center frequency in NR3 format The range of legal values is f...

Page 379: ...frequency in the FFT Fast Fourier Transform math function s displayed range The FFT Fast Fourier Transform math function s displayed range can also be set with the FUNCtion m FFT CENTer and FUNCtion...

Page 380: ...ency in the FFT Fast Fourier Transform math function s displayed range The FFT Fast Fourier Transform math function s displayed range can also be set with the FUNCtion m FFT CENTer and FUNCtion m FFT...

Page 381: ...e to right graticule when FFT Fast Fourier Transform is selected Query Syntax FUNCtion m FFT SPAN The FUNCtion m FFT SPAN query returns the current frequency span in Hertz Return Format span NL span t...

Page 382: ...its m 1 to math functions in NR1 format units DECibel VRMS The FUNCtion m FFT VTYPe command specifies FFT vertical units as DECibel or VRMS Query Syntax FUNCtion m FFT VTYPe The FUNCtion m FFT VTYPe q...

Page 383: ...hat approach zero smoothly at the start and end of the record are employed as filters to the FFTs Each window is useful for certain classes of input signals RECTangular useful for transient signals an...

Page 384: ...q 3dB cutoff frequency value in NR3 format The FUNCtion m FREQuency HIGHpass command sets the high pass filter s 3 dB cutoff frequency The high pass filter is a single pole high pass filter Query Synt...

Page 385: ...eq 3dB cutoff frequency value in NR3 format The FUNCtion m FREQuency LOWPass command sets the low pass filter s 3 dB cutoff frequency The low pass filter is a 4th order Bessel Thompson filter Query Sy...

Page 386: ...t The FUNCtion m INTegrate IOFFset command lets you enter a DC offset correction factor for the integrate math waveform input signal This DC offset correction lets you level a ramp ed waveform Query S...

Page 387: ...LINear GAIN value m 1 to math functions in NR1 format value A in Ax B value in NR3 format The FUNCtion m LINear GAIN command specifies the A value in the Ax B operation Query Syntax FUNCtion m LINear...

Page 388: OFFSet value m 1 to math functions in NR1 format value B in Ax B value in NR3 format The FUNCtion m LINear OFFSet command specifies the B value in the Ax B operation Query Syntax FUNCtion m LINear...

Page 389: the current scale of the selected function but will vary by function If you set the offset to a value outside of the legal range the offset value is automatically set to the nearest legal value Que...

Page 390: ...ource1 source2 Operators perform their function on two analog channel sources Transforms DIFF Differentiate INTegrate The INTegrate IOFFset command lets you specify a DC offset correction factor FFT T...

Page 391: ...selected source with a normalized rectangular boxcar FIR filter applied The boxcar filter is a moving average of adjacent waveform points where the number of adjacent points is specified by the SMOoth...

Page 392: ...cify function values The BUS CLOCk and BUS SLOPe commands specify the clock source and edge Query Syntax FUNCtion m OPERation The FUNCtion m OPERation query returns the current operation for the selec...

Page 393: ...FUNCtion m Commands 18 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 393 FUNCtion m BUS CLOCk on page 371 FUNCtion m BUS SLOPe on page 372...

Page 394: ...ale vertical axis value in NR3 format The FUNCtion m RANGe command defines the full scale vertical axis for the selected function Query Syntax FUNCtion m RANGe The FUNCtion m RANGe query returns the c...

Page 395: ...s the current scale of the selected function but will vary by function If you set the reference level to a value outside of the legal range the level is automatically set to the nearest legal value Qu...

Page 396: ...format suffix V dB The FUNCtion m SCALe command sets the vertical scale or units per division of the selected function Legal values for the scale depend on the selected function Query Syntax FUNCtion...

Page 397: ...hen the FUNCtion m OPERation is SMOoth the FUNCtion m SMOoth POINts command sets the number of smoothing points to use You can choose an odd number of points from 3 up to half of the measurement recor...

Page 398: ...words higher math functions can operate on lower math functions when using operators other than the simple arithmetic operations For example if FUNCtion1 OPERation is a SUBTract of CHANnel1 and CHANne...

Page 399: ...Commands 18 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 399 c 1 2 3 must be lower than m b 1 2 See Also Introduction to FUNCtion m Commands on page 368 FUNCtion m OPERation...

Page 400: ...FUNCtion m SOURce1 command specifies the first source The FUNCtion m SOURce2 setting is not used for the transform functions filter functions or visualization functions except when the measurement tre...

Page 401: ...t type VAVerage ACRMs VRATio PERiod FREQuency PWIDth NWIDth DUTYcycle RISetime FALLtime The FUNCtion m TRENd MEASurement command selects the measurement whose trend is shown in the math waveform Query...

Page 402: ...402 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 18 FUNCtion m Commands...

Page 403: ...x name index integer index of printer in list name name of printer in list HARDcopy FACTors 0 OFF 1 ON see page 407 HARDcopy FACTors see page 407 0 1 HARDcopy FFEed 0 OFF 1 ON see page 408 HARDcopy FF...

Page 404: ...sued following the RST command HARD APR AREA SCR FACT 0 FFE 0 INKS 1 PAL NONE LAY PORT HARDcopy NETWork PAS Sword password see page 414 n a password quoted ASCII string HARDcopy NETWork SLO T slot see...

Page 405: ...Currently the only legal choice is SCReen Query Syntax HARDcopy AREA The HARDcopy AREA query returns the selected display area Return Format area NL area SCR See Also Introduction to HARDcopy Commands...

Page 406: ...ex name index integer index of printer in list name name of printer in list The HARDcopy APRinter command sets the active printer Query Syntax HARDcopy APRinter The HARDcopy APRinter query returns the...

Page 407: ...the scale factors are output on the hardcopy dump Query Syntax HARDcopy FACTors The HARDcopy FACTors query returns a flag indicating whether oscilloscope instrument settings are output on the hardcopy...

Page 408: ...output between the screen image and factors of a hardcopy dump Query Syntax HARDcopy FFEed The HARDcopy FFEed query returns a flag indicating whether a formfeed is output at the end of the hardcopy d...

Page 409: ...controls whether the graticule colors are inverted or not Query Syntax HARDcopy INKSaver The HARDcopy INKSaver query returns a flag indicating whether graticule colors are inverted or not Return Forma...

Page 410: ...he HARDcopy LAYout command sets the hardcopy layout mode Query Syntax HARDcopy LAYout The HARDcopy LAYout query returns the selected hardcopy layout mode Return Format layout NL layout LAND PORT See A...

Page 411: ...mat The network printer slot is selected by the HARDcopy NETWork SLOT command To apply the entered address use the HARDcopy NETWork APPLy command Query Syntax HARDcopy NETWork ADDRess The HARDcopy NET...

Page 412: ...NETWork APPLy The HARDcopy NETWork APPLy command applies the network printer settings and makes the printer connection See Also Introduction to HARDcopy Commands on page 404 HARDcopy NETWork SLOT on p...

Page 413: ...The domain name setting is a common setting for both network printer slots Query Syntax HARDcopy NETWork DOMain The HARDcopy NETWork DOMain query returns the current Windows network domain name Return...

Page 414: ...he HARDcopy NETWork PASSword command sets the password for the specified Windows network domain and user name The password setting is a common setting for both network printer slots See Also Introduct...

Page 415: ...ddress and apply commands There are two network printer slots to choose from Query Syntax HARDcopy NETWork SLOT The HARDcopy NETWork SLOT query returns the currently selected network printer slot Retu...

Page 416: ...he Windows network domain The user name setting is a common setting for both network printer slots Query Syntax HARDcopy NETWork USERname The HARDcopy NETWork USERname query returns the currently set...

Page 417: ...print driver cannot print color images to color laser printers so the COLor option is not available when connected to laser printers Query Syntax HARDcopy PALette The HARDcopy PALette query returns th...

Page 418: ...HARDcopy PRINter LIST query returns a list of available printers The list can be empty Return Format list NL list printer_spec printer_spec printer_spec index active name index integer index of printe...

Page 419: ...d Syntax HARDcopy STARt The HARDcopy STARt command starts a print job See Also Introduction to HARDcopy Commands on page 404 HARDcopy APRinter on page 406 HARDcopy PRINter LIST on page 418 HARDcopy FA...

Page 420: ...420 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 19 HARDcopy Commands...

Page 421: ...eturn data from the Lister display Table 98 LISTer Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns n a LISTer DATA see page 422 binary_block comma separated data with newlines at the end of e...

Page 422: 1276 Query Syntax LISTer DATA The LISTer DATA query returns the lister data Return Format binary block NL binary_block comma separated data with newlines at the end of each row See Also Introduct...

Page 423: ...ay in the Lister or whether the Lister is off ON or 1 is the same as SBUS1 When set to ALL the decode information for different buses is interleaved in time Serial bus decode must be on before it can...

Page 424: ...REFerence command selects whether the time value for a Lister row is relative to the trigger or the previous Lister row Query Syntax LISTer REFerence The LISTer REFerence query returns the Lister tim...

Page 425: ...m BINary HEX MARKer X1Position position suffix see page 430 MARKer X1Position see page 430 position X1 cursor position value in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps Hz kHz MHz return_value X1 cursor positi...

Page 426: ...urn_value source n a MARKer XDELta see page 434 return_value X cursors delta value in NR3 format MARKer XUNits mode see page 435 MARKer XUNits see page 435 units SEConds HERTz DEGRees PERCent MARKer X...

Page 427: ...n 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 427 Return Format The following is a sample response from the MARKer query In this case the query was issued following a RST and MARKer MODE MANual co...

Page 428: ...Format value NL value Y X value in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 MARKer MODE on page 429 MARKer X1Position on page 430 MARKer X2Position on page 432 MARKer X1Y1sourc...

Page 429: the measurement source remotely always sets the marker sources WAVeform the Y1 cursor tracks the voltage value at the X1 cursor of the waveform specified by the X1Y1source and the Y2 cursor does th...

Page 430: ...Query Syntax MARKer X1Position The MARKer X1Position query returns the current X1 cursor position This is functionally equivalent to the obsolete MEASure TSTArt command query Return Format position N...

Page 431: ...ANual mode Setting the source for one pair of markers for example X1Y1 sets the source for the other for example X2Y2 If the marker mode is currently WAVeform the X1Y1 source can be set separate from...

Page 432: ...Ker XUNits command Query Syntax MARKer X2Position The MARKer X2Position query returns current X2 cursor position This is functionally equivalent to the obsolete MEASure TSTOp command query Return Form...

Page 433: ...ANual mode Setting the source for one pair of markers for example X2Y2 sets the source for the other for example X1Y1 If the marker mode is currently WAVeform the X2Y2 source can be set separate from...

Page 434: ...ts are set by the MARKer XUNits command Return Format value NL value difference value in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 MARKer MODE on page 429 MARKer X1Position on pa...

Page 435: ...360 degrees PERCent for making ratio measurements Use the MARKer XUNits USE command to set the current X1 location as 0 percent and the current X2 location as 100 percent Changing X units affects the...

Page 436: ...MARKer XUNits USE command sets the current X1 location as 0 percent and the current X2 location as 100 percent Once the 0 and 360 degree or 0 and 100 percent locations are set inputs to and outputs fr...

Page 437: ...ons cannot be set Query Syntax MARKer Y1Position The MARKer Y1Position query returns current Y1 cursor position This is functionally equivalent to the obsolete MEASure VSTArt command query Return Form...

Page 438: ...ions cannot be set Query Syntax MARKer Y2Position The MARKer Y2Position query returns current Y2 cursor position This is functionally equivalent to the obsolete MEASure VSTOp command query Return Form...

Page 439: ...e MARKer YUNits command Return Format value NL value difference value in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 MARKer MODE on page 429 MARKer X1Y1source on page 431 MARKer X2...

Page 440: ...urrent Y1 location as 0 percent and the current Y2 location as 100 percent Changing Y units affects the input and output values of the MARKer Y1Position MARKer Y2Position and MARKer YDELta commands qu...

Page 441: ...and the current Y2 location as 100 percent Once the 0 and 100 percent locations are set inputs to and outputs from the MARKer Y1Position MARKer Y2Position and MARKer YDELta commands queries are relati...

Page 442: ...442 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 21 MARKer Commands...

Page 443: ...age 461 interval CYCLe DISPlay source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value are...

Page 444: ...CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d EXTernal for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format return_value counter frequency in Her...

Page 445: ...VAMPlit ude source1 source2 see page 473 MEASure DUAL VAMPlit ude source1 source2 see page 473 source1 source2 CHANnel n with N2820A probe connected n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format return_value t...

Page 446: ...erval CYCLe DISPlay type AC DC source1 source2 CHANnel n with N2820A probe connected n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format return_value calculated RMS voltage in NR3 format MEASure DUTYcycle source see...

Page 447: ...d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format return_value time in seconds between the lower and upper thresholds in NR3 format MEASure FREQuency source see page 480 MEASure FREQuency source see page 480 s...

Page 448: ...pulse width to period in NR3 format MEASure NEDGes source see page 482 MEASure NEDGes source see page 482 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math...

Page 449: ...conds NR3 format MEASure OVERshoot source see page 485 MEASure OVERshoot source see page 485 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in...

Page 450: ...nds in NR3 format MEASure PHASe source1 source2 see page 489 MEASure PHASe source1 source2 see page 489 source1 2 CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math...

Page 451: ...CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in...

Page 452: ...499 source1 2 CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r EXTernal for DSO models source1 2 CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r EXTernal for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1...

Page 453: ...ion see page 506 0 1 n a MEASure TEDGe slope occurrence source see page 507 slope direction of the waveform occurrence the transition to be reported source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for DS...

Page 454: ...dels n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format return_value time in seconds of specified volta...

Page 455: ...e page 513 MEASure VBASe source see page 513 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format ba...

Page 456: ...source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value voltage peak to peak of the select...

Page 457: ...MATH m WMEMory r for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in...

Page 458: m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value horizontal value of the maximum in NR3 format MEASure XMIN source see page 523 MEASure XMIN source see page 523 s...

Page 459: ...not three edges the oscilloscope will revert to the mode of making the measurement at the start of the main sweep When the command form is used the measurement result is displayed on the instrument W...

Page 460: ...X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 22 MEASure Commands MEASure ALL see page 1276 Command Syntax MEASure ALL This command installs a Snapshot All measurement on the screen See Also Introduction...

Page 461: ...rement on screen Area measurements show the area between the waveform and the ground level The interval option lets you specify the measurement interval either an integral number of cycles or the full...

Page 462: ...s a screen measurement and starts the bit rate measurement If the optional source parameter is specified the currently specified source is modified Query Syntax MEASure BRATe source The MEASure BRATe...

Page 463: ...t width measurement on screen If the optional source parameter is not specified the current measurement source is used Query Syntax MEASure BWIDth source The MEASure BWIDth query measures and returns...

Page 464: ...s Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 22 MEASure Commands MEASure CLEar see page 1276 Command Syntax MEASure CLEar This command clears all selected measurements and markers from the screen See Also Intro...

Page 465: ...the horizontal range of the oscilloscope but is limited to 0 1 s and 10 s Unlike other measurements the Zoom horizontal timebase window does not gate the Counter measurement The Counter measurement ca...

Page 466: ...466 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 22 MEASure Commands MEASure CLEar on page 464...

Page 467: ...s Changing these values may affect the results of other measure commands The table below identifies which measurement results that can be affected by redefining the DELay specification or the THReshol...

Page 468: ...ets the lower middle and upper measurement thresholds to 10 50 and 90 values between Vbase and Vtop Threshold mode PERCent sets the measurement thresholds to any user defined percentages between 5 and...

Page 469: ...wer threshold percentage values between Vbase and Vtop in NR3 format for meas_spec THResholds and threshold mode ABSolute THR ABS upper middle lower NL upper middle lower A number specifying the upper...

Page 470: ...s are selected using the MEASure DEFine command Also in the MEASure DEFine command you can set upper middle and lower threshold values It is the middle threshold value that is used when performing the...

Page 471: want to move the delay measurement point nearer to Vtop or Vbase you must change the threshold values with the MEASure DEFine THResholds command Return Format value NL value floating point number...

Page 472: ...e DUAL CHARge command installs a charge measurement on screen Charge measurements show the area between the waveform and the ground level The interval option lets you specify the measurement interval...

Page 473: ...ure DUAL VAMPlitude command installs a screen measurement and starts a vertical amplitude measurement If the optional source parameter s are specified the currently specified source s are modified Que...

Page 474: ...hannels in NR1 format The MEASure DUAL VAVerage command installs a screen measurement and starts an average value measurement The interval option lets you specify the measurement interval either an in...

Page 475: ...rmat The MEASure DUAL VBASe command installs a screen measurement and starts a waveform base value measurement If the optional source parameter s are specified the currently specified source s are mod...

Page 476: ...tical peak to peak measurement If the optional source parameter s are specified the currently specified source s are modified Query Syntax MEASure DUAL VPP source1 source2 The MEASure DUAL VPP query m...

Page 477: ...s a screen measurement and starts an RMS value measurement The interval option lets you specify the measurement interval either an integral number of cycles or the full screen If interval is not speci...

Page 478: ...ry Syntax MEASure DUTYcycle source The MEASure DUTYcycle query measures and outputs the positive duty cycle of the signal specified by the MEASure SOURce command The value returned for the duty cycle...

Page 479: ...ecified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure FALLtime source The MEASure FALLtime query measures and outputs the fall time of the displayed falling negative going edge closest to the tr...

Page 480: ...nal source parameter is specified the current source is modified IF the edge on the screen closest to the trigger reference is rising THEN frequency 1 time at trailing rising edge time at leading risi...

Page 481: modified Query Syntax MEASure NDUTy source The MEASure NDUTy query measures and outputs the negative duty cycle of the signal specified by the MEASure SOURce command The value returned for the dut...

Page 482: ...format The MEASure NEDGes command installs a falling edge count measurement on screen If the optional source parameter is not specified the current source is measured Query Syntax MEASure NEDGes sourc...

Page 483: ...ormat The MEASure NPULses command installs a falling pulse count measurement on screen If the optional source parameter is not specified the current source is measured Query Syntax MEASure NPULses sou...

Page 484: ...asurement If the optional source parameter is not specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure NWIDth source The MEASure NWIDth query measures and outputs the width of the negative pu...

Page 485: ...alue measurements Vtop Vbase and either Vmax or Vmin depending on whether the edge is rising or falling For a rising edge overshoot Vmax Vtop Vtop Vbase x 100 For a falling edge overshoot Vbase Vmin V...

Page 486: ...486 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 22 MEASure Commands MEASure VMAX on page 514 MEASure VTOP on page 520 MEASure VBASe on page 513 MEASure VMIN on page 515...

Page 487: ...1 format The MEASure PEDGes command installs a rising edge count measurement on screen If the optional source parameter is not specified the current source is measured Query Syntax MEASure PEDGes sour...

Page 488: ...ed Query Syntax MEASure PERiod source The MEASure PERiod query measures and outputs the period of the cycle closest to the trigger reference on the screen The period is measured at the midpoint of the...

Page 489: and returns the phase between the specified sources A phase measurement is a combination of the period and delay measurements First the period is measured on source1 Then the delay is measured betw...

Page 490: ...format The MEASure PPULses command installs a rising pulse count measurement on screen If the optional source parameter is not specified the current source is measured Query Syntax MEASure PPULses sou...

Page 491: ...op Vbase and either Vmin or Vmax depending on whether the edge is rising or falling For a rising edge preshoot Vmin Vbase Vtop Vbase x 100 For a falling edge preshoot Vmax Vtop Vtop Vbase x 100 Vtop a...

Page 492: ...specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure PWIDth source The MEASure PWIDth query measures and outputs the width of the displayed positive pulse closest to the trigger reference Pu...

Page 493: ...s is 0 the value of infinity 9 9E 37 is returned for the min max mean and standard deviation Return Format result_list NL result_list comma separated list of measurement results The following shows th...

Page 494: ...ude MeasurementArray 3 VPP Dim Measurement As Variant For Each Measurement In MeasurementArray myScope WriteString MEASure Measurement myScope WriteString MEASure Measurement varQueryResult myScope Re...

Page 495: ...alueColumn In ValueColumnArray If VarType ResultsList intCounter vbString Then Debug Print Measure statistics result CH1 _ Measurement ValueColumn _ FormatNumber ResultsList intCounter 4 Else Result i...

Page 496: ...res and outputs the rise time of the displayed rising positive going edge closest to the trigger reference For maximum measurement accuracy set the sweep speed as fast as possible while leaving the le...

Page 497: ...ional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure SDEViation source The MEASure SDEViation query measures and outputs the std deviation of the selected waveform T...

Page 498: ...FF 1 ON The MEASure SHOW command enables markers for tracking measurements on the display Query Syntax MEASure SHOW The MEASure SHOW query returns the current state of the markers This can return OFF...

Page 499: ...MARKer MODE is set to OFF or MANual setting MEASure SOURce to CHANnel n FUNCtion or MATH will also set MARKer X1Y1source to source1 and MARKer X2Y2source to source2 EXTernal is only a valid source fo...

Page 500: ...ycle varQueryResult myScope ReadNumber Read duty cycle MsgBox Duty cycle vbCrLf _ FormatNumber varQueryResult 3 myScope WriteString MEASURE RISETIME Query for risetime varQueryResult myScope ReadNumbe...

Page 501: ...nformation returned by the MEASure RESults query ON means all the statistics are on Query Syntax MEASure STATistics The MEASure STATistics query returns the current statistics mode Return Format type...

Page 502: ...y of the measurement statistics Query Syntax MEASure STATistics DISPlay The MEASure STATistics DISPlay query returns the state of the measurement statistics display Return Format 0 1 NL See Also Intro...

Page 503: ...and lets you for example gather statistics over multiple pulses captured in a single acquisition To do this change the horizontal position and enter the command for each new pulse that is measured Thi...

Page 504: ...used when calculating measurement statistics Query Syntax MEASure STATistics MCOunt The MEASure STATistics MCOunt query returns the current measurement statistics max count setting Return Format sett...

Page 505: ...RESet This command resets the measurement statistics zeroing the counts Note that the measurement statistics configuration is not deleted See Also Introduction to MEASure Commands on page 458 MEASure...

Page 506: ...hat is standard deviation mean in the measurement statistics Query Syntax MEASure STATistics RSDeviation The MEASure STATistics RSDeviation query returns the current relative standard deviation settin...

Page 507: ...the query The sign of the slope selects a rising or falling edge If no sign is specified for the slope it is assumed to be the rising edge The magnitude of occurrence defines the occurrence to be rep...

Page 508: ...1 on ch 2 dblChan2Edge1 myScope ReadNumber Calculate delay time between ch1 and ch2 dblDelay dblChan2Edge1 dblChan1Edge1 Write calculated delay time to screen MsgBox Delay vbCrLf CStr dblDelay Make a...

Page 509: ...trigger event and this defined occurrence is returned as the response to the query The specified value can be negative or positive To specify a negative value use a minus sign The sign of the slope se...

Page 510: ...Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 22 MEASure Commands value time in seconds of the specified value crossing in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MEASure Commands on page 458 MEASure TEDGe on...

Page 511: ...l amplitude measurement If the optional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure VAMPlitude source The MEASure VAMPlitude query measures and returns the vertic...

Page 512: ...a screen measurement and starts an average value measurement The interval option lets you specify the measurement interval either an integral number of cycles or the full screen If interval is not spe...

Page 513: ...ement If the optional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure VBASe source The MEASure VBASe query returns the vertical value at the base of the waveform The...

Page 514: ...nd installs a screen measurement and starts a maximum vertical value measurement If the optional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure VMAX source The MEASu...

Page 515: ...nstalls a screen measurement and starts a minimum vertical value measurement If the optional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure VMIN source The MEASure V...

Page 516: ...s specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure VPP source The MEASure VPP query measures the maximum and minimum vertical value for the selected source then calculates the vertical pe...

Page 517: ...ratio of the ACRMS value of source1 to that of source2 expressed in dB The interval option lets you specify the measurement interval either an integral number of cycles or the full screen If interval...

Page 518: ...u specify the measurement interval either an integral number of cycles or the full screen If interval is not specified DISPlay is implied The type option lets you choose between a DC RMS measurement a...

Page 519: ...o math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format The MEASure VTIMe query returns the value at a specified time on the source specified with MEASure SOURce The specified time must be o...

Page 520: ...ement and starts a waveform top value measurement Query Syntax MEASure VTOP source The MEASure VTOP query returns the vertical value at the top of the waveform The top value of the pulse is normally n...

Page 521: ...indow ZOOM the measurement window is the lower Zoom window AUTO when the zoomed time base is displayed the measurement is attempted in the lower Zoom window if it cannot be made there or if the zoomed...

Page 522: ...easurement on the selected window If the optional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure XMAX source The MEASure XMAX query measures and returns the horizont...

Page 523: ...easurement on the selected window If the optional source parameter is specified the current source is modified Query Syntax MEASure XMIN source The MEASure XMIN query measures and returns the horizont...

Page 524: ...524 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 22 MEASure Commands...

Page 525: ...2 CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format return_value the power phase angle in degrees in NR3 format MEASure APParent source1 source2 see page 530 MEASure APParent source1 source2 see page 530...

Page 526: ...MEASure FACTor source1 source2 see page 535 MEASure FACTor source1 source2 see page 535 source1 source2 CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format return_value the power factor value in NR3 forma...

Page 527: ...R1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format return_value the power loss value in NR3 format MEASure RDSon source1 source2 see page 542 MEASure RDSon source1 source...

Page 528: ...1 format return_value the output ripple value in NR3 format MEASure TRESponse source see page 546 MEASure TRESponse source see page 546 source CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m WMEMory r n 1 to analog chann...

Page 529: ...e sources can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Phase angle is a measure of power quality In the power triangle the right triangle where apparent_power2 real_power2 reactive_power2 phase...

Page 530: ...probing voltage and the source2 parameter is the channel probing current These sources can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Apparent power is a measure of power quality It is the porti...

Page 531: ...form that represents power voltage current This source can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Power loss per cycle is Pn Vdsn Idn Time range of zoom window Counter measurement of the volt...

Page 532: ...ameter is the channel probing current or voltage This source can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Crest factor is a measure of power quality It is the ratio between the instantaneous pe...

Page 533: ...ent output voltage and output current using the POWer SIGNals SOURce VOLTage i and POWer SIGNals SOURce CURRent i commands and you must perform the automated signals setup using the POWer SIGNals AUTo...

Page 534: ...Ss command installs an energy loss measurement on screen The source parameter is typically a math multiply waveform or other waveform that represents power voltage current This source can also be spec...

Page 535: ...the channel probing voltage and the source2 parameter is the channel probing current These sources can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Power factor is a measure of power quality It is...

Page 536: ...voltage and output current using the POWer SIGNals SOURce VOLTage i and POWer SIGNals SOURce CURRent i commands and you must perform the automated signals setup using the POWer SIGNals AUTosetup EFFi...

Page 537: ...the input AC Voltage last falls to 10 of its maximum amplitude to the time when the output DC Voltage last falls to 10 of its maximum amplitude The source1 parameter is the AC Voltage and the source2...

Page 538: ...the input AC Voltage first rises to 10 of its maximum amplitude to the time when the output DC Voltage rises to 90 of its maximum amplitude The source1 parameter is the AC Voltage and the source2 para...

Page 539: ...voltage and output current using the POWer SIGNals SOURce VOLTage i and POWer SIGNals SOURce CURRent i commands and you must perform the automated signals setup using the POWer SIGNals AUTosetup EFFi...

Page 540: ...mat The MEASure PCURrent command installs a peak current measurement on screen The source parameter is the channel probing the current This source can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command T...

Page 541: PLOSs command installs a power loss measurement on screen The source parameter is typically a math multiply waveform or other waveform that represents power voltage current This source can also be...

Page 542: ...ons in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format The MEASure RDSon command installs a power Rds on measurement on screen Rds on is the ON resistance between the drain and source of MOSFET The Rds...

Page 543: ...el probing current These sources can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Reactive power is a measure of power quality It is the difference between apparent power and real power due to reac...

Page 544: ...pically a math multiply waveform or other waveform that represents power voltage current This source can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Real power is a measure of power quality It is...

Page 545: ...waveforms in NR1 format The MEASure RIPPle command installs an output ripple measurement on screen The source parameter is the channel probing the output voltage This source can also be specified by...

Page 546: ...parameter is the channel probing the output voltage This source can also be specified by the MEASure SOURce command Transient response time t2 t1 where t1 The first time a voltage waveform exits the...

Page 547: ...format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format The MEASure VCESat command installs a power Vce sat measurement on screen Vce sat is the saturation voltage between the collector and emitter of a BJT The Vc...

Page 548: ...548 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 23 MEASure Power Commands...

Page 549: ...els n 1 2 for 2ch models MTESt AMASk UNITs units see page 557 MTESt AMASk UNITs see page 557 units CURRent DIVisions MTESt AMASk XDELta value see page 558 MTESt AMASk XDELta see page 558 value X delta...

Page 550: ...E see page 571 0 1 MTESt RMODe FACTion STOP 0 OFF 1 ON see page 572 MTESt RMODe FACTion STOP see page 572 0 1 MTESt RMODe SIGMa level see page 573 MTESt RMODe SIGMa see page 573 level from 0 1 to 9 3...

Page 551: ...000E 06 Y1 3 00000E 00 Y2 3 00000E 00 BIND 0 MTES RMOD FOR RMOD TIME 1E 00 WAV 1000 SIGM 6 0E 00 MTES RMOD FACT STOP 0 PRIN 0 SAVE 0 Example Code Mask testing commands example Option Explicit Public m...

Page 552: ...Scope WriteString MTESt AMASk SOURce CHANnel1 myScope WriteString MTESt AMASk SOURce strQueryResult myScope ReadString Debug Print Mask test auto mask source strQueryResult myScope WriteString MTESt A...

Page 553: ...myScope WriteString OPERegister CONDition varQueryResult myScope ReadNumber Operation Status Condition Register RUN bit bit 3 H8 If varQueryResult And H8 0 Then Exit Do Else Sleep 100 Small wait to p...

Page 554: ...he MTESt ALL command specifies the channel s that are included in the mask test ON All displayed analog channels are included in the mask test OFF Just the selected source channel is included in the t...

Page 555: ...a and MTESt AMASk UNITs commands The mask only encompasses the portion of the waveform visible on the display so you must ensure that the waveform is acquired and displayed consistently to obtain repe...

Page 556: units as set by the CHANnel n UNITs command of the selected source Suppose that UNITs are CURRent and that you set SOURce to CHANNEL1 which is using units of volts Then you can define AMASk XD...

Page 557: ...subsystem uses the graticule as the measurement system so tolerance settings are specified as parts of a screen division The mask test subsystem maintains separate XDELta and YDELta settings for CURR...

Page 558: ...etting for MTESt AMASk UNITs is CURRent and the current setting specifies time in the horizontal direction the tolerance will be 250 ms If the setting for MTESt AMASk UNITs is DIVisions the same X del...

Page 559: ...for MTESt AMASk UNITs is CURRent and the current setting specifies voltage in the vertical direction the tolerance will be 250 mV If the setting for MTESt AMASk UNITs is DIVisions the same Y delta val...

Page 560: mask test run This count is for all regions and all waveforms collected on the channel specified by the optional parameter or collected on the currently specified source channel MTESt SOURce if t...

Page 561: ...Guide 561 MTESt COUNt RESet see page 1276 Command Syntax MTESt COUNt RESet The MTESt COUNt RESet command resets the mask statistics See Also Introduction to MTESt Commands on page 551 MTESt COUNt WAV...

Page 562: ...St COUNt TIME The MTESt COUNt TIME query returns the elapsed time in the current mask test run Return Format time NL time elapsed seconds in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MTESt Commands on page...

Page 563: ...orms The MTESt COUNt WAVeforms query returns the total number of waveforms acquired in the current mask test run Return Format count NL count number of waveforms in NR1 format See Also Introduction to...

Page 564: ...8 2 format The MTESt DATA command loads a mask from binary block data Query Syntax MTESt DATA The MTESt DATA query returns a mask in binary block data format The format for the data transmission is th...

Page 565: ...0T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 565 MTESt DELete see page 1276 Command Syntax MTESt DELete The MTESt DELete command clears the currently loaded mask See Also Introduction to MTESt Command...

Page 566: ...on_off on_off 1 ON 0 OFF The MTESt ENABle command enables or disables the mask test features ON Enables the mask test features OFF Disables the mask test features Query Syntax MTESt ENABle The MTESt...

Page 567: ...r disables the mask lock feature ON Locks a mask to the SOURce As the vertical or horizontal scaling or position of the SOURce changes the mask is redrawn accordingly OFF The mask is static and does n...

Page 568: 573 command TIME the mask test runs for a fixed amount of time The amount of time is set by the MTESt RMODe TIME on page 574 command WAVeforms the mask test runs until a fixed number of waveform...

Page 569: ...stics run only on waveforms that contain a mask violation passing waveforms do not affect measurements and measurement statistics This mode is not available when the acquisition mode is set to Averagi...

Page 570: ...starting on page 403 for more information on setting the hardcopy device and formatting options Query Syntax MTESt RMODe FACTion PRINt The MTESt RMODe FACTion PRINt query returns the current mask fai...

Page 571: ...28 SAVE Commands starting on page 667 for more information on save options Query Syntax MTESt RMODe FACTion SAVE The MTESt RMODe FACTion SAVE query returns the current mask failure save setting Return...

Page 572: ...failure on or off When this setting is ON and a mask violation is detected the mask test is stopped and the acquisition system is stopped Query Syntax MTESt RMODe FACTion STOP The MTESt RMODe FACTion...

Page 573: ...Test sigma is the best achievable process sigma assuming no failures Process sigma is calculated using the number of failures per test The test sigma level indirectly specifies the number of waveform...

Page 574: ...86400 in NR3 format When the MTESt RMODe command is set to TIME the MTESt RMODe TIME command sets the number of seconds for a mask test to run Query Syntax MTESt RMODe TIME The MTESt RMODe TIME query...

Page 575: ...000 000 When the MTESt RMODe command is set to WAVeforms the MTESt RMODe WAVeforms command sets the number of waveform acquisitions that are mask tested Query Syntax MTESt RMODe WAVeforms The MTESt RM...

Page 576: ...and the 0 Level controls track each other Adjusting either the 1 Level or the 0 Level control shifts the position of the mask up or down without changing its size OFF If the Bind 1 0 Levels control is...

Page 577: ...0 ms an X value of 0 100 is a vertex at 110 ms The oscilloscope uses this equation to normalize vertices This simplifies reprogramming to handle different data rates For example if you halve the perio...

Page 578: ...ns it is best if you define XDELta as a pulse width or bit period Then a change in data rate without corresponding changes in the waveform can easily be handled by changing X The X coordinate of polyg...

Page 579: ...the boundaries set by SCALe Y1 and SCALe Y2 according to the equation Y Y Y2 Y1 Y1 Thus if you set Y1 to 100 mV and Y2 to 1 V a Y value of 0 100 in a vertex is at 190 mV The Y1 value is a voltage val...

Page 580: ...daries defined by SCALe Y1 and SCALe Y2 according to the following equation Y Y Y2 Y1 Y1 Thus if you set Y1 to 100 mV and Y2 to 1 V a Y value of 0 100 in a vertex is at 190 mV The Y2 value is a voltag...

Page 581: ...t SOURce command selects the channel which is configured by the commands contained in a mask file when it is loaded Query Syntax MTESt SOURce The MTESt SOURce query returns the channel which is config...

Page 582: ...y Syntax MTESt TITLe The MTESt TITLe query returns the mask title which is a string of up to 128 characters The title is displayed in the mask test dialog box and mask test tab when a mask file is loa...

Page 583: ...rting the Setup Use POD1 or POD2 to query setup information for the POD subsystem Return Format Table 103 POD n Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns POD n DISPlay 0 OFF 1 ON see pa...

Page 584: ...nfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 25 POD Commands The following is a sample response from the POD1 query In this case the query was issued following a RST command POD1 DISP...

Page 585: ...command POD1 D0 D7 POD2 D8 D15 The POD n DISPlay command turns displaying of the specified group of channels on or off Query Syntax POD n DISPlay The POD n DISPlay query returns the current display se...

Page 586: ...MEDium LARGe The POD n SIZE command specifies the size of digital channels on the display Sizes are set for all pods Therefore if you set the size on pod 1 for example the same size is set on pod 2 a...

Page 587: ...ow below the threshold Query Syntax POD n THReshold The POD n THReshold query returns the threshold value for the specified group of channels Return Format threshold NL threshold Floating point number...

Page 588: ...0 7 to CMOS threshold myScope WriteString POD1 THRESHOLD CMOS Set channels 8 15 to 2 0 volts myScope WriteString POD2 THRESHOLD 2 0 Set external channel to TTL threshold short form myScope WriteString...

Page 589: ...E see page 596 type DCDC DCAC ACDC ACAC POWer ENABle 0 OFF 1 ON see page 597 POWer ENABle see page 597 0 1 POWer HARMonics APPL y see page 598 n a n a n a POWer HARMonics DATA see page 599 binary_blo...

Page 590: ...611 n a n a POWer MODulation SOU Rce source see page 612 POWer MODulation SOU Rce see page 612 source V I POWer MODulation TYP E modulation see page 613 POWer MODulation TYP E see page 613 modulation...

Page 591: ...ty count see page 626 POWer SIGNals CYCLes QUALity see page 626 count integer in NR1 format Legal values are 1 to 100 POWer SIGNals DURati on EFFiciency value suffix see page 627 POWer SIGNals DURati...

Page 592: ...ximum expected input Voltage in NR3 format suffix V mV POWer SIGNals VMAXim um ONOFf ON value suffix see page 637 POWer SIGNals VMAXim um ONOFf ON see page 637 value Maximum expected input Voltage in...

Page 593: ...mat POWer SWITch RDS value suffix see page 648 POWer SWITch RDS see page 648 value Rds on value in NR3 format suffix OHM mOHM POWer SWITch VCE value suffix see page 649 POWer SWITch VCE see page 649 v...

Page 594: ...e VOLTage1 and POWer SIGNals SOURce CURRent1 commands The deskew values are saved in the oscilloscope until a factory default or secure erase is performed The next time you run the Power Application y...

Page 595: ...efficiency power analysis Efficiency analysis tests the overall efficiency of the power supply by measuring the output power over the input power See Also POWer EFFiciency TYPE on page 596 MEASure EFF...

Page 596: ...and specifies the type of power that is being converted from the input to the output This selection affects how the efficiency is measured Query Syntax POWer EFFiciency TYPE The POWer EFFiciency TYPE...

Page 597: ...76 Command Syntax POWer ENABle 0 OFF 1 ON The POWer ENABle command enables or disables power analysis Query Syntax POWer ENABle The POWer ENABle query returns a 1 or a 0 showing whether power analysis...

Page 598: ...k to the supply grid and cause problems with other devices on the grid Use the Current Harmonics analysis to test a switching power supply s current harmonics to pre compliance standard of IEC61000 3...

Page 599: ...s table data Return Format binary_block comma separated data with newlines at the end of each row See Also POWer HARMonics APPLy on page 598 POWer HARMonics DISPlay on page 600 POWer HARMonics FAILcou...

Page 600: ...F Harmonics measurement results are not displayed Query Syntax POWer HARMonics DISPlay The POWer HARMonics DISPlay query returns the display setting Return Format display NL display TABL BAR OFF See A...

Page 601: ...armonics values not specified by the selected standard are not counted Return Format count NL count integer in NR1 format See Also POWer HARMonics RUNCount on page 604 POWer HARMonics APPLy on page 59...

Page 602: ...0 Hz F60 60 Hz F400 400 Hz Query Syntax POWer HARMonics LINE The POWer HARMonics LINE query returns the line frequency setting Return Format frequency NL frequency F50 F60 F400 See Also POWer HARMonic...

Page 603: ...tor for IEC 61000 3 2 Standard Class C power factor value Return Format value Class C power factor in NR3 format See Also POWer HARMonics APPLy on page 598 POWer HARMonics DATA on page 599 POWer HARMo...

Page 604: ...s harmonics values not specified by the selected standard are not counted Return Format count NL count integer in NR1 format See Also POWer HARMonics FAILcount on page 601 POWer HARMonics APPLy on pag...

Page 605: ...le tools C IEC 61000 3 2 Class C for lighting equipment D IEC 61000 3 2 Class D for equipment having a specified power according less than or equal to 600 W of the following types personal computers a...

Page 606: ...pass fail status of the current harmonics analysis Return Format status PASS FAIL UNTested See Also POWer HARMonics RUNCount on page 604 POWer HARMonics FAILcount on page 601 POWer HARMonics APPLy on...

Page 607: ...results of the current harmonics analysis Return Format value Total Harmonics Distortion in NR3 format See Also POWer HARMonics APPLy on page 598 POWer HARMonics DATA on page 599 POWer HARMonics DISPl...

Page 608: ...76 Command Syntax POWer INRush APPLy The POWer INRush APPLy command applies the inrush current analysis The Inrush current analysis measures the peak inrush current of the power supply when the power...

Page 609: ...EXIT see page 1276 Command Syntax POWer INRush EXIT The POWer INRush EXIT command exits stops the inrush current power analysis This command is equivalent to pressing the Exit softkey on the oscillos...

Page 610: ...age 1276 Command Syntax POWer INRush NEXT The POWer INRush NEXT command goes to the next step of the inrush current analysis This command is equivalent to pressing the Next softkey on the oscilloscope...

Page 611: ...ntrol pulse signal to a switching device MOSFET and observes the trending of the pulse width duty cycle period frequency etc of the control pulse signal See Also POWer MODulation SOURce on page 612 PO...

Page 612: ...ce V I The POWer MODulation SOURce command selects either the voltage source or the current source as the source for the modulation analysis Query Syntax POWer MODulation SOURce The POWer MODulation S...

Page 613: ...tive pulse width NWIDth negative pulse width DUTYcycle RISetime FALLtime Query Syntax POWer MODulation TYPE The POWer MODulation TYPE query returns the modulation type setting Return Format modulation...

Page 614: ...ONOFf APPLy The POWer ONOFf APPLy command applies the selected turn on off analysis test POWer ONOFf TEST See Also POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONOFf OFF on page 638 POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONOFf ON on page 6...

Page 615: ...276 Command Syntax POWer ONOFf EXIT The POWer ONOFf EXIT command exits stops the turn on time turn off time analysis This command is equivalent to pressing the Exit softkey on the oscilloscope front p...

Page 616: ...nd Syntax POWer ONOFf NEXT The POWer ONOFf NEXT command goes to the next step of the turn on turn off analysis This command is equivalent to pressing the Next softkey on the oscilloscope front panel w...

Page 617: ...rmed ON Turn On measures the time taken to get the output voltage of the power supply after the input voltage is applied OFF Turn Off measures the time taken for the output voltage of the power supply...

Page 618: ...ine how well a voltage regulator rejects ripple noise over different frequency range This analysis provides a signal from the oscilloscope s waveform generator that sweeps its frequency This signal is...

Page 619: ...imum command sets the end sweep frequency value The PSRR measurement is displayed on a log scale so you can select from decade values in addition to the maximum frequency of 20 MHz Query Syntax POWer...

Page 620: ...POWer PSRR FREQuency MINimum command sets the start sweep frequency value The measurement is displayed on a log scale so you can select from decade values Query Syntax POWer PSRR FREQuency MINimum Th...

Page 621: ...R1 format The POWer PSRR RMAXimum command specifies the vertical scale of the PSRR math waveform Query Syntax POWer PSRR RMAXimum The POWer PSRR RMAXimum query returns the currently specified maximum...

Page 622: ...t may flow back into and back out of the load without delivering energy This current called reactive or harmonic current gives rise to an apparent power which is larger than the actual power consumed...

Page 623: ...iniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 623 POWer RIPPle APPLy see page 1276 Command Syntax POWer RIPPle APPLy The POWer RIPPle APPLy command applies the output ripple analysis See...

Page 624: ...HARMonics DISPlay on page 600 POWer EFFiciency APPLy on page 595 POWer RIPPle APPLy on page 623 POWer MODulation APPLy on page 611 POWer QUALity APPLy on page 622 POWer SLEW APPLy on page 643 POWer SW...

Page 625: ...of cycles to include in the current harmonics analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals CYCLes HARMonics The POWer SIGNals CYCLes HARMonics query returns the number of cycles currently set Return Format co...

Page 626: ...specifies the number of cycles to include in the power quality analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals CYCLes QUALity The POWer SIGNals CYCLes QUALity query returns the number of cycles currently set Retu...

Page 627: ...ciency command specifies the duration of the efficiency analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals DURation EFFiciency The POWer SIGNals DURation EFFiciency query returns the set duration time value Return F...

Page 628: ...lation command specifies the duration of the modulation analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals DURation MODulation The POWer SIGNals DURation MODulation query returns the set duration time value Return F...

Page 629: ...the turn off analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals DURation ONOFf OFF The POWer SIGNals DURation ONOFf OFF query returns the set duration time value Return Format value NL value value in NR3 format See...

Page 630: ...the turn on analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals DURation ONOFf ON The POWer SIGNals DURation ONOFf ON query returns the set duration time value Return Format value NL value value in NR3 format See Als...

Page 631: ...IPPle command specifies the duration of the output ripple analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals DURation RIPPle The POWer SIGNals DURation RIPPle query returns the set duration time value Return Format...

Page 632: ...he duration of the transient response analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals DURation TRANsient The POWer SIGNals DURation TRANsient query returns the set duration time value Return Format value NL value...

Page 633: ...nt amplitude This value is used to set the vertical scale of the channel probing current Query Syntax POWer SIGNals IEXPected The POWer SIGNals IEXPected query returns the expected inrush current sett...

Page 634: value for the transient response and to adjust the vertical scale of the oscilloscope Query Syntax POWer SIGNals OVERshoot The POWer SIGNals OVERshoot query returns the overshoot percent setting...

Page 635: ...This value is used to set the vertical scale of the channel probing voltage for inrush current analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals VMAXimum INRush The POWer SIGNals VMAXimum INRush query returns the e...

Page 636: ...cale of the channel probing voltage for turn off analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals VMAXimum ONOFf OFF The POWer SIGNals VMAXimum ONOFf OFF query returns the expected maximum input voltage setting Re...

Page 637: ...scale of the channel probing voltage for turn on analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals VMAXimum ONOFf ON The POWer SIGNals VMAXimum ONOFf ON query returns the expected maximum input voltage setting Ret...

Page 638: ...ower supply for turn off analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONOFf OFF The POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONOFf OFF query returns the expected steady state voltage setting Return Format value NL value...

Page 639: ...power supply for turn on analysis Query Syntax POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONOFf ON The POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONOFf ON query returns the expected steady state voltage setting Return Format value NL value E...

Page 640: with the overshoot percentage to specify the settling band for the transient response and to adjust the vertical scale of the oscilloscope Query Syntax POWer SIGNals VSTeady TRANsient The POWer SIG...

Page 641: ...els in NR1 format See Also POWer SIGNals AUTosetup on page 624 POWer SIGNals CYCLes HARMonics on page 625 POWer SIGNals CYCLes QUALity on page 626 POWer SIGNals DURation EFFiciency on page 627 POWer S...

Page 642: ...els in NR1 format See Also POWer SIGNals AUTosetup on page 624 POWer SIGNals CYCLes HARMonics on page 625 POWer SIGNals CYCLes QUALity on page 626 POWer SIGNals DURation EFFiciency on page 627 POWer S...

Page 643: ...InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 643 POWer SLEW APPLy see page 1276 Command Syntax POWer SLEW APPLy The POWer SLEW APPLy command applies the slew rate analysis See Also PO...

Page 644: ...SLEW SOURce source source V I The POWer SLEW SOURce command selects either the voltage source or the current source as the source for the slew rate analysis Query Syntax POWer SLEW SOURce The POWer S...

Page 645: ...OWer SWITch APPLy command applies the switching loss analysis using the conduction calculation method V reference and I reference settings See Also POWer SWITch CONDuction on page 646 POWer SWITch IRE...

Page 646: ...n using the POWer SWITch RDS command In the Off Zone where the current level is below I Ref the Power calculation is P 0 Watt VCE Vce sat The Power waveform includes error correction In the On Zone wh...

Page 647: ...m switch current You can adjust this value to ignore noise floors or null offset that is difficult to eliminate in current probes This value specifies the threshold that is used to determine the switc...

Page 648: ...RDS command specifies the Rds on value when the RDS conduction calculation method is chosen by POWer SWITch CONDuction Query Syntax POWer SWITch RDS The POWer SWITch RDS query returns the Rds on valu...

Page 649: ...E command specifies the Vce sat value when the VCE conduction calculation method is chosen by POWer SWITch CONDuction Query Syntax POWer SWITch VCE The POWer SWITch VCE query returns the Vce sat value...

Page 650: percentage of the maximum switch voltage You can adjust this value to ignore noise floors This value specifies the threshold that is used to determine the switching edges Query Syntax POWer SWITch...

Page 651: ...Command Syntax POWer TRANsient APPLy The POWer TRANsient APPLy command applies the transient analysis using the initial current and new current settings See Also POWer TRANsient EXIT on page 652 POWe...

Page 652: ...POWer TRANsient EXIT The POWer TRANsient EXIT command exits stops the transient analysis This command is equivalent to pressing the Exit softkey on the oscilloscope front panel during the analysis See...

Page 653: ...cify the initial load current value The initial load current will be used as a reference and to trigger the oscilloscope Query Syntax POWer TRANsient IINitial The POWer TRANsient IINitial query return...

Page 654: ...ent INEW command to specify the new load current value The new load current will be used as a reference and to trigger the oscilloscope Query Syntax POWer TRANsient INEW The POWer TRANsient INEW query...

Page 655: ...nt NEXT The POWer TRANsient NEXT command goes to the next step of the transient analysis This command is equivalent to pressing the Next softkey on the oscilloscope front panel when prompted during th...

Page 656: ...656 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 26 POWer Commands...

Page 657: ...ternal_loc 0 3 an integer in NR1 format file_name quoted ASCII string wavegen_id WGEN1 RECall DBC STARt file_name serialbus see page 660 n a file_name quoted ASCII string If extension included in file...

Page 658: The following is a sample response from the RECall query In this case the query was issued following the RST command REC FIL scope_0 RECall SETup STARt file_spec see page 664 n a file_spec internal...

Page 659: ...ameter is entered and it is a 2 column file the 2nd column assumed to be voltage is automatically be selected If the column parameter is entered and that column does not exist in the file the operatio...

Page 660: ...h serial decode waveform the CAN symbolic data will be loaded for See Also Introduction to RECall Commands on page 658 RECall FILename on page 661 RECall DBC STARt on page 660 SBUS n CAN TRIGger on pa...

Page 661: command specifies the source for any RECall operations Query Syntax RECall FILename The RECall FILename query returns the current RECall filename Return Format base_name NL base_name quoted ASCII...

Page 662: ...internal_loc file_name internal_loc 0 3 an integer in NR1 format file_name quoted ASCII string The RECall MASK STARt command recalls a mask See Also Introduction to RECall Commands on page 658 RECall...

Page 663: ...ctory for recall operations Query Syntax RECall PWD The RECall PWD query returns the currently set working directory for recall operations Return Format path_name NL path_name quoted ASCII string See...

Page 664: ...pec internal_loc file_name internal_loc 0 9 an integer in NR1 format file_name quoted ASCII string The RECall SETup STARt command recalls an oscilloscope setup See Also Introduction to RECall Commands...

Page 665: ...l WMEMory r STARt file_name r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format file_name quoted ASCII string The RECall WMEMory r STARt command recalls a reference waveform See Also Introduction to RECall Commands on...

Page 666: ...666 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 27 RECall Commands...

Page 667: ...wavegen_id WGEN1 SAVE FILename base_name see page 672 SAVE FILename see page 672 base_name quoted ASCII string SAVE IMAGe STARt file_name see page 673 n a file_name quoted ASCII string SAVE IMAGe FAC...

Page 668: ...d ASCII string SAVE RESults FORMat CURSor 0 OFF 1 ON see page 684 SAVE RESults FORMat CURSor see page 684 0 1 SAVE RESults FORMat MASK 0 OFF 1 ON see page 685 SAVE RESults FORMat MASK see page 685 0 1...

Page 669: ...h see page 692 length 100 to max length an integer in NR1 format SAVE WAVeform LENGth MAX 0 OFF 1 ON see page 693 SAVE WAVeform LENGth MAX see page 693 0 1 SAVE WAVeform SEGMen ted option see page 694...

Page 670: ...mmer s Guide 28 SAVE Commands The following is a sample response from the SAVE query In this case the query was issued following the RST command SAVE FIL SAVE IMAG AREA GRAT FACT 0 FORM TIFF INKS 0 PA...

Page 671: ...ed ASCII string wavegen_id WGEN1 The SAVE ARBitrary STARt command saves the current arbitrary waveform to an internal location or a file on a USB storage device The wavegen_id parameter specifies whic...

Page 672: ...y SAVE operations Query Syntax SAVE FILename The SAVE FILename query returns the current SAVE filename Return Format base_name NL base_name quoted ASCII string See Also Introduction to SAVE Commands o...

Page 673: ...INKSaver on page 676 SAVE IMAGe PALette on page 677 SAVE FILename on page 672 NOTE Be sure to set the SAVE IMAGe FORMat before saving an image If the format is NONE the save image command will not su...

Page 674: ...with the image Query Syntax SAVE IMAGe FACTors The SAVE IMAGe FACTors query returns a flag indicating whether oscilloscope factors are output along with the image Return Format factors NL factors 0 1...

Page 675: ...type Query Syntax SAVE IMAGe FORMat The SAVE IMAGe FORMat query returns the selected image format type Return Format format NL format BMP BMP8 PNG NONE When NONE is returned it indicates that a wavefo...

Page 676: ...r command controls whether the graticule colors are inverted or not Query Syntax SAVE IMAGe INKSaver The SAVE IMAGe INKSaver query returns a flag indicating whether graticule colors are inverted or no...

Page 677: ...AYscale The SAVE IMAGe PALette command sets the image palette color Query Syntax SAVE IMAGe PALette The SAVE IMAGe PALette query returns the selected image palette color Return Format palette NL palet...

Page 678: ...SAVE LISTer STARt file_name file_name quoted ASCII string The SAVE LISTer STARt command saves the Lister display data to a file See Also Introduction to SAVE Commands on page 669 SAVE FILename on pag...

Page 679: ...internal_loc file_name internal_loc 0 3 an integer in NR1 format file_name quoted ASCII string The SAVE MASK STARt command saves a mask See Also Introduction to SAVE Commands on page 669 SAVE FILenam...

Page 680: ...e_name quoted ASCII string The SAVE MULTi STARt command saves multi channel waveform data to a file This file can be opened by the N8900A Infiniium Offline oscilloscope analysis software See Also Intr...

Page 681: ..._name file_name quoted ASCII string The SAVE POWer STARt command saves the power measurement application s current harmonics analysis results to a file See Also Introduction to SAVE Commands on page 6...

Page 682: ...operations Query Syntax SAVE PWD The SAVE PWD query returns the currently set working directory for save operations Return Format path_name NL path_name quoted ASCII string See Also Introduction to S...

Page 683: ...d values csv file on a USB storage device Use the SAVE RESults FORMat commands to specify the analysis types whose results are saved to the file When multiple types of analysis results are selected th...

Page 684: ...lts FORMat commands specify whether other types of analysis results are also saved When multiple types of analysis results are saved they are all saved to the same file and separated by a blank line Q...

Page 685: ...ts FORMat commands specify whether other types of analysis results are also saved When multiple types of analysis results are saved they are all saved to the same file and separated by a blank line Qu...

Page 686: ...RESults FORMat commands specify whether other types of analysis results are also saved When multiple types of analysis results are saved they are all saved to the same file and separated by a blank l...

Page 687: ...ults FORMat commands specify whether other types of analysis results are also saved When multiple types of analysis results are saved they are all saved to the same file and separated by a blank line...

Page 688: ...ESults FORMat commands specify whether other types of analysis results are also saved When multiple types of analysis results are saved they are all saved to the same file and separated by a blank lin...

Page 689: ...spec internal_loc file_name internal_loc 0 9 an integer in NR1 format file_name quoted ASCII string The SAVE SETup STARt command saves an oscilloscope setup See Also Introduction to SAVE Commands on p...

Page 690: ...on page 669 SAVE WAVeform FORMat on page 691 SAVE WAVeform LENGth on page 692 SAVE FILename on page 672 RECall SETup STARt on page 664 NOTE Be sure to set the SAVE WAVeform FORMat before saving wavefo...

Page 691: ...ns information for all analog channels that are displayed turned on The proper file extension for this format is csv BINary creates an oscilloscope binary data format file See the User s Guide for a d...

Page 692: ...orm data length that is the number of points saved When the SAVE WAVeform LENGth MAX setting is ON the SAVE WAVeform LENGth setting has no effect Query Syntax SAVE WAVeform LENGth The SAVE WAVeform LE...

Page 693: ...MAX command specifies whether maximum number of waveform data points is saved When OFF the SAVE WAVeform LENGth command specifies the number of waveform data points saved Query Syntax SAVE WAVeform LE...

Page 694: ...nd specifies which segments are included when the waveform is saved ALL all acquired segments are saved CURRent only the currently selected segment is saved Query Syntax SAVE WAVeform SEGMented The SA...

Page 695: ...URce command selects the source to be saved as a reference waveform file Query Syntax SAVE WMEMory SOURce The SAVE WMEMory SOURce query returns the source to be saved as a reference waveform file Retu...

Page 696: ...EMory STARt file_name file_name quoted ASCII string The SAVE WMEMory STARt command saves oscilloscope waveform data to a reference waveform file See Also Introduction to SAVE Commands on page 669 SAVE...

Page 697: ...nds The SBUS subsystem commands control the serial decode bus viewing mode and other options The following serial bus decode trigger types are available see TRIGger MODE on page 1016 CAN Controller Ar...

Page 698: ...loscope to a clock data MOSI or MISO and framing signal You can then trigger on a data pattern during a specific framing period The serial data string can be specified to be from 4 to 64 bits long UAR...

Page 699: ...699 General SBUS n Commands Table 107General SBUS n Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns SBUS n DISPlay 0 OFF 1 ON see page 700 SBUS n DISPlay see page 700 0 1 SBUS n MODE mode se...

Page 700: ...ery returns the current display setting of the serial decode bus Return Format display NL display 0 1 Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also Introduction to SBUS n Commands on page 697 CHAN...

Page 701: ...turn Format mode NL mode A429 FLEX CAN I2S IIC LIN M1553 SENT SPI UART NONE Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also Introduction to SBUS n Commands on page 697 SBUS n A429 Commands on page 7...

Page 702: ...COUNt R ESet see page 707 n a n a n a SBUS n A429 COUNt W ORD see page 708 word_count integer in NR1 format SBUS n A429 FORMat format see page 709 SBUS n A429 FORMat see page 709 format LDSDi LDSSm L...

Page 703: ...n A429 TRIGger PATTern SSM see page 716 string nn where n 0 1 X length always 2 bits SBUS n A429 TRIGger RANGe min max see page 717 SBUS n A429 TRIGger RANGe see page 717 min 8 bit integer in decimal...

Page 704: ...ger Threshold 3 0 V Noise Reject Off Probe Attenuation 10 0 Vertical Scale 4 V div Serial Decode On Base SBUS n A429 BASE HEX Word Format SBUS n A429 FORMat LDSDi Label SDI Data SSM Trigger the specif...

Page 705: ...of the decoded data The BASE command has no effect on the SDI and SSM fields which are always displayed in binary nor the Label field which is always displayed in octal Query Syntax SBUS n A429 BASE...

Page 706: ...yntax SBUS n A429 COUNt ERRor Returns the error count Return Format error_count NL error_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n A429 COUNt RESet on page 7...

Page 707: ...ESet see page 1276 Command Syntax SBUS n A429 COUNt RESet Resets the word and error counters Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n A429 COUNt WORD on page 708 SBUS n A429 COUNt ERRo...

Page 708: ...Syntax SBUS n A429 COUNt WORD Returns the word count Return Format word_count NL word_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n A429 COUNt RESet on page 707...

Page 709: ...3 bits Query Syntax SBUS n A429 FORMat The SBUS n A429 FORMat query returns the current ARINC 429 word decode format setting Return Format format NL format LDSD LDSS LDAT Errors 241 Hardware missing o...

Page 710: ...nal type A Line A non inverted B Line B inverted DIFFerential Differential A B Query Syntax SBUS n A429 SIGNal The SBUS n A429 SIGNal query returns the current ARINC 429 signal type setting Return For...

Page 711: ...URce The SBUS n A429 SOURce query returns the currently set source of the ARINC 429 signal Use the TRIGger LEVel HIGH and TRIGger LEVel LOW commands to set the thresold levels for the selected source...

Page 712: ...ecifies the signal speed LOW 12 5 kb s HIGH 100 kb s Query Syntax SBUS n A429 SPEed The SBUS n A429 SPEed query returns the current ARINC 429 signal speed setting Return Format speed NL speed LOW HIGH...

Page 713: ...string 0xnn where n 0 9 A F The SBUS n A429 TRIGger LABel command defines the ARINC 429 label value when labels are used in the selected trigger type To set the label value to don t cares 0xXX set the...

Page 714: ...for in each ARINC 429 word Query Syntax SBUS n A429 TRIGger PATTern DATA The SBUS n A429 TRIGger PATTern DATA query returns the current settings of the specified ARINC 429 data pattern resource in the...

Page 715: ...rched for in each ARINC 429 word The specified SDI is only used if the SBUS n A429 FORMat includes the SDI field Query Syntax SBUS n A429 TRIGger PATTern SDI The SBUS n A429 TRIGger PATTern SDI query...

Page 716: ...ched for in each ARINC 429 word The specified SSM is only used if the SBUS n A429 FORMat includes the SSM field Query Syntax SBUS n A429 TRIGger PATTern SSM The SBUS n A429 TRIGger PATTern SSM query r...

Page 717: ...n where n 0 9 A F octal Qnnn where n 0 7 string 0xnn where n 0 9 A F The SBUS n A429 TRIGger RANGe command defines a range of ARINC 429 label values This range is used when the LRANge trigger type is...

Page 718: ...or GERRor triggers on an inter word gap error WGERrors triggers on either a Word or Gap Error ALLerrors triggers on any of the above errors ABITs triggers on any bit which will therefore form an eye d...

Page 719: ...UT ILization see page 727 percent floating point in NR3 format SBUS n CAN DISPlay type see page 728 SBUS n CAN DISPlay see page 728 type HEXadecimal SYMBolic SBUS n CAN FDSPoint value see page 729 SBU...

Page 720: ...39 SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA see page 739 string nn n where n 0 1 X string 0xnn n where n 0 9 A F X SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA DLC dlc see page 740 SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA DLC see p...

Page 721: ...Sage see page 745 name quoted ASCII string SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic SIGNal name see page 746 SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic SIGNal see page 746 name quoted ASCII string SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic VAL...

Page 722: ...age 1276 Query Syntax SBUS n CAN COUNt ERRor Returns the error frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n CAN C...

Page 723: 1276 Query Syntax SBUS n CAN COUNt OVERload Returns the overload frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count 0 in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n CAN...

Page 724: ...BUS n CAN COUNt RESet Resets the frame counters Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n CAN COUNt ERRor on page 722 SBUS n CAN COUNt OVERload on page 723 SBUS n CAN COUNt TOTal on pag...

Page 725: ...ntax SBUS n CAN COUNt SPEC Returns the Spec error Ack Form Stuff CRC errors count Return Format spec_error_count NL spec_error_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See...

Page 726: ...age 1276 Query Syntax SBUS n CAN COUNt TOTal Returns the total frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n CAN C...

Page 727: ...age 1276 Query Syntax SBUS n CAN COUNt UTILization Returns the percent utilization Return Format percent NL percent floating point in NR3 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS...

Page 728: ...The SBUS n CAN DISPlay command specifies when CAN symbolic data is loaded into the oscilloscope whether symbolic values from the DBC file or hexadecimal values are displayed in the decode waveform an...

Page 729: ...point during the bit time where the bit level is sampled to determine whether the bit is dominant or recessive The sample point represents the percentage of time between the beginning of the bit time...

Page 730: where the bit level is sampled to determine whether the bit is dominant or recessive The sample point represents the percentage of time between the beginning of the bit time to the end of the bit t...

Page 731: ...s set to the nearest baud rate divisible by 100 b s You can also set the baud rate of the CAN signal to 5 Mb s Fractional baud rates between 4 Mb s and 5 Mb s are not allowed If the baud rate you sele...

Page 732: ...inant low signals CANL the actual CAN_L differential bus signal RX the Receive signal from the CAN bus transceiver TX the Transmit signal to the CAN bus transceiver DIFL the CAN differential L H bus s...

Page 733: ...ou enter a baud rate that is not divisible by 100 b s the baud rate is set to the nearest baud rate divisible by 100 b s For CAN FD both the standard rate settings see SBUS n CAN SIGNal BAUDrate and t...

Page 734: ...or the MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n CAN SOURce command sets the source for the CAN signal Query Syntax SBUS n CAN SOURce The SBUS...

Page 735: ...nd of the last data byte defined in the trigger The DLC of the packet must must match the number of bytes specified FDData Data Frame ID and Data FD triggers on CAN FD frames at the end of the last da...

Page 736: ...39 SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA LENGth on page 741 SPECerror Spec Error Ack or Form or Stuff or CRC Triggers on Ack Form Stuff or CRC errors X ALLerrors All Errors Triggers on all Spec errors and e...

Page 737: ...743 SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern ID MODE on page 744 SBUS n CAN TRIGger IDFilter on page 738 SBUS n CAN SIGNal DEFinition on page 732 SBUS n CAN SOURce on page 734 RECall DBC STARt on page 660 SBUS n C...

Page 738: ...AN TRIGger IDFilter 0 OFF 1 ON The SBUS n CAN TRIGger IDFilter command specifies in certain error and bit trigger modes whether triggers are filtered by CAN IDs Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger IDFilte...

Page 739: ...X don t care characters otherwise it is a binary string made up of 0 1 and X don t care characters Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA The SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA query returns the cu...

Page 740: ...BUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA DLC command specifies the DLC value to be used in the CAN FD data trigger mode A specific valid FD value can be specified or 1 can be specified to indicate don t care Qu...

Page 741: The number of bytes in the string can be anywhere from 1 bytes to 8 bytes 64 bits The value for these bytes is set by the SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger PA...

Page 742: ...yte position for CAN FD data triggers CAN FD frames can have up to 64 bytes of data You can trigger on up to 8 bytes of data The starting byte position setting lets you trigger on data anywhere within...

Page 743: ...made up of hexadecimal and X don t care characters otherwise it is a binary string made up of 0 1 and X don t care characters Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern ID The SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern...

Page 744: ...d selects the extended 29 bit identifier The CAN identifier is set by the SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern ID command Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern ID MODE The SBUS n CAN TRIGger PATTern ID MODE q...

Page 745: ...the message to trigger on when CAN symbolic data has been loaded recalled into the oscilloscope and the CAN trigger mode is set to MESSage or MSIGnal Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic MESSage T...

Page 746: ...fies the signal to trigger on when CAN symbolic data has been loaded recalled into the oscilloscope and the CAN trigger mode is set to MSIGnal Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic SIGNal The SBUS...

Page 747: ...recalled into the oscilloscope and the CAN trigger mode is set to MSIGnal Query Syntax SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic VALue The SBUS n CAN TRIGger SYMBolic VALue query returns the specified signal value...

Page 748: ...frame_count integer in NR1 format SBUS n FLEXray COUN t RESet see page 754 n a n a n a SBUS n FLEXray COUN t SYNC see page 755 frame_count integer in NR1 format n a SBUS n FLEXray COUN t TOTal see pa...

Page 749: ...IG ger FRAMe CCRepetitio n cycle_count_repetiti on see page 764 SBUS n FLEXray TRIG ger FRAMe CCRepetitio n see page 764 cycle_count_repetition ALL rep rep integer values 2 4 8 16 32 or 64 SBUS n FLEX...

Page 750: ...erial decode Sets the selected source channel s impedance to 50 Ohms Sets the selected source channel s probe attenuation to 10 1 Sets the trigger level on the selected source channel to 300 mV Turns...

Page 751: ...audrate 2500000 5000000 10000000 The SBUS n FLEXray BAUDrate command specifies the baud rate as 2 5 Mb s 5 Mb s or 10 Mb s Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray BAUDrate The SBUS n FLEXray BAUDrate query return...

Page 752: ...ay CHANnel channel channel A B The SBUS n FLEXray CHANnel command specifies the bus channel A or B of the FlexRay signal Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray CHANnel The SBUS n FLEXray CHANnel query returns th...

Page 753: ...L Returns the FlexRay null frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n FLEXray COUNt RESet on page 754 SBUS n FL...

Page 754: ...nd Syntax SBUS n FLEXray COUNt RESet Resets the FlexRay frame counters Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n FLEXray COUNt NULL on page 753 SBUS n FLEXray COUNt TOTal on page 756 SB...

Page 755: ...C Returns the FlexRay sync frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n FLEXray COUNt RESet on page 754 SBUS n FL...

Page 756: ...ay total frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n FLEXray COUNt RESet on page 754 SBUS n FLEXray COUNt TOTal...

Page 757: ...4 The SBUS n FLEXray SOURce command specifies the input source for the FlexRay signal Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray SOURce The SBUS n FLEXray SOURce query returns the current source for the FlexRay sign...

Page 758: ...y event symbol Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray TRIGger The SBUS n FLEXray TRIGger query returns the current FLEXray trigger on condition Return Format condition NL condition FRAM ERR EVEN See Also Introdu...

Page 759: ...The error type setting is only valid when the FlexRay trigger mode is set to ERRor ALL triggers on ALL errors HCRC triggers on only Header CRC errors FCRC triggers on only Frame CRC errors Query Synta...

Page 760: ...RIGger EVENt AUToset command automatically configures oscilloscope settings as shown on the display for the selected event trigger See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 SBUS n FLEXray...

Page 761: ...trigger This setting is only valid if the trigger mode is EVENt and the EVENt TYPE is BSS Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray TRIGger EVENt BSS ID The SBUS n FLEXray TRIGger EVENt BSS ID query returns the cu...

Page 762: ...nt FES triggers on either Frame End or Dynamic Trailing Sequence event DTS triggers on either Frame End or Dynamic Trailing Sequence event BSS triggers on Byte Start Sequence event Query Syntax SBUS n...

Page 763: ...ets the base of the FlexRay cycle count in the frame header to trigger on The cycle count base setting is only valid when the FlexRay trigger mode is set to FRAME Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray TRIGger F...

Page 764: ...petition number of the FlexRay cycle count in the frame header to trigger on The cycle count repetition setting is only valid when the FlexRay trigger mode is set to FRAME Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray...

Page 765: ...command sets the FlexRay frame ID to trigger on The frame ID setting is only valid when the FlexRay trigger mode is set to FRAMe Query Syntax SBUS n FLEXray TRIGger FRAMe ID The SBUS n FLEXray TRIGge...

Page 766: ...rames STARtup will trigger on only startup frames NULL will trigger on only null frames SYNC will trigger on only sync frames NSTArtup will trigger on frames other than startup frames NNULl will trigg...

Page 767: ...e page 772 SBUS n I2S RWIDth see page 772 receiver 4 32 in NR1 format SBUS n I2S SOURce C LOCk source see page 773 SBUS n I2S SOURce C LOCk see page 773 source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source...

Page 768: ...xnn n where n 0 9 A F X when base HEX SBUS n I2S TRIGger PATTern FORMat base see page 781 SBUS n I2S TRIGger PATTern FORMat see page 781 base BINary HEX DECimal SBUS n I2S TRIGger RANGe lower upper se...

Page 769: when in I2S mode I2S standard LJ left justified RJ right justified Note that the word select WS polarity is specified separately with the SBUS n I2S WSLow command Query Syntax SBUS n I2S ALIGnment...

Page 770: ...ase DECimal HEX The SBUS n I2S BASE command determines the base to use for the I2S decode display Query Syntax SBUS n I2S BASE The SBUS n I2S BASE query returns the current I2S display decode base Ret...

Page 771: ...pecifies which edge of the I2S serial clock signal clocks in data NEGative Falling edge POSitive Rising edge Query Syntax SBUS n I2S CLOCk SLOPe The SBUS n I2S CLOCk SLOPe query returns the current I2...

Page 772: ...he width of the receiver decoded data word in I2S anywhere from 4 bits to 32 bits Query Syntax SBUS n I2S RWIDth The SBUS n I2S RWIDth query returns the currently set I2S receiver data word width Retu...

Page 773: ...hannels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n I2S SOURce CLOCk controls which signal is used as the serial clock SCLK source by the serial decoder and or trigger when in I2S...

Page 774: in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n I2S SOURce DATA command controls which signal is used as the serial data SDATA source by the serial decoder and or trigger when in I...

Page 775: ...channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n I2S SOURce WSELect command controls which signal is used as the word select WS source by the serial decoder and or trigger whe...

Page 776: ...r upper and lower values to specify the range in which to trigger OUTRange enter upper and lower values to specify range in which trigger will not occur INCReasing triggers when the data value makes a...

Page 777: ...s Programmer s Guide 777 Return Format operator NL operator EQU NOT LESS GRE INR OUTR INCR DECR See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 SBUS n I2S TRIGger AUDio on page 778 SBUS n I2S T...

Page 778: ...The SBUS n I2S TRIGger AUDio command specifies the audio channel to trigger on RIGHt right channel LEFT left channel EITHer right or left channel Query Syntax SBUS n I2S TRIGger AUDio The SBUS n I2S T...

Page 779: ...hen any bits in a given nibble have the value of X and base HEX the character is returned for the corresponding nibble NOTE base is specified with the SBUS n I2S TRIGger PATTern FORMat command The def...

Page 780: ...US n I2S TRIGger PATTern DATA query returns the currently specified I2S trigger data pattern Return Format string NL See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 SBUS n I2S TRIGger PATTern F...

Page 781: ...ern FORMat command sets the entry and query number base used by the SBUS n I2S TRIGger PATTern DATA command The default base is DECimal Query Syntax SBUS n I2S TRIGger PATTern FORMat The SBUS n I2S TR...

Page 782: ...he lower and upper values correspond to the Armed and Trigger softkeys Query Syntax SBUS n I2S TRIGger RANGe The SBUS n I2S TRIGger RANGe query returns the currently set lower and upper range boundari...

Page 783: ...SBUS n Commands 29 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 783 SBUS n I2S TWIDth on page 784 SBUS n I2S WSLow on page 785...

Page 784: ...the width of the transmitted data word in I2S anywhere from 4 bits to 32 bits Query Syntax SBUS n I2S TWIDth The SBUS n I2S TWIDth query returns the currently set I2S transmitted data word width Retur...

Page 785: ...e of high indicates right channel data is active on the bus RIGHt a word select WS state of low indicates right channel data is active on the I2S bus and a WS state of high indicates left channel data...

Page 786: 789 source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern ADDRes...

Page 787: ...Ze command determines whether the Read Write bit is included as the LSB in the display of the IIC address field of the decode bus Query Syntax SBUS n IIC ASIZe The SBUS n IIC ASIZe query returns the c...

Page 788: ...ANnel n DIGital d for the MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n IIC SOURce CLOCk command sets the source for the IIC serial clock SCL Query...

Page 789: ...rce CHANnel n DIGital d for the MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n IIC SOURce DATA command sets the source for IIC serial data SDA Query...

Page 790: for IIC data The address can range from 0x00 to 0x7F 7 bit or 0x3FF 10 bit hexadecimal Use the don t care address 1 or 0xFFFFFFFF to ignore the address value Query Syntax SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern...

Page 791: ...ommand sets IIC data The data value can range from 0x00 to 0x0FF hexadecimal Use the don t care data pattern 1 or 0xFFFFFFFF to ignore the data value Query Syntax SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern DATA The S...

Page 792: ...mand sets IIC data 2 The data value can range from 0x00 to 0x0FF hexadecimal Use the don t care data pattern 1 or 0xFFFFFFFF to ignore the data value Query Syntax SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern DATa2 The...

Page 793: ...n The SBUS n IIC TRIGger QUALifier command sets the IIC data qualifier when TRIGger IIC TRIGger TYPE is set to READEprom Query Syntax SBUS n IIC TRIGger QUALifier The SBUS n IIC TRIGger QUALifier quer...

Page 794: ...e is also accepted for WRITe7 W7Data2 7 bit address frame containing Start Address7 Write Ack Data Ack Data2 WRITe10 10 bit address frame containing Start Address byte1 Write Ack Address byte 2 Data N...

Page 795: ...29 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 795 SBUS n IIC TRIGger PATTern DATa2 on page 792 SBUS n IIC TRIGger QUALifier on page 793 Long Form to Short Form Truncation R...

Page 796: ...625000 in 100 b s increments SBUS n LIN SOURce source see page 801 SBUS n LIN SOURce see page 801 source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog chann...

Page 797: ...imal string nn n where n 0 1 X when base BINary string 0xnn n where n 0 9 A F X when base HEX SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern DATA LENGth length see page 808 SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern DATA LENGth see page...

Page 798: ...whether the parity bits are included as the most significant bits MSB in the display of the Frame Id field in the LIN decode bus Query Syntax SBUS n LIN PARity The SBUS n LIN PARity query returns the...

Page 799: ...ed to determine whether the bit is dominant or recessive The sample point represents the percentage of time between the beginning of the bit time to the end of the bit time Query Syntax SBUS n LIN SAM...

Page 800: ...o 625 kb s in 100 b s increments If you enter a baud rate that is not divisible by 100 b s the baud rate is set to the nearest baud rate divisible by 100 b s Query Syntax SBUS n LIN SIGNal BAUDrate Th...

Page 801: ...r the MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n LIN SOURce command sets the source for the LIN signal Query Syntax SBUS n LIN SOURce The SBUS n...

Page 802: ...N STANdard command sets the LIN standard in effect for triggering and decoding to be LIN1 3 or LIN2 0 Query Syntax SBUS n LIN STANdard The SBUS n LIN STANdard query returns the current LIN standard se...

Page 803: ...r equal to 11 12 or 13 clock lengths The sync break is the idle period in the bus activity at the beginning of each packet that distinguishes one information packet from the previous one Query Syntax...

Page 804: ...Use the SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern DATA LENGth and SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern DATA commands to specify the data string length and value PARityerror parity errors CSUMerror checksum errors Query Syntax...

Page 805: ...LIN TRIGger ID command defines the LIN identifier searched for in each CAN message when the LIN trigger mode is set to frame ID Setting the ID to a value of 1 results in 0xXX which is equivalent to a...

Page 806: ...alue is used When base DECimal the X and characters cannot be entered When queried the character is returned when any bits in the pattern have the value of X and base DECimal When any bits in a given...

Page 807: ...ion 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 807 See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern FORMat on page 809 SBUS n LIN TRIGger on page 804 SBUS n LIN T...

Page 808: The number of bytes in the string can be anywhere from 1 bytes to 8 bytes 64 bits The value for these bytes is set by the SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SBUS n LIN TRIGger PAT...

Page 809: ...mmand sets the entry and query number base used by the SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern DATA command The default base is BINary Query Syntax SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern FORMat The SBUS n LIN TRIGger PATTern...

Page 810: ...see page 812 base BINary HEX SBUS n M1553 SOURce source see page 813 SBUS n M1553 SOURce see page 813 source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format SBUS n M1553 TRIGge r PATTern DATA string se...

Page 811: ...matically sets these options for decoding and triggering on MIL STD 1553 signals High Low Trigger Thresholds to a voltage value equal to 1 3 division based on the source channel s current V div settin...

Page 812: ...y HEX The SBUS n M1553 BASE command determines the base to use for the MIL STD 1553 decode display Query Syntax SBUS n M1553 BASE The SBUS n M1553 BASE query returns the current MIL STD 1553 display d...

Page 813: ...MIL STD 1553 signal Use the TRIGger LEVel HIGH and TRIGger LEVel LOW commands to set the thresold levels for the selected source Query Syntax SBUS n M1553 TRIGger SOURce The SBUS n M1553 SOURce query...

Page 814: ...Tern DATA command sets the 11 bits to trigger on if the trigger type has been set to RTA11 RTA 11 Bits using the SBUS n M1553 TRIGger TYPE command Query Syntax SBUS n M1553 TRIGger PATTern DATA The SB...

Page 815: n 0 9 A F The SBUS n M1553 TRIGger RTA command sets the Remote Terminal Address RTA to trigger on when the trigger type has been set to RTA or RTA11 using the SBUS n M1553 TRIGger TYPE command To...

Page 816: ...dress triggers if the RTA of the Command Status word matches the specified value The value is specified in hex RTA11 RTA 11 Bits triggers if the RTA and the remaining 11 bits match the specified crite...

Page 817: ...see page 824 decode NIBBles FSIGnal FSSerial FESerial SSERial ESERial SBUS n SENT IDLE state see page 826 SBUS n SENT IDLE see page 826 state LOW HIGH SBUS n SENT LENGth _nibbles see page 827 SBUS n S...

Page 818: ...NR1 format SBUS n SENT TRIGger mode see page 841 SBUS n SENT TRIGger see page 841 mode SFCMessage SSCMessage FCData SCMid SCData FCCerror SCCerror CRCerror TOLerror PPERror SSPerror SBUS n SENT TRIGge...

Page 819: ...r SLOW ILENgth length see page 848 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW ILENgth see page 848 length SHORt LONG SBUS n SENT TRIGger TOLerance percent see page 849 SBUS n SENT TRIGger TOLerance see page 849 percent...

Page 820: ...n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT PPULse on page 828 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s DI...

Page 821: ...format LEG REC See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT PPULse on...

Page 822: ...iplier SignalValueAsUnsignedInteger Offset When SYMBolic is selected the CRC and Slow Channel information is displayed in hex Query Syntax SBUS n SENT DISPlay The SBUS n SENT DISPlay query returns the...

Page 823: ...iniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 823 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW DATA on page 844 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW ID on page 846 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW ILENgth on page 848 SBUS n SEN...

Page 824: ...decode is affected both in how the system interprets the data and what will be displayed The trigger is affected in that the trigger hardware needs to be configured to trigger on serial messages corre...

Page 825: ...on page 832 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s OFFSet on page 833 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s ORDer on page 834 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s STARt on page 836 SBUS n SENT SOURce on page 838 SBUS n SENT TOLerance on page 840 SBUS...

Page 826: ...ay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT PPULse on page 828 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s DISPlay on page 829 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s LENGth on page 830 SBUS n SENT...

Page 827: ...n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT PPULse on page 828 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s DISPlay on page 829 SBUS n SENT S...

Page 828: ...n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s DISPlay on page 829 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s LENGth on page 830...

Page 829: ...SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT PPULse on page 828 SBUS n SENT SIGNa...

Page 830: ...g defined Fast Signal definition examples Query Syntax SBUS n SENT SIGNal s LENGth The SBUS n SENT SIGNal s LENGth query returns the signal bit length setting Return Format length NL length from 1 24...

Page 831: ...r on page 834 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s STARt on page 836 SBUS n SENT SOURce on page 838 SBUS n SENT TOLerance on page 840 SBUS n SENT TRIGger on page 841 SBUS n SENT TRIGger FAST DATA on page 843 SBUS n S...

Page 832: ...iplier value for the Fast Channel Signal Return Format multiplier NL multiplier from 1 24 in NR3 format See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 8...

Page 833: ...hannel Signal Return Format offset NL offset from 1 24 in NR3 format See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 S...

Page 834: ...ificant Nibble first or Least Significant Nibble first Fast Signal definition examples Query Syntax SBUS n SENT SIGNal s ORDer The SBUS n SENT SIGNal s ORDer query returns the nibble order setting Ret...

Page 835: ...Set on page 833 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s STARt on page 836 SBUS n SENT SOURce on page 838 SBUS n SENT TOLerance on page 840 SBUS n SENT TRIGger on page 841 SBUS n SENT TRIGger FAST DATA on page 843 SBUS n...

Page 836: defined Fast Signal definition examples Query Syntax SBUS n SENT SIGNal s STARt The SBUS n SENT SIGNal s STARt query returns the Fast Signal starting bit setting Return Format position NL position...

Page 837: ...Set on page 833 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s ORDer on page 834 SBUS n SENT SOURce on page 838 SBUS n SENT TOLerance on page 840 SBUS n SENT TRIGger on page 841 SBUS n SENT TRIGger FAST DATA on page 843 SBUS n...

Page 838: ...ormat d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page...

Page 839: ...SBUS n Commands 29 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 839 SBUS n SENT TRIGger TOLerance on page 849...

Page 840: ...CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT PPULse on page 828...

Page 841: ...nd Data field both match the values entered using additional softkeys TOLerror triggers when the sync pulse width varies from the nominal value by greater than the entered percentage FCCerror triggers...

Page 842: ...SBUS n SENT SIGNal s MULTiplier on page 832 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s OFFSet on page 833 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s ORDer on page 834 SBUS n SENT SIGNal s STARt on page 836 SBUS n SENT SOURce on page 838 SBUS n...

Page 843: ...0 1 X string 0xn where n 0 9 A F X See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n...

Page 844: ...ger Return Format data NL data when ILENgth SHORt from 1 don t care to 65535 in NR1 f ormat data when ILENgth LONG from 1 don t care to 4095 in NR1 for mat See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS...

Page 845: ...SBUS n Commands 29 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 845 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW ILENgth on page 848 SBUS n SENT TRIGger TOLerance on page 849...

Page 846: ...he slow channel ID setting Return Format id NL id when ILENgth SHORt from 1 don t care to 15 in NR1 format id when ILENgth LONG from 1 don t care to 255 in NR1 format See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on pag...

Page 847: ...SBUS n Commands 29 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 847 SBUS n SENT TRIGger SLOW ILENgth on page 848 SBUS n SENT TRIGger TOLerance on page 849...

Page 848: ...Format length NL length SHOR LONG See Also SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n...

Page 849: ...o SBUS n SENT CLOCk on page 820 SBUS n SENT CRC on page 821 SBUS n SENT DISPlay on page 822 SBUS n SENT FORMat on page 824 SBUS n SENT IDLE on page 826 SBUS n SENT LENGth on page 827 SBUS n SENT PPULs...

Page 850: ...I FRAMing value see page 855 SBUS n SPI FRAMing see page 855 value CHIPselect NCHipselect NOTC TIMeout SBUS n SPI SOURce C LOCk source see page 856 SBUS n SPI SOURce C LOCk see page 856 value CHANnel...

Page 851: ...rn MISO WIDTh width see page 861 SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MISO WIDTh see page 861 width integer from 4 to 64 in NR1 format SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MOSI DATA string see page 862 SBUS n SPI TRIGger...

Page 852: ...order most significant bit first MSB or least significant bit first LSB used when displaying data in the serial decode waveform and in the Lister Query Syntax SBUS n SPI BITorder The SBUS n SPI BITor...

Page 853: ...PI CLOCk SLOPe command specifies the rising edge POSitive or falling edge NEGative of the SPI clock source that will clock in the data Query Syntax SBUS n SPI CLOCk SLOPe The SBUS n SPI CLOCk SLOPe qu...

Page 854: ...ut resource in seconds from 100 ns to 10 s when the SBUS n SPI FRAMing command is set to TIMeout The timer is used to frame a signal by a clock timeout Query Syntax SBUS n SPI CLOCk TIMeout The SBUS n...

Page 855: ...framing value If TIMeout is selected the timeout value is set by the SBUS n SPI CLOCk TIMeout command Query Syntax SBUS n SPI FRAMing The SBUS n SPI FRAMing query returns the current SPI framing valu...

Page 856: ...rmat d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n SPI SOURce CLOCk command sets the source for the SPI serial clock Query Syntax SBUS n SPI SOURce CLOCk The SBUS n SPI SOURce CLOCk query returns...

Page 857: ...d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n SPI SOURce FRAMe command sets the frame source when SBUS n SPI FRAMing is set to CHIPselect or NOTChipselect Query Syntax SBUS n SPI SOURce FRAMe Th...

Page 858: ...MISO command sets the source for the SPI serial MISO data Query Syntax SBUS n SPI SOURce MISO The SBUS n SPI SOURce MISO query returns the current source for the SPI serial MISO data Return Format sou...

Page 859: ...MOSI command sets the source for the SPI serial MOSI data Query Syntax SBUS n SPI SOURce MOSI The SBUS n SPI SOURce MOSI query returns the current source for the SPI serial MOSI data Return Format sou...

Page 860: ...ata stream If the string parameter starts with 0x it is a hexadecimal string made up of hexadecimal and X don t care characters otherwise it is a binary string made up of 0 1 and X don t care characte...

Page 861: ...f the SPI data pattern anywhere from 4 bits to 64 bits Query Syntax SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MISO WIDTh The SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MISO WIDTh query returns the current SPI data pattern width set...

Page 862: ...ata stream If the string parameter starts with 0x it is a hexadecimal string made up of hexadecimal and X don t care characters otherwise it is a binary string made up of 0 1 and X don t care characte...

Page 863: ...f the SPI data pattern anywhere from 4 bits to 64 bits Query Syntax SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MOSI WIDTh The SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MOSI WIDTh query returns the current SPI data pattern width set...

Page 864: ...When triggering on MISO data the data value is specified by the SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MISO DATA and SBUS n SPI TRIGger PATTern MISO WIDTh commands Query Syntax SBUS n SPI TRIGger TYPE The SBUS n...

Page 865: ...mat The SBUS n SPI WIDTh command determines the number of bits in a word of data for SPI Query Syntax SBUS n SPI WIDTh The SBUS n SPI WIDTh query returns the current SPI decode word width Return Forma...

Page 866: ...SBUS n UART BITorde r see page 871 bitorder LSBFirst MSBFirst n a SBUS n UART COUNt E RRor see page 872 frame_count integer in NR1 format SBUS n UART COUNt R ESet see page 873 n a n a n a SBUS n UART...

Page 867: 881 base ASCii HEX SBUS n UART TRIGger BURSt value see page 882 SBUS n UART TRIGger BURSt see page 882 value OFF 1 to 4096 in NR1 format SBUS n UART TRIGger DATA value see page 883 SBUS n UART TRIG...

Page 868: ...TYPE value see page 886 SBUS n UART TRIGger TYPE see page 886 value RSTArt RSTOp RDATa RD1 RD0 RDX PARityerror TSTArt TSTOp TDATa TD1 TD0 TDX SBUS n UART WIDTh width see page 887 SBUS n UART WIDTh see...

Page 869: ...EX The SBUS n UART BASE command determines the base to use for the UART decode and Lister display Query Syntax SBUS n UART BASE The SBUS n UART BASE query returns the current UART decode and Lister ba...

Page 870: ...he serial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode The baud rate can be set from 100 b s to 8 Mb s If the baud rate you select does not match the system baud rate false triggers may occur Query Syntax...

Page 871: ...rial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode LSBFirst sets the least significant bit of each message byte as transmitted first MSBFirst sets the most significant bit as transmitted first Query Syntax...

Page 872: ...1276 Query Syntax SBUS n UART COUNt ERRor Returns the UART error frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n UAR...

Page 873: ...ommand Syntax SBUS n UART COUNt RESet Resets the UART frame counters Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n UART COUNt ERRor on page 872 SBUS n UART COUNt RXFRames on page 874 SBUS n...

Page 874: ...e 1276 Query Syntax SBUS n UART COUNt RXFRames Returns the UART Rx frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n U...

Page 875: ...e 1276 Query Syntax SBUS n UART COUNt TXFRames Returns the UART Tx frame count Return Format frame_count NL frame_count integer in NR1 format Errors 241 Hardware missing on page 1235 See Also SBUS n U...

Page 876: ...imal nondecimal Bnn n where n 0 1 for binary The SBUS n UART FRAMing command determines the byte value to use for framing end of packet or to turn off framing for UART decode Query Syntax SBUS n UART...

Page 877: ...S n UART PARity command selects the parity to be used with each message byte for the serial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode Query Syntax SBUS n UART PARity The SBUS n UART PARity query return...

Page 878: ...US n UART POLarity command selects the polarity as idle low or idle high for the serial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode Query Syntax SBUS n UART POLarity The SBUS n UART POLarity query return...

Page 879: ...els in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n UART SOURce RX command controls which signal is used as the Rx source by the serial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode Query...

Page 880: in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The SBUS n UART SOURce TX command controls which signal is used as the Tx source by the serial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode Query S...

Page 881: ...tion is from hexadecimal values The SBUS n UART TRIGger BASE setting does not affect the SBUS n UART TRIGger DATA command which can always set data values using ASCII or hexadecimal values Query Synta...

Page 882: ...nd selects the burst value Nth frame after idle period in the range 1 to 4096 or OFF for the trigger when in UART mode Query Syntax SBUS n UART TRIGger BURSt The SBUS n UART TRIGger BURSt query return...

Page 883: ...ata value is used when one of the RD or TD trigger types is selected When entering an ASCII character via the quoted string it must be one of the 128 valid characters case sensitive NUL SOH STX ETX EO...

Page 884: ...mand selects the value of the idle period for burst trigger in the range from 1 us to 10 s when in UART mode Query Syntax SBUS n UART TRIGger IDLE The SBUS n UART TRIGger IDLE query returns the curren...

Page 885: ...UART TRIGger QUALifier command selects the data qualifier when TYPE is set to RDATa RD1 RD0 RDX TDATa TD1 TD0 or TDX for the trigger when in UART mode Query Syntax SBUS n UART TRIGger QUALifier The S...

Page 886: ...TRIGger QUALifier commands are used to specify the data value and comparison operator The RD1 RD0 RDX TD1 TD0 and TDX types for triggering on data and alert bit values are only valid when a 9 bit widt...

Page 887: ...S n UART WIDTh command determines the number of bits 5 9 for each message byte for the serial decoder and or trigger when in UART mode Query Syntax SBUS n UART WIDTh The SBUS n UART WIDTh query return...

Page 888: ...888 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 29 SBUS n Commands...

Page 889: ...EAK Commands on page 905 SEARch RUNT Commands on page 910 SEARch TRANsition Commands on page 915 SEARch SERial A429 Commands on page 920 SEARch SERial CAN Commands on page 926 SEARch SERial FLEXray Co...

Page 890: ...and Query Returns n a SEARch COUNt see page 891 count an integer count value SEARch EVENt event_number see page 892 SEARch EVENt see page 892 event_number the integer number of a found search event S...

Page 891: ...Rch COUNt see page 1276 Query Syntax SEARch COUNt The SEARch COUNt query returns the number of search events found Return Format count NL count an integer count value See Also Chapter 30 SEARch Comman...

Page 892: ...o a found search event If the SEARch STATe is ON the horizontal position is changed so that the specified event is located at the time reference Query Syntax SEARch EVENt The SEARch EVENt query return...

Page 893: ...ARch MODE command selects the search mode The command is only valid when the SEARch STATe is ON Query Syntax SEARch MODE The SEARch MODE query returns the currently selected mode or OFF if the SEARch...

Page 894: ...STATe value value 0 OFF 1 ON The SEARch STATe command enables or disables the search feature Query Syntax SEARch STATe The SEARch STATe query returns returns the current setting Return Format value N...

Page 895: ...mmands Table 119 SEARch EDGE Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns SEARch EDGE SLOPe slope see page 896 SEARch EDGE SLOPe see page 896 slope POSitive NEGative EITHer SEARch EDGE SOU...

Page 896: ...d Syntax SEARch EDGE SLOPe slope slope NEGative POSitive EITHer The SEARch EDGE SLOPe command specifies the slope of the edge for the search Query Syntax SEARch EDGE SLOPe The SEARch EDGE SLOPe query...

Page 897: ...SEARch EDGE SOURce source source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The SEARch EDGE SOURce command selects the channel on which to search for edges Query Syntax SEARch EDGE SOURce The SEAR...

Page 898: ...0 less_than_time floating point number in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps SEARch GLITch POLari ty polarity see page 901 SEARch GLITch POLari ty see page 901 polarity POSitive NEGative SEARch GLITch QU...

Page 899: ...GLITch GREaterthan command sets the minimum pulse width duration for the selected SEARch GLITch SOURce Query Syntax SEARch GLITch GREaterthan The SEARch GLITch GREaterthan query returns the minimum pu...

Page 900: ...ARch GLITch LESSthan command sets the maximum pulse width duration for the selected SEARch GLITch SOURce Query Syntax SEARch GLITch LESSthan The SEARch GLITch LESSthan query returns the pulse width du...

Page 901: ...e NEGative The SEARch GLITch POLarity command sets the polarity for the glitch pulse width search Query Syntax SEARch GLITch POLarity The SEARch GLITch POLarity query returns the current polarity sett...

Page 902: ...ation of the glitch pulse width search The oscilloscope can search for a pulse width that is greater than a time value less than a time value or within a range of time values Query Syntax SEARch GLITc...

Page 903: ...RANGe command sets the pulse width duration for the selected SEARch GLITch SOURce You can enter the parameters in any order the smaller value becomes the greater_than_time and the larger value become...

Page 904: ...s the channel on which to search for glitches pulse widths Query Syntax SEARch GLITch SOURce The SEARch GLITch SOURce query returns the current pulse width source If all channels are off the query ret...

Page 905: ...906 delta_level required change in level to be recognized as a peak in NR3 format SEARch PEAK NPEaks number see page 907 SEARch PEAK NPEaks see page 907 number max number of peaks to find 1 10 in NR1...

Page 906: ...nd specifies the change in level that must occur in other words hysteresis to be recognized as a peak The threshold level units are specified by the FUNCtion m FFT VTYPe command Query Syntax SEARch PE...

Page 907: ...1 10 in NR1 format The SEARch PEAK NPEaks command specifies the maximum number of FFT peaks to find This number can be from 1 to 10 Query Syntax SEARch PEAK NPEaks The SEARch PEAK NPEaks query returns...

Page 908: ...1 to 4 in NR1 format The SEARch PEAK SOURce command selects the FFT math function waveform to search Query Syntax SEARch PEAK SOURce The SEARch PEAK SOURce query returns the FFT math function wavefor...

Page 909: ...ld command specifies the threshold level necessary to be considered a peak The threshold level units are specified by the FUNCtion m FFT VTYPe command Query Syntax SEARch PEAK THReshold The SEARch PEA...

Page 910: RUNT POLarity see page 911 polarity POSitive NEGative EITHer SEARch RUNT QUALifie r qualifier see page 912 SEARch RUNT QUALifie r see page 912 qualifier GREaterthan LESSthan NONE SEARch RUNT SOURce...

Page 911: polarity POSitive NEGative EITHer The SEARch RUNT POLarity command sets the polarity for the runt search Query Syntax SEARch RUNT POLarity The SEARch RUNT POLarity query returns the currently set r...

Page 912: ...SSthan NONE The SEARch RUNT QUALifier command specifies whether to search for a runt that is greater than a time value less than a time value or any time value Query Syntax SEARch RUNT QUALifier The S...

Page 913: ...ource CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The SEARch RUNT SOURce command selects the channel on which to search for the runt pulse Query Syntax SEARch RUNT SOURce The SEARch RUNT SOURce que...

Page 914: ...ns ps When searching for runt pulses whose widths are greater than or less than a time see SEARch RUNT QUALifier the SEARch RUNT TIME command specifies the time value Query Syntax SEARch RUNT TIME The...

Page 915: ...Rch TRANsition QU ALifier see page 916 qualifier GREaterthan LESSthan SEARch TRANsition SL OPe slope see page 917 SEARch TRANsition SL OPe see page 917 slope NEGative POSitive SEARch TRANsition SO URc...

Page 916: ...than The SEARch TRANsition QUALifier command specifies whether to search for edge transitions greater than or less than a time Query Syntax SEARch TRANsition QUALifier The SEARch TRANsition QUALifier...

Page 917: ...ommand selects whether to search for rising edge POSitive slope transitions or falling edge NEGative slope transitions Query Syntax SEARch TRANsition SLOPe The SEARch TRANsition SLOPe query returns th...

Page 918: ...o analog channels in NR1 format The SEARch TRANsition SOURce command selects the channel on which to search for edge transitions Query Syntax SEARch TRANsition SOURce The SEARch TRANsition SOURce quer...

Page 919: us ns ps The SEARch TRANsition TIME command sets the time of the transition to search for You can search for transitions greater than or less than this time Query Syntax SEARch TRANsition TIME The...

Page 920: ...tring 0xnn where n 0 9 A F SEARch SERial A429 M ODE condition see page 922 SEARch SERial A429 M ODE see page 922 condition LABel LBITs PERRor WERRor GERRor WGERrors ALLerrors SEARch SERial A429 P ATTe...

Page 921: ...octal Qnnn where n 0 7 string 0xnn where n 0 9 A F The SEARch SERial A429 LABel command defines the ARINC 429 label value when labels are used in the selected search mode Query Syntax SEARch SERial A4...

Page 922: ...rity error WERRor finds an intra word coding error GERRor finds an inter word gap error WGERrors finds either a Word or Gap Error ALLerrors finds any of the above errors Query Syntax SEARch SERial A42...

Page 923: ...n searched for in each ARINC 429 word Query Syntax SEARch SERial A429 PATTern DATA The SEARch SERial A429 PATTern DATA query returns the current settings of the specified ARINC 429 data pattern resour...

Page 924: ...attern searched for in each ARINC 429 word The specified SDI is only used if the SBUS n A429 FORMat includes the SDI field Query Syntax SEARch SERial A429 PATTern SDI The SEARch SERial A429 PATTern SD...

Page 925: ...attern searched for in each ARINC 429 word The specified SSM is only used if the SBUS n A429 FORMat includes the SSM field Query Syntax SEARch SERial A429 PATTern SSM The SEARch SERial A429 PATTern SS...

Page 926: ...n DATA LENGth length see page 930 SEARch SERial CAN PA TTern DATA LENGth see page 930 length integer from 1 to 8 in NR1 format SEARch SERial CAN PA TTern ID string see page 931 SEARch SERial CAN PA TT...

Page 927: ...tion Front panel name Description IDData Data Frame ID Finds data frames matching the specified ID DATA Data Frame ID and Data Finds data frames matching the specified ID and data IDRemote Remote Fram...

Page 928: ...0T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 30 SEARch Commands RECall DBC STARt on page 660 SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic MESSage on page 933 SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic SIGNal on page 934 SEARch SERial...

Page 929: ...the data value when searching for Data Frame ID and Data The length of the data value is specified using the SEARch SERial CAN PATTern DATA LENGth command Query Syntax SEARch SERial CAN PATTern DATA...

Page 930: ...specifies the length of the data value when searching for Data Frame ID and Data The data value is specified using the SEARch SERial CAN PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial CAN PATTern DAT...

Page 931: ...he ID value when searching for a CAN event The value can be a standard ID or an extended ID depending on the SEARch SERial CAN PATTern ID MODE command s setting Query Syntax SEARch SERial CAN PATTern...

Page 932: ...d specifies whether a standard ID value or an extended ID value is used when searching for a CAN event The ID value is specified using the SEARch SERial CAN PATTern ID command Query Syntax SEARch SERi...

Page 933: ...message to search for when CAN symbolic data has been loaded recalled into the oscilloscope and the CAN serial search mode is set to MESSage or MSIGnal Query Syntax SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic MESSage...

Page 934: ...the signal to search for when CAN symbolic data has been loaded recalled into the oscilloscope and the CAN serial search mode is set to MSIGnal Query Syntax SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic SIGNal The SEAR...

Page 935: ...lled into the oscilloscope and the CAN serial search mode is set to MSIGnal Query Syntax SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic VALue The SEARch SERial CAN SYMBolic VALue query returns the specified signal value...

Page 936: ...63 SEARch SERial FLEXra y DATA string see page 938 SEARch SERial FLEXra y DATA see page 938 string 0xnn n where n 0 9 A F X SEARch SERial FLEXra y DATA LENGth length see page 939 SEARch SERial FLEXra...

Page 937: ...The SEARch SERial FLEXray CYCLe command specifies the cycle value to find when searching for FlexRay frames A cycle value of 1 is the same as ALL Query Syntax SEARch SERial FLEXray CYCLe The SEARch S...

Page 938: ...s the data value to find when searching for FlexRay frames The length of the data value is specified by the SEARch SERial FLEXray DATA LENGth command Query Syntax SEARch SERial FLEXray DATA The SEARch...

Page 939: ...mmand specifies the length of data values when searching for FlexRay frames The data value is specified using the SEARch SERial FLEXray DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial FLEXray DATA LENGth The...

Page 940: ...integer from 1 2047 The SEARch SERial FLEXray FRAMe command specifies the frame ID value to find when searching for FlexRay frames Query Syntax SEARch SERial FLEXray FRAMe The SEARch SERial FLEXray FR...

Page 941: ...arches for FlexRay frames with the specified cycle number and frame ID DATA searches for FlexRay frames with the specified data cycle number and frame ID HERRor searches for header CRC errors FERRor s...

Page 942: ...string see page 945 SEARch SERial I2S PA TTern DATA see page 945 string n where n 32 bit integer in signed decimal when base DECimal string nn n where n 0 1 X when base BINary string 0xnn n where n 0...

Page 943: ...RIGHt LEFT EITHer The SEARch SERial I2S AUDio command specifies the channel on which to search for I2S events right left or either channel Query Syntax SEARch SERial I2S AUDio The SEARch SERial I2S A...

Page 944: ...nel data words less than the specified value GREaterthan searches for channel data words greater than the specified value INRange searches for channel data words in the range OUTRange searches for cha...

Page 945: word value when searching for I2S events The base of the value entered with this command is specified using the SEARch SERial I2S PATTern FORMat command Query Syntax SEARch SERial I2S PATTern DA...

Page 946: ...HEX DECimal The SEARch SERial I2S PATTern FORMat command specifies the number base used with the SEARch SERial I2S PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial I2S PATTern FORMat The SEARch SERial...

Page 947: ...r hexadecimal The SEARch SERial I2S RANGe command specifies the data value range when searching for I2S events in the INRange and OUTRange search modes set by the SEARch SERial I2S MODE command You ca...

Page 948: SERial IIC PA TTern ADDRess value see page 951 SEARch SERial IIC PA TTern ADDRess see page 951 value integer or string string 0xnn n 0 9 A F SEARch SERial IIC PA TTern DATA value see page 952 SEARc...

Page 949: ...ata Ack Data2 W7Data2 searches for 7 bit address frames containing Start Address7 Write Ack Data Ack Data2 RESTart searches for another start condition occurring before a stop condition READEprom sear...

Page 950: ...950 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 30 SEARch Commands SEARch SERial IIC PATTern DATA2 on page 953 SEARch SERial IIC QUALifier on page 954...

Page 951: 0xnn n 0 9 A F The SEARch SERial IIC PATTern ADDRess command specifies address values when searching for IIC events To set don t care values use the integer 1 Query Syntax SEARch SERial IIC PATTer...

Page 952: ...IIC events To set don t care values use the integer 1 When searching for IIC EEPROM data read events you specify the data value qualifier using the SEARch SERial IIC QUALifier command Query Syntax SEA...

Page 953: ...IIC PATTern DATA2 command specifies the second data value when searching for IIC events with two data values To set don t care values use the integer 1 Query Syntax SEARch SERial IIC PATTern DATA2 Th...

Page 954: ...SEARch SERial IIC QUALifier command specifies the data value qualifier used when searching for IIC EEPROM data read events Query Syntax SEARch SERial IIC QUALifier The SEARch SERial IIC QUALifier quer...

Page 955: ...r hexadecimal SEARch SERial LIN MO DE value see page 957 SEARch SERial LIN MO DE see page 957 value ID DATA ERRor SEARch SERial LIN PA TTern DATA string see page 958 SEARch SERial LIN PA TTern DATA se...

Page 956: ...nn where n 0 9 A F for hexadecimal nondecimal Bnn n where n 0 1 for binary string 0xnn where n 0 9 A F for hexadecimal The SEARch SERial LIN ID command specifies the frame ID value when searching for...

Page 957: ...arches for a frame ID DATA searches for a frame ID and data ERRor searches for errors Frame IDs are specified using the SEARch SERial LIN ID command Data values are specified using the SEARch SERial L...

Page 958: ...SERial LIN PATTern FORMat command To set don t care values with the DATA command the FORMat must be HEX The length of the data value entered is specified using the SEARch SERial LIN PATTern DATA LENGt...

Page 959: ...ATA LENGth command specifies the the length of the data value when searching for LIN events The data value is specified using the SEARch SERial LIN PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial LIN...

Page 960: ...HEX DECimal The SEARch SERial LIN PATTern FORMat command specifies the number base used with the SEARch SERial LIN PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial LIN PATTern FORMat The SEARch SERial...

Page 961: ...EARch SERial M1553 MODE see page 962 value DSTArt CSTArt RTA RTA11 PERRor SERRor MERRor SEARch SERial M1553 PATTern DATA string see page 963 SEARch SERial M1553 PATTern DATA see page 963 string nn n w...

Page 962: ...word RTA11 searches for the Remote Terminal Address RTA and the additional 11 bits of a Command Status word PERRor searches for odd parity errors for the data in the word SERRor searches for invalid...

Page 963: SERial M1553 PATTern DATA command specifies the additional 11 bits when searching for the MIL STD 1553 Remote Terminal Address 11 Bits Query Syntax SEARch SERial M1553 PATTern DATA The SEARch SERia...

Page 964: ...Hnn where n 0 9 A F binary Bnn n where n 0 1 for binary string 0xnn where n 0 9 A F The SEARch SERial M1553 RTA command specifies the Remote Terminal Address RTA value when searching for MIL STD 1553...

Page 965: ...SEARch SERial SENT F AST DATA see page 966 string 0xn where n 0 9 A F X SEARch SERial SENT M ODE mode see page 967 SEARch SERial SENT M ODE see page 967 mode FCData SCMid SCData CRCerror PPERror SEARc...

Page 966: ...SENT FAST DATA command specifies the status and data nibbles that will be searched for when the FCData search mode is chosen Query Syntax SEARch SERial SENT FAST DATA The SEARch SERial SENT FAST DATA...

Page 967: ...Slow Channel Message IDs that match the value entered using additional softkeys SCData finds Slow Channel Message IDs and Data that match the values entered using additional softkeys CRCerror finds a...

Page 968: ...h SERial SENT SLOW DATA command specifies the data to search for in the Slow Channel Message ID and Data search mode Query Syntax SEARch SERial SENT SLOW DATA The SEARch SERial SENT SLOW DATA query re...

Page 969: seach for in the Slow Channel Message ID and Slow Channel Message ID Data trigger modes The ID can be from 1 don t care to 255 depending on the message length Query Syntax SEARch SERial SENT SLOW...

Page 970: ...y Options and Query Returns SEARch SERial SPI MO DE value see page 971 SEARch SERial SPI MO DE see page 971 value MOSI MISO SEARch SERial SPI PA TTern DATA string see page 972 SEARch SERial SPI PA TTe...

Page 971: ...MODE command specifies whether the SPI search will be on the MOSI data or the MISO data Data values are specified using the SEARch SERial SPI PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial SPI MODE T...

Page 972: ...ATTern DATA command specifies the data value when searching for SPI events The width of the data value is specified using the SEARch SERial SPI PATTern WIDTh command Query Syntax SEARch SERial SPI PAT...

Page 973: ...ern WIDTh command specifies the width of the data value in bytes when searching for SPI events The data value is specified using the SEARch SERial SPI PATTern DATA command Query Syntax SEARch SERial S...

Page 974: ...0 255 0x00 0xff in decimal hexadecimal binary or quoted_string format hexadecimal Hnn where n 0 9 A F for hexadecimal binary Bnn n where n 0 1 for binary quoted_string any of the 128 valid 7 bit ASCII...

Page 975: ...of the 128 valid 7 bit ASCII characters or standard abbreviations The SEARch SERial UART DATA command specifies a data value when searching for UART RS232 events The data value qualifier is specified...

Page 976: a don t care X TDATa searches for a transmit data value when data words are from 5 to 8 bits long TD1 searches for a transmit data value when data words are 9 bits long and the 9th alert bit is 1...

Page 977: GREaterthan LESSthan The SEARch SERial UART QUALifier command specifies the data value qualifier when searching for UART RS232 events Query Syntax SEARch SERial UART QUALifier The SEARch SERial UAR...

Page 978: ...978 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 30 SEARch Commands...

Page 979: ...Tober NOVember DECember day 1 31 SYSTem DSP string see page 982 n a string up to 75 characters as a quoted ASCII string n a SYSTem ERRor see page 983 error an integer error code error string quoted AS...

Page 980: ...g and recalling setups SYSTem PROTection LO CK value see page 990 SYSTem PROTection LO CK see page 990 value 1 ON 0 OFF SYSTem SETup setup_data see page 991 SYSTem SETup see page 991 setup_data data i...

Page 981: ...NR1 format month 1 12 JANuary FEBruary MARch APRil MAY JUNe JULy AUGust SEPtember OCTober NOVember DECember day 1 31 The SYSTem DATE command sets the date Validity checking is performed to ensure tha...

Page 982: ...g up to 75 characters The SYSTem DSP command writes the quoted string excluding quotation marks to a text box on screen Use SYSTem DSP to remotely remove the message from the display Two sets of quote...

Page 983: ...tedly sending the SYSTem ERRor query returns the errors in the order that they occurred until the queue is empty Any further queries then return zero until another error occurs Return Format error num...

Page 984: ...K on_off on_off 1 ON 0 OFF The SYSTem LOCK command disables the front panel LOCK ON is the equivalent of sending a local lockout message over the programming interface Query Syntax SYSTem LOCK The SYS...

Page 985: ...tification string returned by the IDN query The default manufacturer string is KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES If your remote programs depend on a legacy manufacturer string for example you could use this comma...

Page 986: ...acturer DEFault see page 1276 Command Syntax SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer DEFault The SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer DEFault command sets the manufacturer string to KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES See Also IDN Iden...

Page 987: ...efault Setup on the front panel When you perform a default setup some user settings like preferences remain unchanged To reset all user settings to their factory defaults use the RST command Reset con...

Page 988: ...ld TTL 1 4 V Display Menu Persistence Off Grid 20 Quick Meas Menu Source Channel 1 Run Control Scope is running Time Base Menu Main time division 100 us Main time base delay 0 00 s Delay time division...

Page 989: ...loscopes Programmer s Guide 989 See Also Introduction to Common Commands on page 168 RST Reset on page 180 HF Reject and noise reject Off Holdoff 40 ns External probe attenuation 10 1 External Units V...

Page 990: ...em PROTection LOCK on_off on_off 1 ON 0 OFF The SYSTem PROTection LOCK command disables the fifty ohm impedance setting for all analog channels Query Syntax SYSTem PROTection LOCK The SYSTem PROTectio...

Page 991: ...tion to SYSTem Commands on page 980 LRN Learn Device Setup on page 175 Example Code SAVE_SYSTEM_SETUP The SYSTEM SETUP query returns a program message that contains the current state of the instrument...

Page 992: ...X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 31 SYSTem Commands command myScope WriteIEEEBlock SYSTEM SETUP varSetupString CheckForInstrumentErrors See complete example programs at Chapter 42 Programmin...

Page 993: ...mat The SYSTem TIME command sets the system time using a 24 hour format Commas are used as separators Validity checking is performed to ensure that the time is valid Query Syntax SYSTem TIME time The...

Page 994: ...see page 1276 Command Syntax SYSTem TOUCh on_off on_off 1 ON 0 OFF The SYSTem TOUCh command disables or enables the touchscreen Query Syntax SYSTem TOUCh The SYSTem TOUCh query returns the touchscree...

Page 995: ...NR3 format TIMebase REFerence LEFT CENTer RIGHt see page 1000 TIMebase REFerence see page 1000 return_value LEFT CENTer RIGHt TIMebase SCALe scale_value see page 1001 TIMebase SCALe see page 1001 sca...

Page 996: ...nel 1 becomes the X input and channel 2 becomes the Y input The time per division delay vernier control and reference can be controlled for the main and window zoomed time bases Reporting the Setup Us...

Page 997: ...Ference commands are not available No measurements are available in this mode ROLL In the ROLL mode data moves continuously across the display from left to right The oscilloscope runs continuously and...

Page 998: ...nter and is set with the TIMebase REFerence command The maximum position value depends on the time division settings Query Syntax TIMebase POSition The TIMebase POSition query returns the current time...

Page 999: ...RANGe The TIMebase RANGe query returns the current full scale range value for the main window Return Format range_value NL range_value time for 10 div in seconds in NR3 format See Also Introduction to...

Page 1000: ...uery Syntax TIMebase REFerence The TIMebase REFerence query returns the current display reference for the main window Return Format reference NL reference LEFT CENT RIGH See Also Introduction to TIMeb...

Page 1001: ...nd sets the horizontal scale or units per division for the main window Query Syntax TIMebase SCALe The TIMebase SCALe query returns the current horizontal scale setting in seconds per division for the...

Page 1002: ...r value 1 ON 0 OFF The TIMebase VERNier command specifies whether the time base control s vernier fine horizontal adjustment setting is ON 1 or OFF 0 Query Syntax TIMebase VERNier The TIMebase VERNier...

Page 1003: ...range and the main sweep horizontal position determine the range for this command The value for this command must keep the zoomed view window within the main sweep range Query Syntax TIMebase WINDow P...

Page 1004: ...d delayed window The range is 10 times the current zoomed view window seconds per division setting The main sweep range determines the range for this command The maximum value is one half of the TIMeb...

Page 1005: ...econds division The main sweep scale determines the range for this command The maximum value is one half of the TIMebase SCALe value Query Syntax TIMebase WINDow SCALe The TIMebase WINDow SCALe query...

Page 1006: ...1006 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 32 TIMebase Commands...

Page 1007: ...s The commands in the TRIGger subsystem define the conditions for an internal trigger Many of these commands are valid in multiple trigger modes The default trigger mode is EDGE The trigger subsystem...

Page 1008: ...d waveforms of television equipment The trigger circuitry detects the vertical and horizontal interval of the waveform and produces triggers based on the TV trigger settings you selected TV triggering...

Page 1009: ...ger LEVel HIGH source see page 1014 level 75 x full scale voltage from center screen in NR3 format source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format TRIGger LEVel LOW level source see page 1015 TR...

Page 1010: ...ds TRIGger FORCe see page 1276 Command Syntax TRIGger FORCe The TRIGger FORCe command causes an acquisition to be captured even though the trigger condition has not been met This command is equivalent...

Page 1011: ...requency reject filter adds a 50 kHz low pass filter in the trigger path to remove high frequency components from the trigger waveform Use this filter to remove high frequency noise such as AM or FM b...

Page 1012: when a waveform crosses the trigger level multiple times during one period of the waveform Without holdoff the oscilloscope could trigger on each of the crossings producing a confusing waveform W...

Page 1013: ...ETup The TRIGger LEVel ASETup command automatically sets the trigger levels of all displayed analog channels to their waveforms 50 values If AC coupling is used the trigger levels are set to 0 V When...

Page 1014: ...Vel HIGH command sets the high trigger voltage level voltage for the specified source High and low trigger levels are used with runt triggers and rise fall time transition triggers Query Syntax TRIGge...

Page 1015: ...LEVel LOW command sets the low trigger voltage level voltage for the specified source High and low trigger levels are used with runt triggers and rise fall time transition triggers Query Syntax TRIGge...

Page 1016: ...yntax TRIGger MODE The TRIGger MODE query returns the current trigger mode If the TIMebase MODE is ROLL or XY the query returns NONE Return Format mode NL mode EDGE GLIT PATT TV DEL EBUR OR RUNT SHOL...

Page 1017: ...oise reject filter off and on When the noise reject filter is on the trigger circuitry is less sensitive to noise but may require a greater amplitude waveform to trigger the oscilloscope This command...

Page 1018: ...present but the oscilloscope is not triggered the unsynchronized signal is displayed instead of a baseline When NORMal sweep mode is selected and no trigger is present the instrument does not sweep a...

Page 1019: ...Pe slope see page 1020 TRIGger DELay ARM SL OPe see page 1020 slope NEGative POSitive TRIGger DELay ARM SO URce source see page 1021 TRIGger DELay ARM SO URce see page 1021 source CHANnel n DIGital d...

Page 1020: ...Gger DELay ARM SLOPe command specifies rising POSitive or falling NEGative for the arming edge in the Edge Then Edge trigger Query Syntax TRIGger DELay ARM SLOPe The TRIGger DELay ARM SLOPe query retu...

Page 1021: ...igital channels 1 in NR1 format The TRIGger DELay ARM SOURce command selects the input used for the arming edge in the Edge Then Edge trigger Query Syntax TRIGger DELay ARM SOURce The TRIGger DELay AR...

Page 1022: ...d sets the delay time between the arming edge and the trigger edge in the Edge Then Edge trigger The time is in seconds and must be from 4 ns to 10 s Query Syntax TRIGger DELay TDELay TIME The TRIGger...

Page 1023: ...ay TRIGger COUNt command sets the Nth edge of the trigger source to trigger on Query Syntax TRIGger DELay TRIGger COUNt The TRIGger DELay TRIGger COUNt query returns the current Nth trigger edge setti...

Page 1024: ...ommand specifies rising POSitive or falling NEGative for the trigger edge in the Edge Then Edge trigger Query Syntax TRIGger DELay TRIGger SLOPe The TRIGger DELay TRIGger SLOPe query returns the curre...

Page 1025: ...format The TRIGger DELay TRIGger SOURce command selects the input used for the trigger edge in the Edge Then Edge trigger Query Syntax TRIGger DELay TRIGger SOURce The TRIGger DELay TRIGger SOURce que...

Page 1026: ...and is used to set the Nth Edge Burst trigger level Table 138 TRIGger EBURst Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger EBURst COUNt count see page 1027 TRIGger EBURst COUNt see...

Page 1027: ...the Nth edge at burst counter resource The edge counter is used in the trigger stage to determine which edge in a burst will generate a trigger Query Syntax TRIGger EBURst COUNt The TRIGger EBURst COU...

Page 1028: ...and sets the Nth edge in a burst idle resource in seconds from 10 ns to 10 s The timer is used to set the minimum time before the next burst Query Syntax TRIGger EBURst IDLE The TRIGger EBURst IDLE qu...

Page 1029: ...EBURst SLOPe command specifies whether the rising edge POSitive or falling edge NEGative of the Nth edge in a burst will generate a trigger Query Syntax TRIGger EBURst SLOPe The TRIGger EBURst SLOPe q...

Page 1030: ...1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The TRIGger EBURst SOURce command selects the input that produces the Nth edge burst trigger Query Syntax TRIGger EBURst SOURce The TRIGger EBURst SOUR...

Page 1031: MSO models level 8 V source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d EXTernal for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format TRIGger...

Page 1032: ...set voltage from the trigger waveform Use AC coupling to get a stable edge trigger when your waveform has a large dc offset LFReject coupling places a 50 KHz high pass filter in the trigger path DC co...

Page 1033: ...for the MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The TRIGger EDGE LEVel command sets the trigger level voltage for the active trigger source Query Syntax...

Page 1034: ...ncy noise such as AM or FM broadcast stations from the trigger path The low frequency reject filter adds a 50 kHz high pass filter in series with the trigger waveform to remove any unwanted low freque...

Page 1035: ...TRIGger TV POLarity to set the polarity in TV trigger mode Query Syntax TRIGger EDGE SLOPe The TRIGger EDGE SLOPe query returns the current trigger slope Return Format slope NL slope NEG POS EITH ALT...

Page 1036: edge of the waveform generator output signal This option is not available when the DC NOISe or CARDiac waveforms are selected WMOD when waveform generator FSK or FM modulation is used triggers at...

Page 1037: ...r in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps TRIGger GLITch LEVel level source see page 1041 TRIGger GLITch LEVel see page 1041 For internal triggers level 75 x full scale voltage from center screen in NR3 fo...

Page 1038: ...e 1044 less_than_time 15 ns to 10 seconds in NR3 format greater_than_time 10 ns to 9 99 seconds in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps TRIGger GLITch SOURc e source see page 1045 TRIGger GLITch SOURc e se...

Page 1039: ...ITch GREaterthan command sets the minimum pulse width duration for the selected TRIGger GLITch SOURce Query Syntax TRIGger GLITch GREaterthan The TRIGger GLITch GREaterthan query returns the minimum p...

Page 1040: GLITch LESSthan command sets the maximum pulse width duration for the selected TRIGger GLITch SOURce Query Syntax TRIGger GLITch LESSthan The TRIGger GLITch LESSthan query returns the pulse width d...

Page 1041: ...source CHANnel n EXTernal for DSO models source CHANnel n DIGital d for MSO models n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The TRIGger GLITch LEVel command sets t...

Page 1042: ...ty POSitive NEGative The TRIGger GLITch POLarity command sets the polarity for the glitch pulse width trigger Query Syntax TRIGger GLITch POLarity The TRIGger GLITch POLarity query returns the glitch...

Page 1043: ...ation of the glitch pulse width trigger The oscilloscope can trigger on a pulse width that is greater than a time value less than a time value or within a range of time values Query Syntax TRIGger GLI...

Page 1044: ...ANGe command sets the pulse width duration for the selected TRIGger GLITch SOURce You can enter the parameters in any order the smaller value becomes the greater_than_time and the larger value becomes...

Page 1045: ...command selects the channel that produces the pulse width trigger Query Syntax TRIGger GLITch SOURce The TRIGger GLITch SOURce query returns the current pulse width source If all channels are off the...

Page 1046: ...ble 141 TRIGger OR Commands Summary Command Query Options and Query Returns TRIGger OR string see page 1047 TRIGger OR see page 1047 string nn n where n R F E X R rising edge F falling edge E either e...

Page 1047: ...RIGger OR The TRIGger OR query returns the current OR ed edge trigger string Return Format string NL See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 TRIGger MODE on page 1016 Oscilloscope Model...

Page 1048: ...TRIGger PATTern FORM at see page 1051 base ASCii HEX TRIGger PATTern GREa terthan greater_than_time s uffix see page 1052 TRIGger PATTern GREa terthan see page 1052 greater_than_time floating point nu...

Page 1049: ...on the TRIGger PATTern FORMat command setting When the format is ASCii the string looks just like the string you see on the oscilloscope s front panel made up of 0 1 X don t care R rising edge and F f...

Page 1050: ...ery returns the pattern string edge source and edge Return Format string edge_source edge NL See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 TRIGger PATTern FORMat on page 1051 TRIGger PATTern...

Page 1051: ...X The TRIGger PATTern FORMat command sets the entry and query number base used by the TRIGger PATTern command The default base is ASCii Query Syntax TRIGger PATTern FORMat The TRIGger PATTern FORMat q...

Page 1052: ...command sets the minimum duration for the defined pattern when TRIGger PATTern QUALifier is set to GREaterthan The command also sets the timeout value when the TRIGger PATTern QUALifier is set to TIM...

Page 1053: ...suffix s ms us ns ps The TRIGger PATTern LESSthan command sets the maximum duration for the defined pattern when TRIGger PATTern QUALifier is set to LESSthan Query Syntax TRIGger PATTern LESSthan The...

Page 1054: ...n a range of values OUTRange when the pattern is present for a time outside of range of values Pattern durations are evaluated using a timer The timer starts on the last edge that makes the pattern lo...

Page 1055: ...nd sets the duration for the defined pattern when the TRIGger PATTern QUALifier command is set to INRange or OUTRange You can enter the parameters in any order the smaller value becomes the greater_th...

Page 1056: ...RUNT POLarit y see page 1057 polarity POSitive NEGative EITHer TRIGger RUNT QUALifi er qualifier see page 1058 TRIGger RUNT QUALifi er see page 1058 qualifier GREaterthan LESSthan NONE TRIGger RUNT SO...

Page 1057: ...arity for the runt trigger POSitive positive runt pulses NEGative negative runt pulses EITHer either positive or negative runt pulses Query Syntax TRIGger RUNT POLarity The TRIGger RUNT POLarity query...

Page 1058: ...t pulse widths GREaterthan triggers on runt pulses whose width is greater than the TRIGger RUNT TIME LESSthan triggers on runt pulses whose width is less than the TRIGger RUNT TIME NONE triggers on ru...

Page 1059: ...rce source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The TRIGger RUNT SOURce command selects the channel used to produce the trigger Query Syntax TRIGger RUNT SOURce The TRIGger RUNT SOURce query...

Page 1060: ...ering on runt pulses whose width is greater than or less than a certain value see TRIGger RUNT QUALifier the TRIGger RUNT TIME command specifies the time used with the qualifier Query Syntax TRIGger R...

Page 1061: ...CHANnel n DIGital d n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format TRIGger SHOLd SOURce DATA source see page 1064 TRIGger SHOLd SOURce DATA see page 1064 source CHANnel...

Page 1062: ...Ld SLOPe command specifies whether the rising edge or the falling edge of the clock signal is used Query Syntax TRIGger SHOLd SLOPe The TRIGger SHOLd SLOPe query returns the current rising or falling...

Page 1063: ...nnels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The TRIGger SHOLd SOURce CLOCk command selects the input channel probing the clock signal Query Syntax TRIGger SHOLd SOURce CLOCk The TRIGge...

Page 1064: ...annels in NR1 format d 0 to digital channels 1 in NR1 format The TRIGger SHOLd SOURce DATA command selects the input channel probing the data signal Query Syntax TRIGger SHOLd SOURce DATA The TRIGger...

Page 1065: ...E HOLD time suffix time floating point number in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps The TRIGger SHOLd TIME HOLD command sets the hold time Query Syntax TRIGger SHOLd TIME HOLD The TRIGger SHOLd TIME HOLD...

Page 1066: ...ETup time suffix time floating point number in NR3 format suffix s ms us ns ps The TRIGger SHOLd TIME SETup command sets the setup time Query Syntax TRIGger SHOLd TIME SETup The TRIGger SHOLd TIME SET...

Page 1067: ...ier qualifier see page 1068 TRIGger TRANsition Q UALifier see page 1068 qualifier GREaterthan LESSthan TRIGger TRANsition S LOPe slope see page 1069 TRIGger TRANsition S LOPe see page 1069 slope NEGat...

Page 1068: ...cifies whether you are looking for rise fall times greater than or less than a certain time value The time value is set using the TRIGger TRANsition TIME command Query Syntax TRIGger TRANsition QUALif...

Page 1069: ...e POSitive The TRIGger TRANsition SLOPe command specifies a POSitive rising edge or a NEGative falling edge Query Syntax TRIGger TRANsition SLOPe The TRIGger TRANsition SLOPe query returns the current...

Page 1070: ...n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The TRIGger TRANsition SOURce command selects the channel used to produce the trigger Query Syntax TRIGger TRANsition SOURce The TRIGger TRANsition SOURce query re...

Page 1071: ...and sets the time value for rise fall time triggers You also use the TRIGger TRANsition QUALifier command to specify whether you are triggering on times greater than or less than this time value Query...

Page 1072: ...RIGger TV SOURce see page 1076 source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format TRIGger TV STANdard standard see page 1077 TRIGger TV STANdard see page 1077 standard NTSC PAL PALM SECam standard...

Page 1073: ...trigger line number setting Return Format line_number NL line_number integer in NR1 format See Also Introduction to TRIGger Commands on page 1007 TRIGger TV STANdard on page 1077 TRIGger TV MODE on p...

Page 1074: ...meter is not available when TRIGger TV STANdard is GENeric Old forms for mode are accepted Query Syntax TRIGger TV MODE The TRIGger TV MODE query returns the TV trigger mode Return Format value NL val...

Page 1075: ...arity polarity polarity POSitive NEGative The TRIGger TV POLarity command sets the polarity for the TV trigger Query Syntax TRIGger TV POLarity The TRIGger TV POLarity query returns the TV trigger pol...

Page 1076: ...alog channels in NR1 format The TRIGger TV SOURce command selects the channel used to produce the trigger Query Syntax TRIGger TV SOURce The TRIGger TV SOURce query returns the current TV trigger sour...

Page 1077: ...TANdard command selects the video standard NTSC PAL PAL M SECAM With an extended Video triggering license the oscilloscope additionally supports these standards Generic GENeric mode is non interlaced...

Page 1078: ...The TRIGger TV UDTV ENUMber command specifies the Generic video trigger s Nth edge to trigger on after synchronizing with the vertical sync Query Syntax TRIGger TV UDTV ENUMber The TRIGger TV UDTV EN...

Page 1079: ...and not double count during equalization Additionally the Field Holdoff can be adjusted so that the oscilloscope triggers once per frame Similarly for progressive video with a tri level sync enabling...

Page 1080: ...neric video trigger s horizontal sync control is enabled the TRIGger TV UDTV HTIMe command sets the minimum time the horizontal sync pulse must be present to be considered valid Query Syntax TRIGger T...

Page 1081: ...ecifies the greater than the sync pulse width time in the Generic video trigger This setting allows oscilloscope synchronization to the vertical sync Query Syntax TRIGger TV UDTV PGTHan The TRIGger TV...

Page 1082: 1084 0 1 TRIGger ZONE n MODE mode see page 1085 TRIGger ZONE n MODE see page 1085 mode INTersect NOTintersect n 1 2 in NR1 format TRIGger ZONE n PLAC ement width height x_center y_center see page...

Page 1083: ...Rce source source CHANnel n n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format The TRIGger ZONE SOURce command sets the analog source channel shared by all zones Query Syntax TRIGger ZONE SOURce The TRIGger ZONE SO...

Page 1084: ...STATe mimics the behavior of the Zone 1 On and Zone 2 On softkeys At least one zone s state must be on for the Zone Trigger feature TRIGger ZONE STATe to be on When the states of both individual zone...

Page 1085: ...rmat The TRIGger ZONE n MODE command sets the zone qualifying condition for Zone 1 or Zone 2 as either Must Intersect or Must Not Intersect Query Syntax TRIGger ZONE n MODE The TRIGger ZONE n MODE que...

Page 1086: ...he TRIGger ZONE n PLACement command sets the size and location of Zone 1 or Zone 2 No error is returned if the zone is placed off screen or if the zones overlap such that Zone 2 becomes invalid The TR...

Page 1087: ...g qualifying conditions modes Zone 1 can never be invalid OSCReen off screen is returned when the associated zone is off screen and thus not being used to qualify the trigger A zone is valid when it i...

Page 1088: ...ates Note that TRIGger ZONE STATe mimics the behavior of the Zone key on the front panel and TRIGger ZONE n STATe mimics the behavior of the Zone 1 On and Zone 2 On softkeys At least one zone s state...

Page 1089: ...DATA see page 1099 binary block length bytes binary data For example to transmit 1000 bytes of data the syntax would be 800001000 1000 bytes of data NL 8 is the number of digits that follow 00001000...

Page 1090: ...count or 1 if PEAK detect type or NORMal an integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform SEGMented C OUNt see page 1109 count an integer from 2 to 1000 in NR1 format with Option SGM n a WAVeform SEGMented T TA...

Page 1091: ...f acquired data The preamble also contains the X and Y increments origins and references for the acquired data so that word and byte data can be translated to time and voltage values Data Acquisition...

Page 1092: ...he instrument is not running stopped all of the points that are displayed are transferred This can be as many as 4 000 000 in some operating modes or as many as 8 000 000 for a digital channel on the...

Page 1093: ...display So when peak detect is turned on the oscilloscope scans through the extra data picks up the minimum and maximum for each time bucket then stores the data in an array Each time bucket contains...

Page 1094: ...rogram data format specified in IEEE 488 2 When you use the block data format the ASCII character string 8 DD D is sent prior to sending the actual data The 8 indicates how many Ds follow The Ds are A...

Page 1095: see WAVeform FORMat on page 1101 allows 8 bit access to the waveform data If the data intrinsically has more than 8 bits of resolution averaged data the data is right shifted truncated to fit into...

Page 1096: ...bit value in the pod data byte is not defined Digital Channel BUS Data Format Digital channel BUS definitions can include any or all of the digital channels Therefore data is always returned as 16 bi...

Page 1097: ...The parameter LSBFirst sets the least significant byte to be transmitted first This command affects the transmitting sequence only when WAVeform FORMat WORD is selected The default setting is LSBFirs...

Page 1098: ...count used to acquire the current waveform This may differ from current values if the unit has been stopped and its configuration modified For all acquisition types except average this value is 1 Retu...

Page 1099: ...elnet port 5025 instead 0x01 or 0x0001 Clipped low These are locations where the waveform is clipped at the bottom of the oscilloscope display 0xFF or 0xFFFF Clipped high These are locations where the...

Page 1100: ...ReadIEEEBlock BinaryType_UI1 Unsigned integer bytes For lngI 0 To UBound varQueryResult _ Step UBound varQueryResult 20 20 points If intBytesPerData 2 Then lngDataValue varQueryResult lngI 256 _ varQ...

Page 1101: ...eform BYTeorder command can be used to specify whether the upper or lower byte is transmitted first The default no command sent is that the upper byte transmitted first BYTE formatted data is transfer...

Page 1102: ...waveform points mode See the WAVeform POINts MODE command see page 1104 for more information Only data visible on the display will be returned When the WAVeform SOURce is the serial decode bus SBUS1 o...

Page 1103: ...eform VIEW on page 1118 WAVeform PREamble on page 1106 WAVeform POINts MODE on page 1104 Example Code WAVE_POINTS Specifies the number of points to be transferred using the WAVEFORM DATA query myScope...

Page 1104: record contains the maximum amount of points is used Usually this is the raw acquisition record But the measurement record may have more data If data is being retrieved as the oscilloscope is stopp...

Page 1105: ...s Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1105 WAVeform DATA on page 1099 ACQuire POINts on page 236 WAVeform VIEW on page 1118 WAVeform PREamble on page 1106 WAVeform POINts on page 1102 TIMebase MODE on pa...

Page 1106: ...3 xreference 32 bit NR1 yincrement 32 bit floating point NR3 yorigin 32 bit floating point NR3 yreference 32 bit NR1 format 0 for BYTE format 1 for WORD format 4 for ASCii format an integer in NR1 for...

Page 1107: ...NORM 1 PEAK 2 AVER 3 HRES POINTS int32 number of data points transferred COUNT int32 1 and is always 1 XINCREMENT float64 time difference between data points XORIGIN float64 always the first data poi...

Page 1108: ...e 34 WAVeform Commands lngCount Preamble 3 dblXIncrement Preamble 4 dblXOrigin Preamble 5 lngXReference Preamble 6 sngYIncrement Preamble 7 sngYOrigin Preamble 8 lngYReference Preamble 9 See complete...

Page 1109: complete The segmented memory acquisition mode is enabled with the ACQuire MODE command The number of segments to acquire is set using the ACQuire SEGMented COUNt command and data is acquired using...

Page 1110: ...TAG query returns the time tag of the currently selected segmented memory index The index is selected using the ACQuire SEGMented INDex command Return Format time_tag in NR3 format See Also ACQuire SE...

Page 1111: ...DATA query returns a string with timestamps and associated bus decode information With MSO oscilloscope models you can choose a POD or BUS as the waveform source There are some differences between POD...

Page 1112: ...ave been sent the waveform data and the preamble can be read WAVE_SOURCE Selects the channel to be used as the source for the waveform commands myScope WriteString WAVEFORM SOURCE CHAN1 WAVE_POINTS Sp...

Page 1113: ...YIncrement As Single Dim sngYOrigin As Single Dim lngYReference As Long Dim strOutput As String myScope WriteString WAVEFORM PREAMBLE Query for the preamble Preamble myScope ReadList Read preamble inf...

Page 1114: ...n example header The 8 may be stripped off of the header and the remaining numbers are the size in bytes of the waveform data block The size can vary depending on the number of points acquired for the...

Page 1115: RX is an alias for SUB0 When using SPI serial decode this option lets you get MISO data MISO is an alias for SUB1 The default SUB0 specifies MOSI data MOSI is an alias for SUB0 When using SENT se...

Page 1116: associated with the currently selected waveform The acquisition mode is set by the ACQuire TYPE command Return Format mode NL mode NORM PEAK AVER HRES See Also Introduction to WAVeform Commands on...

Page 1117: ...e sent as unsigned or signed integers This command can be used to match the instrument s internal data type to the data type used by the programming language This command has no effect if the data for...

Page 1118: ...IEW command sets the view setting associated with the currently selected waveform Currently the only legal value for the view setting is MAIN Query Syntax WAVeform VIEW The WAVeform VIEW query returns...

Page 1119: ...rement query returns the x increment value for the currently specified source This value is the time difference between consecutive data points in seconds Return Format value NL value x increment in t...

Page 1120: ...urce XORigin is the X axis value of the data point specified by the WAVeform XREFerence value In this product that is always the X axis value of the first data point XREFerence 0 Return Format value N...

Page 1121: ...urrently specified source This value specifies the index of the data point associated with the x origin data value In this product the x reference point is the first point displayed and XREFerence is...

Page 1122: ...crement value in volts for the currently specified source This value is the voltage difference between consecutive data values The y increment for digital waveforms is always 1 Return Format value NL...

Page 1123: ...ecified source This value is the Y axis value of the data value specified by the WAVeform YREFerence value For this product this is the Y axis value of the center of the screen Return Format value NL...

Page 1124: ...pecified source This value specifies the data point value where the y origin occurs In this product this is the data point value of the center of the screen It is undefined if the format is ASCii Retu...

Page 1125: ...ary BY Teorder see page 1129 order MSBFirst LSBFirst w 1 or 2 in NR1 format WGEN w ARBitrary DA TA binary value value see page 1130 n a binary floating point values between 1 0 to 1 0 in IEEE 488 2 bi...

Page 1126: ...1 format WGEN w FUNCtion PUL Se WIDTh width see page 1141 WGEN w FUNCtion PUL Se WIDTh see page 1141 width pulse width in seconds in NR3 format w 1 or 2 in NR1 format WGEN w FUNCtion RAM P SYMMetry pe...

Page 1127: ...tion see page 1150 shape SINusoid SQUare RAMP w 1 in NR1 format WGEN w MODulation F UNCtion RAMP SYMMetry percent see page 1151 WGEN w MODulation F UNCtion RAMP SYMMetry see page 1151 percent symmetry...

Page 1128: ...PERiod period see page 1159 WGEN w PERiod see page 1159 period period in seconds in NR3 format w 1 or 2 in NR1 format WGEN w RST see page 1160 n a w 1 or 2 in NR1 format WGEN w VOLTage amplitude see p...

Page 1129: ...der w 1 or 2 in NR1 format order MSBFirst LSBFirst The WGEN w ARBitrary BYTeorder command selects the byte order for binary transfers Query Syntax WGEN w ARBitrary BYTeorder The WGEN w ARBitrary BYTeo...

Page 1130: ...1 or 2 in NR1 format binary floating point values between 1 0 to 1 0 in IEEE 488 2 binary block format value floating point values between 1 0 to 1 0 in comma separated format The WGEN w ARBitrary DAT...

Page 1131: ...itrary DATA ATTRibute POINts w 1 or 2 in NR1 format The WGEN w ARBitrary DATA ATTRibute POINts query returns the number of points used by the current arbitrary waveform Return Format points number of...

Page 1132: ...6 Command Syntax WGEN w ARBitrary DATA CLEar w 1 or 2 in NR1 format The WGEN w ARBitrary DATA CLEar command clears the arbitrary waveform memory and loads it with the default waveform See Also WGEN w...

Page 1133: ...or 2 in NR1 format binary decimal 16 bit integer values between 512 to 511 in IEEE 488 2 binary block format value decimal integer values between 512 to 511 in comma separated NR1 format The WGEN w AR...

Page 1134: ...waveform points When ON lines are drawn between points in the arbitrary waveform Voltage levels change linearly between one point and the next When OFF all line segments in the arbitrary waveform are...

Page 1135: ...ource CHANnel n WMEMory r FUNCtion m MATH m n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format The WGEN w ARBitrary STORe command stores the so...

Page 1136: ...ept Noise and DC the WGEN w FREQuency command specifies the frequency of the waveform You can also specify the frequency indirectly using the WGEN w PERiod command Query Syntax WGEN w FREQuency The WG...

Page 1137: ...ds to set the sine signal parameters WGEN w FREQuency on page 1136 WGEN w PERiod on page 1159 WGEN w VOLTage on page 1161 WGEN w VOLTage OFFSet on page 1164 WGEN w VOLTage HIGH on page 1162 WGEN w VOL...

Page 1138: ...o set the pulse signal parameters WGEN w FREQuency on page 1136 WGEN w PERiod on page 1159 WGEN w VOLTage on page 1161 WGEN w VOLTage OFFSet on page 1164 WGEN w VOLTage HIGH on page 1162 WGEN w VOLTag...

Page 1139: ...these commands to set the exponential fall signal parameters WGEN w FREQuency on page 1136 WGEN w PERiod on page 1159 WGEN w VOLTage on page 1161 WGEN w VOLTage OFFSet on page 1164 WGEN w VOLTage HIGH...

Page 1140: ...ands to set the arbitrary signal parameters WGEN w FREQuency on page 1136 WGEN w PERiod on page 1159 WGEN w VOLTage on page 1161 WGEN w VOLTage OFFSet on page 1164 WGEN w VOLTage HIGH on page 1162 WGE...

Page 1141: ...n NR3 format For Pulse waveforms the WGEN w FUNCtion PULSe WIDTh command specifies the width of the pulse The pulse width can be adjusted from 20 ns to the period minus 20 ns Query Syntax WGEN w FUNCt...

Page 1142: ...For Ramp waveforms the WGEN w FUNCtion RAMP SYMMetry command specifies the symmetry of the waveform Symmetry represents the amount of time per cycle that the ramp waveform is rising Query Syntax WGEN...

Page 1143: ...mat For Square waveforms the WGEN w FUNCtion SQUare DCYCle command specifies the square wave duty cycle Duty cycle is the percentage of the period that the waveform is high Query Syntax WGEN w FUNCtio...

Page 1144: ...10 to 90 90 10 80 of the original amplitude as the modulating signal goes from its minimum to maximum amplitude Query Syntax WGEN w MODulation AM DEPTh The WGEN w MODulation AM DEPTh query returns th...

Page 1145: ...Dulation AM FREQuency The WGEN w MODulation AM FREQuency query returns the frequency of the modulating signal Return Format frequency NL frequency modulating waveform frequency in Hz in NR3 format See...

Page 1146: ...quency deviation cannot be greater than the original carrier signal frequency Also the sum of the original carrier signal frequency and the frequency deviation must be less than or equal to the maximu...

Page 1147: ...Dulation FM FREQuency The WGEN w MODulation FM FREQuency query returns the frequency of the modulating signal Return Format frequency NL frequency modulating waveform frequency in Hz in NR3 format See...

Page 1148: ...d this hop frequency Query Syntax WGEN w MODulation FSKey FREQuency The WGEN w MODulation FSKey FREQuency query returns the hop frequency setting Return Format frequency NL frequency hop frequency in...

Page 1149: ...e modulating signal Query Syntax WGEN w MODulation FSKey RATE The WGEN w MODulation FSKey RATE query returns the FSK rate setting Return Format rate NL rate FSK modulation rate in Hz in NR3 format See...

Page 1150: ...etry command This command applies to AM and FM modulation The FSK modulation signal is a square wave shape Query Syntax WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion The WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion query returns the spec...

Page 1151: ...ied with the WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion command Query Syntax WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion RAMP SYMMetry The WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion RAMP SYMMetry query returns ramp symmetry percentage setting Return...

Page 1152: ...noise is limited to the regular amplitude limit for example 5 Vpp in 1 MOhm so the range for percent varies according to current amplitude Note that adding noise affects edge triggering on the wavefor...

Page 1153: ...nd noise Query Syntax WGEN w MODulation STATe The WGEN w MODulation STATe query returns whether the modulated waveform generator output is enabled of disabled Return Format setting NL setting 0 1 See...

Page 1154: ...Quency command to set the modulating signal frequency Use the WGEN w MODulation FM DEViation command to specify the frequency deviation from the original carrier signal frequency FSK frequency shift k...

Page 1155: ...iiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1155 WGEN w MODulation FSKey RATE on page 1149 WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion on page 1150 WGEN w MODulation FUNCtion RAMP SYMMetry on page 1151 WG...

Page 1156: ...on_off w 1 or 2 in NR1 format on_off 1 ON 0 OFF The WGEN w OUTPut command specifies whether the waveform generator signal output is ON 1 or OFF 0 Query Syntax WGEN w OUTPut The WGEN w OUTPut query ret...

Page 1157: ...f the Gen Out BNC is fixed at 50 ohms However the output load selection lets the waveform generator display the correct amplitude and offset levels for the expected output load If the actual load impe...

Page 1158: ...Larity polarity w 1 or 2 in NR1 format polarity NORMal INVerted The WGEN w OUTPut POLarity command specifies whether the waveform generator output is inverted Query Syntax WGEN w OUTPut POLarity The W...

Page 1159: ...except Noise and DC the WGEN w PERiod command specifies the period of the waveform You can also specify the period indirectly using the WGEN w FREQuency command Query Syntax WGEN w PERiod The WGEN w P...

Page 1160: ...w RST see page 1276 Command Syntax WGEN w RST w 1 or 2 in NR1 format The WGEN w RST command restores the waveform generator factory default settings 1 kHz sine wave 500 mVpp 0 V offset See Also Intro...

Page 1161: ...nd offset indirectly using the WGEN w VOLTage HIGH and WGEN w VOLTage LOW commands For example an amplitude of 5 V and an offset of 1 V is the same as a high level voltage of 4 V and a low level volta...

Page 1162: ...level voltages indirectly using the WGEN w VOLTage and WGEN w VOLTage OFFSet commands For example a high level voltage of 4 V and a low level voltage of 1 V is the same as an amplitude of 5 V and an...

Page 1163: ...w level voltages indirectly using the WGEN w VOLTage and WGEN w VOLTage OFFSet commands For example a high level voltage of 4 V and a low level voltage of 1 V is the same as an amplitude of 5 V and an...

Page 1164: ...directly using the WGEN w VOLTage HIGH and WGEN w VOLTage LOW commands For example an amplitude of 5 V and an offset of 1 V is the same as a high level voltage of 4 V and a low level voltage of 1 V Qu...

Page 1165: ...waveforms in NR1 format string any series of 10 or less ASCII characters enclosed in quotation marks WMEMory r SAVE source see page 1170 n a r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format source CHANnel n FUNCti...

Page 1166: ...1173 r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format range vertical full scale range value in NR3 format suffix V mV WMEMory r YSCale scale suffix see page 1174 WMEMory r YSCale see page 1174 r 1 to ref waveforms...

Page 1167: ...67 WMEMory r CLEar see page 1276 Command Syntax WMEMory r CLEar r 1 to ref waveforms in NR1 format The WMEMory r CLEar command clears the specified reference waveform location See Also Chapter 36 WMEM...

Page 1168: ...n or off There are two reference waveform locations but only one reference waveform can be displayed at a time That means if WMEMory1 DISPlay is ON sending the WMEMory2 DISPlay ON command will automat...

Page 1169: ...s the name to the label list in non volatile memory replacing the oldest label in the list Query Syntax WMEMory r LABel The WMEMory r LABel query returns the label associated with a particular referen...

Page 1170: ...ource CHANnel n FUNCtion m MATH m n 1 to analog channels in NR1 format m 1 to math functions in NR1 format The WMEMory r SAVE command copies the analog channel or math function waveform to the specifi...

Page 1171: ...Mory r SKEW command sets the skew factor for the specified reference waveform Query Syntax WMEMory r SKEW The WMEMory r SKEW query returns the current skew setting for the selected reference waveform...

Page 1172: ...he value set by the WMEMory r YRANge or WMEMory r YSCale commands If you set the offset to a value outside of the legal range the offset value is automatically set to the nearest legal value Legal val...

Page 1173: ...rm Legal values for the range are copied from the original source waveform that is the analog channel or math function waveform that was originally saved as a reference waveform Query Syntax WMEMory r...

Page 1174: ...ce waveform Legal values for the scale are copied from the original source waveform that is the analog channel or math function waveform that was originally saved as a reference waveform Query Syntax...

Page 1175: ...t CHANnel n BWLimit see page 268 ANALog n COUPling CHANnel n COUPling see page 269 ANALog n INVert CHANnel n INVert see page 272 ANALog n LABel CHANnel n LABel see page 273 ANALog n OFFSet CHANnel n O...

Page 1176: ...365 ADD not included FUNCtion Commands FUNCtion2 Commands see page 365 FUNCtion commands with no m number map to FUNCtion2 This allows legacy programs to work without change FUNCtion GOFT OPERation se...

Page 1177: ...ure THResholds see page 1205 MEASure DEFine THResholds see page 467 MEASure DEFine THResholds can define absolute values or percentage MEASure TMAX see page 1206 MEASure XMAX see page 522 MEASure TMIN...

Page 1178: ...7 There are various commands for setting the source with different types of triggers PRINt see page 1223 DISPlay DATA see page 325 SAVE IMAGe AREA see page 1225 none TIMebase DELay see page 1229 TIMeb...

Page 1179: ...ct CHANnel n PROTection see page 281 Previous form of this command was used to enable disable 50 protection The new command resets a tripped protect and the query returns the status of TRIPed or NORMa...

Page 1180: ...into several other commands for specific types of power analysis POWer SIGNals VSTeady POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONO Ff OFF see page 638 POWer SIGNals VSTeady ONO Ff ON see page 639 POWer SIGNals VSTeady...

Page 1181: ...000T X Series oscilloscopes only return the enumerated values 0 for off and 1 for on TRIGger TV FIELd TRIGger TV MODE see page 1074 TRIGger TV TVHFrej TRIGger TV VIR none TRIGger USB SOURce DMINus non...

Page 1182: ...ormat edges levels NL edges presence of edges 32 bit integer in NR1 format levels logical highs or lows 32 bit integer in NR1 format A bit equal to one indicates that edges have been detected at the s...

Page 1183: ...HANnel LABel command sets the source text to the string that follows Setting a channel will also result in the name being added to the label list Query Syntax CHANnel LABel The CHANnel LABel query ret...

Page 1184: either set to a predefined value or to a user defined value For the predefined value the voltage parameter is ignored Query Syntax CHANnel THReshold channel group The CHANnel THReshold query return...

Page 1185: s analog probe skew control to remove cable delay errors between channel 1 and channel 2 Query Syntax CHANnel2 SKEW The CHANnel2 SKEW query returns the current probe skew setting for the selected c...

Page 1186: ...selects the input impedance setting for the specified channel The legal values for this command are ONEMeg 1 M and FIFTy 50 Query Syntax CHANnel n INPut The CHANnel n INPut query returns the current i...

Page 1187: ...probe with sense is connected to the specified channel auto sensing is enabled otherwise the mode is manual If the PMODe sent matches the oscilloscope s setting the command will be accepted Otherwise...

Page 1188: ...rned on the oscilloscope displays lines connecting sampled data points When vectors are turned off only the sampled data is displayed Query Syntax DISPlay CONNect The DISPlay CONNect query returns the...

Page 1189: ...II string See Also DIGital d POSition on page 311 Example Code DISP_ORDER Set the order the channels are displayed on the analyzer You can enter between 1 and 32 channels at one time If you leave out...

Page 1190: ...Guide 37 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands ERASe see page 1276 Command Syntax ERASe The ERASe command erases the screen NOTE The ERASe command is an obsolete command provided for compatibility to pre...

Page 1191: connected to the specified channel auto sensing is enabled otherwise the mode is manual If the pmode sent matches the oscilloscope s setting the command will be accepted Otherwise a setting conflic...

Page 1192: ...T OPERation operation operation ADD SUBTract MULTiply The FUNCtion GOFT OPERation command sets the math operation for the g t source that can be used as the input to transform or filter functions if a...

Page 1193: ...selects the first input channel for the g t source that can be used as the input to transform or filter functions if available Query Syntax FUNCtion GOFT SOURce1 The FUNCtion GOFT SOURce1 query return...

Page 1194: ...nd selects the second input channel for the g t source that can be used as the input to transform or filter functions if available Query Syntax FUNCtion GOFT SOURce2 The FUNCtion GOFT SOURce2 query re...

Page 1195: ...command selects the source for function operations Choose CHANnel n or ADD SUBT or MULT to specify the desired source for function DIFF differentiate INTegrate and FFT operations specified by the FUN...

Page 1196: ...n or off When ON is selected the function performs as specified using the other FUNCtion commands When OFF is selected function is neither calculated nor displayed Query Syntax FUNCtion VIEW The FUNCt...

Page 1197: ...opy DESTination command sets the hardcopy destination Query Syntax HARDcopy DESTination The HARDcopy DESTination query returns the selected hardcopy destination Return Format destination NL destinatio...

Page 1198: ...ame for those print formats whose output is a file Query Syntax HARDcopy FILename The HARDcopy FILename query returns the current hardcopy output filename Return Format string NL string quoted ASCII s...

Page 1199: ...HARDcopy GRAYscale The HARDcopy GRAYscale query returns a flag indicating whether grayscaling is performed in the hardcopy dump Return Format gray NL gray 0 1 See Also Introduction to HARDcopy Command...

Page 1200: ...ols whether the graticule colors are inverted or not Query Syntax HARDcopy IGColors The HARDcopy IGColors query returns a flag indicating whether graticule colors are inverted or not Return Format val...

Page 1201: ...hardcopy printer driver used for the selected printer If the correct driver for the selected printer can be identified it will be selected and cannot be changed Query Syntax HARDcopy PDRiver The HARDc...

Page 1202: ...when the thresholds are PERCent as defined by the MEASure DEFine THResholds command Query Syntax MEASure LOWer The MEASure LOWer query returns the current lower threshold level Return Format voltage N...

Page 1203: ...MEASure SCRatch see page 1276 Command Syntax MEASure SCRatch The MEASure SCRatch command clears all selected measurements and markers from the screen NOTE The MEASure SCRatch command is obsolete and i...

Page 1204: ...DELta query is received by the oscilloscope The delta time value that is output is the current value This is the same value as the front panel cursors delta X value Return Format value NL value time d...

Page 1205: ...cted when making time measurements Return Format T1090 T2080 VOLTage NL T1090 uses the 10 and 90 levels of the selected waveform T2080 uses the 20 and 80 levels of the selected waveform VOLTage uses t...

Page 1206: ...ed Query Syntax MEASure TMAX source The MEASure TMAX query returns the horizontal axis value at which the maximum vertical value occurs on the current source If the optional source is specified the cu...

Page 1207: ...ed Query Syntax MEASure TMIN source The MEASure TMIN query returns the horizontal axis value at which the minimum vertical value occurs on the current source If the optional source is specified the cu...

Page 1208: ...time at the start marker in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 Introduction to MEASure Commands on page 458 MARKer X1Position on page 430 MARKer X2Position on page 432 MA...

Page 1209: at the stop marker in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 Introduction to MEASure Commands on page 458 MARKer X1Position on page 430 MARKer X2Position on page 432 MARKer...

Page 1210: ...oltage can be negative or positive To specify a negative voltage use a minus sign The sign of the slope selects a rising or falling edge If no sign is specified for the slope it is assumed to be the r...

Page 1211: ...tage when the thresholds are PERCent as defined by the MEASure DEFine THResholds command Query Syntax MEASure UPPer The MEASure UPPer query returns the current upper threshold level Return Format valu...

Page 1212: is returned is the current value This is the same value as the front panel cursors delta Y value VDELta value at marker 2 value at marker 1 Return Format value NL value delta V value in NR1 format...

Page 1213: at voltage marker 1 in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 Introduction to MEASure Commands on page 458 MARKer Y1Position on page 437 MARKer Y2Position on page 438 MARKe...

Page 1214: ...the Y2 cursor in NR3 format See Also Introduction to MARKer Commands on page 426 Introduction to MEASure Commands on page 458 MARKer Y1Position on page 437 MARKer Y2Position on page 438 MARKer YDELta...

Page 1215: ...has not been generated an error occurs The filename parameter is an MS DOS compatible name of the file a maximum of 254 characters long including the path name if used The filename assumes the present...

Page 1216: ...bucket and averages them When OFF averaging is disabled To set the number of averages use the MTESt AVERage COUNt command described next Query Syntax MTESt AVERage The MTESt AVERage query returns the...

Page 1217: ...command specifies the number of data values to be averaged for each time bucket before the acquisition is considered complete for that time bucket Query Syntax MTESt AVERage COUNt The MTESt AVERage C...

Page 1218: ...he specified mask file The filename parameter is an MS DOS compatible name of the file a maximum of 254 characters long including the path name if used See Also Introduction to MTESt Commands on page...

Page 1219: ...onds parameter is a real number from 1 to 86400 seconds WAVeforms sets the maximum number of waveforms that are required before the mask test terminates The wfm_count parameter indicates the number of...

Page 1220: run and a mask violation is detected the mask test is stopped and the acquisition system is stopped Query Syntax MTESt RUMode SOFailure The MTESt RUMode SOFailure query returns the current state of...

Page 1221: ...mand Syntax MTESt STARt STOP The MTESt STARt STOP command starts or stops the acquisition system See Also Introduction to MTESt Commands on page 551 NOTE The MTESt STARt and MTESt STOP commands are ob...

Page 1222: ...Gger SOURce command sets the channel to use as the trigger Query Syntax MTESt TRIGger SOURce The MTESt TRIGger SOURce query returns the currently selected trigger source Return Format source CHAN n n...

Page 1223: ...stead Print Option PRINt command PRINt query Query Default COLor Sets palette COLor GRAYscale Sets palette GRAYscale palette COLor PRINter0 1 Causes the USB printer 0 1 to be selected as destination i...

Page 1224: ...Guide 37 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands See Also Introduction to Root Commands on page 194 Introduction to HARDcopy Commands on page 404 HARDcopy FACTors on page 407 HARDcopy GRAYscale on page 119...

Page 1225: ...ted image area When saving images this query returns SCR screen When saving setups or waveform data this query returns GRAT graticule even though graticule images are not saved Return Format area NL a...

Page 1226: ...t low signals LIN the actual LIN single end bus signal line RX the Receive signal from the LIN bus transceiver TX the Transmit signal to the LIN bus transceiver Query Syntax SBUS n LIN SIGNal DEFiniti...

Page 1227: ...I serial MOSI data This command is the same as the SBUS n SPI SOURce MOSI command Query Syntax SBUS n SPI SOURce DATA The SBUS n SPI SOURce DATA query returns the current source for the SPI serial MOS...

Page 1228: ...eries Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 37 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands SYSTem MENU see page 1276 Command Syntax SYSTem MENU menu menu MASK MEASure SEGMented LISTer POWer The SYSTem MENU command...

Page 1229: ...ence point is set with the TIMebase REFerence command see page 1000 Query Syntax TIMebase DELay The TIMebase DELay query returns the current delay value Return Format delay_value NL delay_value time f...

Page 1230: ...ed value or to a user defined value For the predefined value the voltage parameter is not required Query Syntax TRIGger THReshold channel group The TRIGger THReshold query returns the voltage and thre...

Page 1231: ...ernate parameter is not available when TRIGger TV STANdard is GENeric see page 1077 Old forms for mode are accepted Query Syntax TRIGger TV TVMode The TRIGger TV TVMode query returns the TV trigger mo...

Page 1232: ...1232 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 37 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands...

Page 1233: ...opes Programmer s Guide 38 Error Messages 440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response 430 Query DEADLOCKED 420 Query UNTERMINATED 410 Query INTERRUPTED 400 Query error 340 Calibration failed 330...

Page 1234: ...on memory lost 314 Save recall memory lost 313 Calibration memory lost 311 Memory error 310 System error 300 Device specific error 278 Macro header not found 277 Macro redefinition not allowed 276 Mac...

Page 1235: missing This message can occur when a feature is unavailable or unlicensed For example serial bus decode commands which require a four channel oscilloscope are unavailable on two channel oscillosco...

Page 1236: ...eter value 223 Too much data 222 Data out of range 221 Settings conflict 220 Parameter error 200 Execution error 183 Invalid inside macro definition 181 Invalid outside macro definition 178 Expression...

Page 1237: ...not allowed 151 Invalid string data 150 String data error 148 Character data not allowed 138 Suffix not allowed 134 Suffix too long 131 Invalid suffix 128 Numeric data not allowed 124 Too many digits...

Page 1238: ...sages 113 Undefined header 112 Program mnemonic too long 109 Missing parameter 108 Parameter not allowed 105 GET not allowed 104 Data type error 103 Invalid separator 102 Syntax error 101 Invalid char...

Page 1239: ...nt Canceled 106 Print Initialization Failed 107 Invalid Trace File 108 Compression Error 109 No Data For Operation A remote operation wants some information but there is no information available For e...

Page 1240: ...1240 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 38 Error Messages...

Page 1241: ...ndition Register HWERegister CONDition 1260 Mask Test Event Event Register MTERegister EVENt 1261 Clearing Registers and Queues 1262 Status Reporting Decision Chart 1263 IEEE 488 2 defines data struct...

Page 1242: ...any enabled bit in the event register is set The events are enabled with the corresponding event enable register Events captured by an event register remain set until the register is read or cleared R...

Page 1243: ...gister Chan2 OVL Chan1 OVL Chan3 OVL Chan4 OVL Ext Trig OVL Chan2 Fault Chan1 Fault Chan3 Fault Chan4 Fault Ext Trig Fault HWERegister CONDition Hardware Event Condition Register HWEenable HWEenable H...

Page 1244: ...nt Status Enable Register Wait Trig Run Arm Reg AER Run bit set if oscilloscope not stopped OPERation CONDition Operation Status Condition Register OPEE OPEE Operation Status Enable Mask Register 1 0...

Page 1245: request SRQ interrupt to an external controller at least one bit in the Status Byte Register must be enabled These bits are enabled by using the SRE common command to set the corresponding bit in...

Page 1246: ...e SRQ interrupt The value returned is the total bit weights of all of the bits that are set at the present time The use of bit 6 can be confusing This bit was defined to cover all possible computer in...

Page 1247: ...ontents of the oscilloscope s Status Byte Register varQueryResult myScope IO ReadSTB MsgBox Status Byte Register Serial Poll 0x Hex varQueryResult NOTE Use Serial Polling to Read Status Byte Register...

Page 1248: ...egister using the SRE command and the bits that are set are read with the SRE query Example The following example sets bit 4 MAV and bit 5 ESB in the Service Request Enable Register myScope WriteStrin...

Page 1249: ...rigger event occurs The TER event register stays set until it is cleared by reading the register or using the CLS command If your application needs to detect multiple triggers the TER event register m...

Page 1250: ...erated by certain instrument commands and queries The output queue generates the Message Available summary bit when the output queue contains one or more bytes This summary bit sets the MAV bit bit 4...

Page 1251: ...Message Queue The message queue contains the text of the last message written to the advisory line on the screen of the oscilloscope The length of the oscilloscope s message queue is 1 Note that mess...

Page 1252: ...abled in the Standard Event Status Enable Register the bits set in this register generate a summary bit to set bit 5 ESB in the Status Byte Register You can read the contents of the Standard Event Sta...

Page 1253: ...lue 0x3C Therefore you can enable any of these bits to generate the summary bit by sending myScope WriteString ESE CStr CInt H3C Whenever an error occurs it sets one of these bits in the Standard Even...

Page 1254: ...r is discarded The length of the oscilloscope s error queue is 30 29 positions for the error messages and 1 position for the Queue overflow message The error queue is read with the SYSTem ERRor query...

Page 1255: ...ister output is enabled or disabled using the mask value supplied with the OPEE command Name Location Description RUN bit bit 3 Is set whenever the instrument goes from a stop state to a single or run...

Page 1256: ...Status Condition Register Name Location Description RUN bit bit 3 Is set whenever the instrument is not stopped WAIT TRIG bit bit 5 Is set by the Trigger Armed Event Register and indicates that the tr...

Page 1257: ...en the instrument becomes armed The ARM event register stays set until it is cleared by reading the register with the AER query or using the CLS command If your application needs to detect multiple tr...

Page 1258: ...el 2 input Channel 3 OVL bit 2 Overload has occurred on Channel 3 input Channel 4 OVL bit 3 Overload has occurred on Channel 4 input External Trigger OVL bit 4 Overload has occurred on External Trigge...

Page 1259: ...Vision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1259 Hardware Event Event Register HWERegister EVENt This register hosts the PLL LOCKED bit bit 12 The PLL LOCKED bit bit 12 is for internal use...

Page 1260: ...Reporting Hardware Event Condition Register HWERegister CONDition This register hosts the PLL LOCKED bit bit 12 The HWERegister CONDition query returns the value of the Hardware Event Condition Regis...

Page 1261: ...Register register hosts these bits The MTERegister EVENt query returns the value of and clears the Mask Test Event Event Register Name Location Description Complete bit 0 Is set when the mask test is...

Page 1262: ...s Programmer s Guide 39 Status Reporting Clearing Registers and Queues The CLS common command clears all event registers and all queues except the output queue If CLS is sent immediately after a progr...

Page 1263: ...gister and send an SRQ to the computer If events are monitored by the Standard Event Status Register also enable ESB with the SRE command Activate the instrument function that you want to monitor When...

Page 1264: ...1264 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 39 Status Reporting...

Page 1265: ...with programming commands it is often necessary to know when the oscilloscope has finished the previous operation and is ready for the next command The most common example is when an acquisition is s...

Page 1266: ...rieve Results Once the acquisition is complete it is safe to retrieve measurements and statistics NOTE It is not necessary to use OPC hard coded waits or status checking when setting up the oscillosco...

Page 1267: ...b Main On Error GoTo VisaComError Create the VISA COM I O resource Set myMgr New VisaComLib ResourceManager Set myScope New VisaComLib FormattedIO488 Set myScope IO myMgr Open TCPIP0 130 29 69 12 inst...

Page 1268: ...omLib ResourceManager Set myScope New VisaComLib FormattedIO488 Set myScope IO myMgr Open TCPIP0 130 29 69 12 inst0 INSTR myScope IO Clear Clear the interface Set up Set up the trigger and horizontal...

Page 1269: ...p 100 Small wait to prevent excessive queries lngElapsed lngElapsed 100 End If Loop Get results If lngElapsed lngTimeout Then myScope WriteString MEASure RISetime myScope WriteString MEASure RISetime...

Page 1270: ...As VisaComLib ResourceManager Public myScope As VisaComLib FormattedIO488 Public varQueryResult As Variant Public strQueryResult As String Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib kernel32 ByVal dwMilliseconds A...

Page 1271: ...ecs to wait for single shot Dim lngElapsed As Long lngTimeout 10000 10 seconds lngElapsed 0 Do While lngElapsed lngTimeout myScope WriteString OPERegister CONDition varQueryResult myScope ReadNumber M...

Page 1272: ...As Variant Public strQueryResult As String Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib kernel32 ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long Sub Main On Error GoTo VisaComError Create the VISA COM I O resource Set myMgr New VisaCo...

Page 1273: ...ster STB from Standard Event Status register ESR is set STB can be read during DIGitize without generating a timeout Do Sleep 4000 Poll more often than the timeout setting varQueryResult myScope IO Re...

Page 1274: ...1274 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 40 Synchronizing Acquisitions...

Page 1275: ...ision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 41 More About Oscilloscope Commands Command Classifications 1276 Valid Command Query Strings 1277 Query Return Values 1283 All Oscilloscope Comman...

Page 1276: ...methods are employed Non Core Commands Non core commands are commands that provide specific features but are not universal across all Keysight InfiniiVision oscilloscope models Non core commands may...

Page 1277: ...a parameter is not meant to be expressed as a string is when the instruction s syntax definition specifies block data such as learn string There are only a few instructions that use block data Progra...

Page 1278: ...ogram Data Syntax Rules on page 1280 describes all of the general rules about acceptable values When there is more than one data parameter they are separated by commas Spaces can be added around the c...

Page 1279: ...must be included with the simple command header for example DIGitize CHANnel1 white space is added to separate the data from the header The syntax is program mnemonic separator program data terminato...

Page 1280: ...character program data are always included with the command s syntax definition When sending commands you may either the long form or short form if one exists Uppercase and lowercase letters may be m...

Page 1281: ...rsing the tree A leading colon NL or EOI true on the last byte places the parser at the root of the command tree A leading colon is a colon that is the first character of a program header Executing a...

Page 1282: ...ope WriteString TIMebase REFerence CENTer DISPlay VECTors ON Multiple commands may be any combination of compound and simple commands NOTE The colon between TIMebase and RANGe is necessary because TIM...

Page 1283: to the designated listener typically a controller For example the query TIMebase RANGe places the current time base setting in the output queue When using the Keysight VISA COM library in Visual Ba...

Page 1284: ...ial IEEE 488 2 makes the distinction between sequential and overlapped commands Sequential commands finish their task before the execution of the next command starts Overlapped commands run concurrent...

Page 1285: ...oscopes Programmer s Guide 42 Programming Examples VISA COM Examples 1286 VISA Examples 1319 SICL Examples 1366 SCPI NET Examples 1386 Example programs are ASCII text files that can be cut from the he...

Page 1286: ...Keysight VISA COM library a Choose Tools References from the main menu b In the References dialog check the VISA COM 5 2 Type Library c Click OK 4 Choose Insert Module 5 Cut and paste the code that fo...

Page 1287: ...meout Initialize start from a known state Initialize Capture data Capture Analyze the captured waveform Analyze Exit Sub VisaComError MsgBox VISA COM Error vbCrLf Err Description End End Sub Initializ...

Page 1288: ...yString TRIGger EDGE SLOPe Save oscilloscope configuration varQueryResult DoQueryIEEEBlock_UI1 SYSTem SETup Output setup string to a file Dim strPath As String strPath c scope config setup dat Dim hFi...

Page 1289: ...p command DoCommandIEEEBlock SYSTem SETup varSetupString Debug Print Setup bytes restored CStr LenB varSetupString Capture an acquisition using DIGitize DoCommand DIGitize CHANnel1 Exit Sub VisaComErr...

Page 1290: ...ta Set the waveform points mode DoCommand WAVeform POINts MODE RAW Debug Print Waveform points mode _ DoQueryString WAVeform POINts MODE Get the number of waveform points available Debug Print Wavefor...

Page 1291: ...uisition type NORMal ElseIf intType 1 Then Debug Print Acquisition type PEAK ElseIf intType 2 Then Debug Print Acquisition type AVERage ElseIf intType 3 Then Debug Print Acquisition type HRESolution E...

Page 1292: ...age value Print hFile _ FormatNumber dblXOrigin lngI dblXIncrement 9 _ _ FormatNumber lngDataValue lngYReference _ sngYIncrement sngYOrigin Next lngI Close output file Close hFile Close file MsgBox Wa...

Page 1293: ...myScope WriteString query DoQueryString myScope ReadString CheckInstrumentErrors Exit Function VisaComError MsgBox VISA COM Error vbCrLf CStr Err Number _ Err Source _ Err Description vbExclamation V...

Page 1294: ...BinaryType_UI1 CheckInstrumentErrors Exit Function VisaComError MsgBox VISA COM Error vbCrLf CStr Err Number _ Err Source _ Err Description vbExclamation VISA COM Error End End Function Private Sub Ch...

Page 1295: ...ect you wish to modify not the solution in the Solution Explorer window of the Microsoft Visual Studio environment b Choose Add Reference c In the Add Reference dialog select the COM tab d Select VISA...

Page 1296: ...riteLine System Error Message err Message catch System Exception err System Diagnostics Debug Fail Unexpected Error Console WriteLine Unexpected Error err Message finally myScope Close Initialize the...

Page 1297: ...trument string strPath Query and read setup string ResultsArray myScope DoQueryIEEEBlock SYSTem SETup nLength ResultsArray Length Write setup string to file strPath c scope config setup stp FileStream...

Page 1298: ...e the captured waveform private static void Analyze byte ResultsArray Results array int nLength Number of bytes returned from instrument string strPath Make a couple of measurements myScope DoCommand...

Page 1299: ...Nts Set the waveform source myScope DoCommand WAVeform SOURce CHANnel1 Console WriteLine Waveform source 0 myScope DoQueryString WAVeform SOURce Choose the format of the data returned WORD BYTE ASCII...

Page 1300: ...crement fResultsArray 7 Console WriteLine Waveform Y increment 0 e fYincrement double fYorigin fResultsArray 8 Console WriteLine Waveform Y origin 0 e fYorigin double fYreference fResultsArray 9 Conso...

Page 1301: ...d DoCommand string strCommand Send the command m_IoObject WriteString strCommand true Check for inst errors CheckInstrumentErrors strCommand public void DoCommandIEEEBlock string strCommand byte DataA...

Page 1302: ...sArray double m_IoObject ReadList IEEEASCIIType ASCIIType_R8 Check for inst errors CheckInstrumentErrors strQuery Return result numbers return fResultsArray public byte DoQueryIEEEBlock string strQuer...

Page 1303: ...strInstrumentError ToString StartsWith 0 private void OpenIo m_ResourceManager new ResourceManagerClass m_IoObject new FormattedIO488Class Open the default VISA COM IO object try m_IoObject IO IMessag...

Page 1304: d Select VISA COM 5 2 Type Library then click OK e Right click the project you wish to modify not the solution in the Solution Explorer window of the Microsoft Visual Studio environment and choos...

Page 1305: ...Sub Initialize the oscilloscope to a known state Private Shared Sub Initialize Dim strResults As String Get and display the device s IDN string strResults myScope DoQueryString IDN Console WriteLine I...

Page 1306: ...tsArray 0 nLength fStream Close Console WriteLine Setup bytes saved 0 nLength Change settings with individual commands Set vertical scale and offset myScope DoCommand CHANnel1 SCALe 0 05 Console Write...

Page 1307: ...yScope DoCommand MEASure SOURce CHANnel1 Console WriteLine Measure source 0 _ myScope DoQueryString MEASure SOURce myScope DoCommand MEASure FREQuency fResult myScope DoQueryNumber MEASure FREQuency C...

Page 1308: ...e fResultsArray myScope DoQueryNumbers WAVeform PREamble Dim fFormat As Double fResultsArray 0 If fFormat 0 Then Console WriteLine Waveform format BYTE ElseIf fFormat 1 Then Console WriteLine Waveform...

Page 1309: ...ope data waveform_data csv If File Exists strPath Then File Delete strPath End If Open file for output Dim writer As StreamWriter File CreateText strPath Output waveform data in CSV format For index A...

Page 1310: ...r inst errors CheckInstrumentErrors strCommand End Sub Public Function DoQueryString ByVal strQuery As String As String Send the query m_IoObject WriteString strQuery True Get the result string Dim st...

Page 1311: ...Delay before reading data Dim ResultsArray As Byte ResultsArray _ m_IoObject ReadIEEEBlock IEEEBinaryType BinaryType_UI1 _ False True Check for inst errors CheckInstrumentErrors strQuery Return resul...

Page 1312: ...Catch End Try Try Marshal ReleaseComObject m_ResourceManager Catch End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace VISA COM Example in Python You can use the Python programming language with the comtypes pack...

Page 1313: ...ComLib if not hasattr sys frozen GetModule C Program Files x86 IVI Foundation VISA VisaCom GlobMgr dll import comtypes gen VisaComLib as VisaComLib Global variables booleans 0 False 1 True Initialize...

Page 1314: ...nds Set vertical scale and offset do_command CHANnel1 SCALe 0 05 qresult do_query_number CHANnel1 SCALe print Channel 1 vertical scale f qresult do_command CHANnel1 OFFSet 1 5 qresult do_query_number...

Page 1315: ...h len image_bytes f open c scope data screen png wb f write bytearray image_bytes f close print Screen image written to c scope data screen png Download waveform data Set the waveform points mode do_c...

Page 1316: ...ent print Waveform Y origin f y_origin print Waveform Y reference d y_reference Always 125 Get numeric values for later calculations x_increment do_query_number WAVeform XINCrement x_origin do_query_n...

Page 1317: myScope ReadString check_instrument_errors query return result Send a query check for errors return string def do_query_ieee_block query myScope WriteString s query True result myScope ReadIEEEBloc...

Page 1318: SYSTem ERRor should always return string print ERROR SYSTem ERRor returned nothing command s command print Exited because of error sys exit 1 Main program rm CreateObject VISA GlobalRM interface Vi...

Page 1319: ...he example c file and click Add 6 Edit the program to use the VISA address of your oscilloscope 7 Choose Project Properties In the Property Pages dialog update these project settings a Under Configura...

Page 1320: ...do_query_numbers char query Query for numbers int do_query_ieeeblock char query Query for IEEE block void check_instrument_errors Check for inst errors void error_handler VISA error handler Global var...

Page 1321: ...e waveform void capture void int num_bytes FILE fp Use auto scale to automatically configure oscilloscope do_command AUToscale Set trigger mode EDGE PULSe PATTern etc and input source do_command TRIGg...

Page 1322: ...do_command TIMebase SCALe 0 0002 do_query_string TIMebase SCALe printf Timebase scale s n str_result do_command TIMebase POSition 0 0 do_query_string TIMebase POSition printf Timebase position s n st...

Page 1323: ...mmand MEASure VAMPlitude do_query_number MEASure VAMPlitude printf Vertical amplitude 2f V n num_result Download the screen image do_command HARDcopy INKSaver OFF Read screen image num_bytes do_query_...

Page 1324: ...rmat dbl_results 0 if wav_format 0 0 printf Waveform format BYTE n else if wav_format 1 0 printf Waveform format WORD n else if wav_format 2 0 printf Waveform format ASCii n acq_type dbl_results 1 if...

Page 1325: ...file for output fp fopen c scope data waveform_data csv wb Output waveform data in CSV format for i 0 i num_bytes 1 i Write time value voltage value fprintf fp 9f 6f n x_origin float i x_increment flo...

Page 1326: ...Query for a string result void do_query_string query char query char message 80 strcpy message query strcat message n err viPrintf vi message if err VI_SUCCESS error_handler err viScanf vi t str_resu...

Page 1327: ...nt data_length strcpy message query strcat message n err viPrintf vi message if err VI_SUCCESS error_handler data_length IEEEBLOCK_SPACE err viScanf vi b n data_length ieeeblock_data if err VI_SUCCESS...

Page 1328: this example in Visual Basic for Applications 1 Start the application that provides Visual Basic for Applications for example Microsoft Excel 2 Press ALT F11 to launch the Visual Basic editor 3 Ad...

Page 1329: ...fixed length string variable to hold string value returned by viVScanf viVQueryf Public strQueryResult As String 200 For Sleep subroutine Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib kernel32 ByVal dwMilliseconds As...

Page 1330: ...le to automatically configure oscilloscope DoCommand AUToscale Set trigger mode EDGE PULSe PATTern etc and input source DoCommand TRIGger MODE EDGE Debug Print Trigger mode _ DoQueryString TRIGger MOD...

Page 1331: ...Channel 1 vertical offset _ DoQueryString CHANnel1 OFFSet Set horizontal scale and position DoCommand TIMebase SCALe 0 0002 Debug Print Timebase scale _ DoQueryString TIMebase SCALe DoCommand TIMebas...

Page 1332: ...t DoQueryNumber MEASure VAMPlitude MsgBox Vertical amplitude vbCrLf _ FormatNumber dblQueryResult 4 V Download the screen image DoCommand HARDcopy INKSaver OFF Get screen image Dim lngBlockSize As Lon...

Page 1333: ...the waveform settings Dim intFormat As Integer Dim intType As Integer Dim lngPoints As Long Dim lngCount As Long Dim dblXIncrement As Double Dim dblXOrigin As Double Dim lngXReference As Long Dim sng...

Page 1334: ...ngXReference 0 Debug Print Waveform Y increment _ Format sngYIncrement Scientific Debug Print Waveform Y origin _ FormatNumber lngYOrigin 0 Debug Print Waveform Y reference _ FormatNumber lngYReferenc...

Page 1335: ...mmandAndLength As String strCommandAndLength command _ Format lngBlockSize b err viVPrintf vi strCommandAndLength vbLf paramsArray 1 If err VI_SUCCESS Then HandleVISAError vi DoCommandIEEEBlock retCou...

Page 1336: ...retCount DblArraySize Read numbers err viVScanf vi lf vbLf paramsArray 0 If err VI_SUCCESS Then HandleVISAError vi retCount is now actual number of values returned by query DoQueryNumbers retCount Che...

Page 1337: ...ror String If err VI_SUCCESS Then HandleVISAError vi While Val strErrVal 0 End if find 0 No Error strOut strOut INST Error strErrVal err viVPrintf vi SYSTem ERRor vbLf 0 Request error If err VI_SUCCES...

Page 1338: ...Microsoft Visual Studio environment b Click Add and then click Add Existing Item c Navigate to the header file visa32 cs installed with Keysight IO Libraries Suite and found in the Program Files IVI...

Page 1339: ...ionException err Console WriteLine VISA Error Message err Message catch System SystemException err Console WriteLine System Error Message err Message catch System Exception err System Diagnostics Debu...

Page 1340: ...riteLine Trigger edge slope 0 myScope DoQueryString TRIGger EDGE SLOPe Save oscilloscope configuration byte ResultsArray Results array int nLength Number of bytes returned from instrument string strPa...

Page 1341: ...myScope DoCommandIEEEBlock SYSTem SETup DataArray Console WriteLine Setup bytes restored 0 nBytesWritten Capture an acquisition using DIGitize myScope DoCommand DIGitize CHANnel1 Analyze the captured...

Page 1342: ...mber of waveform points available myScope DoCommand WAVeform POINts 10240 Console WriteLine Waveform points available 0 myScope DoQueryString WAVeform POINts Set the waveform source myScope DoCommand...

Page 1343: ...fXorigin double fXreference fResultsArray 6 Console WriteLine Waveform X reference 0 e fXreference double fYincrement fResultsArray 7 Console WriteLine Waveform Y increment 0 e fYincrement double fYo...

Page 1344: ...pen a VISA resource session OpenSession Clear the interface int nViStatus nViStatus visa32 viClear m_nSession public void DoCommand string strCommand Send the command VisaSendCommandOrQuery strCommand...

Page 1345: ...00 strResults VisaGetResultString Check for inst errors CheckInstrumentErrors strQuery Return string results return strResults public double DoQueryNumber string strQuery Send the query VisaSendComman...

Page 1346: ...o the device string strWithNewline strWithNewline String Format 0 n strCommandOrQuery int nViStatus nViStatus visa32 viPrintf m_nSession strWithNewline CheckVisaStatus nViStatus private StringBuilder...

Page 1347: ...tus nViStatus visa32 viScanf m_nSession b ref length ResultsArray CheckVisaStatus nViStatus Write and read buffers need to be flushed after IEEE block nViStatus visa32 viFlush m_nSession visa32 VI_WRI...

Page 1348: ..._LOCK visa32 VI_TMO_IMMEDIATE out this m_nSession CheckVisaStatus nViStatus public void SetTimeoutSeconds int nSeconds int nViStatus nViStatus visa32 viSetAttribute this m_nSession visa32 VI_ATTR_TMO_...

Page 1349: ...clude directory select it but do not click the Open button d Click the down arrow to the right of the Add button and choose Add as Link You should now see the file underneath your project in the Solut...

Page 1350: strResults As StringBuilder Get and display the device s IDN string strResults myScope DoQueryString IDN Console WriteLine IDN result is 0 strResults Clear status and load the default setup myScope...

Page 1351: ...ettings with individual commands Set vertical scale and offset myScope DoCommand CHANnel1 SCALe 0 05 Console WriteLine Channel 1 vertical scale 0 _ myScope DoQueryString CHANnel1 SCALe myScope DoComma...

Page 1352: ...urce 0 _ myScope DoQueryString MEASure SOURce myScope DoCommand MEASure FREQuency fResult myScope DoQueryNumber MEASure FREQuency Console WriteLine Frequency 0 F4 kHz fResult 1000 myScope DoCommand ME...

Page 1353: ...form PREamble Dim fFormat As Double fResultsArray 0 If fFormat 0 Then Console WriteLine Waveform format BYTE ElseIf fFormat 1 Then Console WriteLine Waveform format WORD ElseIf fFormat 2 Then Console...

Page 1354: ...hen File Delete strPath End If Open file for output Dim writer As StreamWriter File CreateText strPath Output waveform data in CSV format For index As Integer 0 To nLength 1 Write time value voltage v...

Page 1355: ...r nLength DataArray Length strCommandAndLength String Format 0 8 1 D8 _ strCommand nLength Write first part of command to formatted I O write buffer nViStatus visa32 viPrintf m_nSession strCommandAndL...

Page 1356: for instrument errors another command and result CheckInstrumentErrors strQuery Return string results Return fResultsArray End Function Public Function DoQueryIEEEBlock ByVal strQuery As String _ B...

Page 1357: ...d Function Private Function VisaGetResultNumbers As Double Dim fResultsArray As Double fResultsArray New Double 9 Read return value string from the device Dim nViStatus As Integer nViStatus visa32 viS...

Page 1358: ...ring StartsWith 0 End Sub Private Sub OpenResourceManager Dim nViStatus As Integer nViStatus visa32 viOpenDefaultRM Me m_nResourceManager If nViStatus visa32 VI_SUCCESS Then Throw New _ ApplicationExc...

Page 1359: ...www python org and http pyvisa sourceforge net respectively To run this example with Python and PyVISA 1 Cut and paste the code that follows into a file named example py 2 Edit the program to use the...

Page 1360: ...urce s qresult do_command TRIGger EDGE LEVel 1 5 qresult do_query_string TRIGger EDGE LEVel print Trigger edge level s qresult do_command TRIGger EDGE SLOPe POSitive qresult do_query_string TRIGger ED...

Page 1361: ...Setup bytes restored d len sSetup Capture an acquisition using DIGitize do_command DIGitize CHANnel1 Analyze def analyze Make measurements do_command MEASure SOURce CHANnel1 qresult do_query_string M...

Page 1362: ...reamble wav_form_dict 0 BYTE 1 WORD 4 ASCii acq_type_dict 0 NORMal 1 PEAK 2 AVERage 3 HRESolution preamble_string do_query_string WAVeform PREamble wav_form acq_type wfmpts avgcnt x_increment x_origin...

Page 1363: ...ment voltage values i y_reference y_increment y_origin f write E f n time_val voltage f close print Waveform format BYTE data written to waveform_data csv Send a command and check for errors def do_co...

Page 1364: ...ROR s command s error_string command print Exited because of error sys exit 1 else No error break else SYSTem ERRor should always return string print ERROR SYSTem ERRor returned nothing command s comm...

Page 1365: ...loscopes Programmer s Guide 1365 InfiniiVision visa instrument TCPIP0 130 29 70 139 inst0 INSTR InfiniiVision timeout 15 InfiniiVision term_chars InfiniiVision clear Initialize the oscilloscope captur...

Page 1366: ...rties In the Property Pages dialog update these project settings a Under Configuration Properties Linker Input add sicl32 lib to the Additional Dependencies field b Under Configuration Properties C C...

Page 1367: ...bers char query Query for numbers int do_query_ieeeblock char query Query for IEEE block void check_instrument_errors Check for inst errors Global variables INST id Device session ID char str_result 2...

Page 1368: ...out id TIMEOUT Clear the interface iclear id Get and display the device s IDN string do_query_string IDN printf Oscilloscope IDN string s n str_result Clear status and load the default setup do_comman...

Page 1369: ...scale and offset do_command CHANnel1 SCALe 0 05 do_query_string CHANnel1 SCALe printf Channel 1 vertical scale s n str_result do_command CHANnel1 OFFSet 1 5 do_query_string CHANnel1 OFFSet printf Cha...

Page 1370: ...reference FILE fp int num_bytes Number of bytes returned from instrument int i Make a couple of measurements do_command MEASure SOURce CHANnel1 do_query_string MEASure SOURce printf Measure source s n...

Page 1371: ...waveform source do_command WAVeform SOURce CHANnel1 do_query_string WAVeform SOURce printf Waveform source s n str_result Choose the format of the data returned WORD BYTE ASCII do_command WAVeform FO...

Page 1372: ...ement e n y_increment y_origin dbl_results 8 printf Waveform Y origin e n y_origin y_reference dbl_results 9 printf Waveform Y reference e n y_reference Read waveform data num_bytes do_query_ieeeblock...

Page 1373: ...message command strcat message 8 08d iprintf id message num_bytes ifwrite id ieeeblock_data num_bytes 1 data_length check_instrument_errors return data_length Query for a string result void do_query_...

Page 1374: ...r query char message 80 int data_length strcpy message query strcat message n iprintf id message data_length IEEEBLOCK_SPACE iscanf id b data_length ieeeblock_data if data_length IEEEBLOCK_SPACE print...

Page 1375: Files Keysight IO Libraries Suite include directory select it and click Open 4 Choose Insert Module 5 Cut and paste the code that follows into the editor 6 Edit the program to use the SICL address...

Page 1376: ...Initialize Capture data Capture Analyze the captured waveform Analyze Close the vi session and the resource manager session Call iclose id Exit Sub ErrorHandler MsgBox Error Error vbExclamation End En...

Page 1377: ...EDGE SOURce DoCommand TRIGger EDGE LEVel 1 5 Debug Print Trigger edge level _ DoQueryString TRIGger EDGE LEVel DoCommand TRIGger EDGE SLOPe POSitive Debug Print Trigger edge slope _ DoQueryString TRIG...

Page 1378: ...Mebase POSition Set the acquisition type NORMal PEAK AVERage or HRESolution DoCommand ACQuire TYPE NORMal Debug Print Acquire type _ DoQueryString ACQuire TYPE Or configure by loading a previously sav...

Page 1379: ...INKSaver OFF Get screen image Dim lngBlockSize As Long lngBlockSize DoQueryIEEEBlock_Bytes DISPlay DATA PNG COLor Debug Print Screen image bytes CStr lngBlockSize Save screen image to a file Dim strP...

Page 1380: ...ent As Double Dim dblXOrigin As Double Dim lngXReference As Long Dim sngYIncrement As Single Dim sngYOrigin As Single Dim lngYReference As Long Preamble DoQueryNumbers WAVeform PREamble intFormat Prea...

Page 1381: ...mber lngYReference 0 Get the waveform data Dim lngNumBytes As Long lngNumBytes DoQueryIEEEBlock_Bytes WAVeform DATA Debug Print Number of data values _ CStr lngNumBytes CInt Chr byteArray 1 2 Set up o...

Page 1382: ...amation End End Sub Private Function DoCommandIEEEBlock command As String _ lngBlockSize As Long On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Send command part Call ivprintf id command Write definite length block bytes...

Page 1383: ...As String As Double On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim dblResult As Double Call ivprintf id query vbLf Call ivscanf id lf vbLf dblResult DoQueryNumber dblResult CheckInstrumentErrors Exit Function ErrorH...

Page 1384: ...Length Dim i As Integer For i 2 To intLengthDigits 1 strBlockLength strBlockLength Chr byteArray i Next Return number of bytes in block plus header DoQueryIEEEBlock_Bytes CLng strBlockLength intLength...

Page 1385: ...t InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1385 MsgBox strOut vbExclamation INST Error Messages Call iflush id I_BUF_READ Or I_BUF_WRITE End If Exit Sub ErrorHandler MsgBox Error...

Page 1386: ...VIEW Microsoft Excel Keysight VEE and Keysight SystemVue For more information on Keysight Command Expert and to download the software see http www keysight com find commandexpert SCPI NET Example in C...

Page 1387: ...ogramming features of your Keysight oscilloscope using System using System IO using System Text using Keysight CommandExpert ScpiNet AgInfiniiVision3000X_02_00 namespace InfiniiVision class ScpiNetIns...

Page 1388: ...strResults Get and display the device s IDN string myScope SCPI IDN Query out strResults Console WriteLine IDN result is 0 strResults Clear status and load the default setup myScope SCPI CLS Command m...

Page 1389: ...Setup bytes saved 0 nLength Change settings with individual commands Set vertical scale and offset myScope SCPI CHANnel SCALe Command 1 0 05 myScope SCPI CHANnel SCALe Query 1 out fResult Console Writ...

Page 1390: ...HANnel1 out fResult Console WriteLine Frequency 0 F4 kHz fResult 1000 Use direct command query when commands not in command set myScope Transport Command Invoke MEASure VAMPlitude CHANnel1 myScope Tra...

Page 1391: ...source 0 strResults Choose the format of the data returned WORD BYTE ASCII myScope SCPI WAVeform FORMat Command BYTE myScope SCPI WAVeform FORMat Query out strResults Console WriteLine Waveform format...

Page 1392: ...sultsArray nLength byteResultsArray Length Console WriteLine Number of data values 0 nLength Set up output file strPath c scope data waveform_data csv if File Exists strPath File Delete strPath Open f...

Page 1393: ...the Microsoft Visual Studio environment and choose Properties then select InfiniiVision ScpiNetInstrumentApp as the Startup object 7 Build and run the program For more information see the SCPI NET dr...

Page 1394: ...ared Sub Initialize Dim strResults As String Get and display the device s IDN string myScope SCPI IDN Query strResults Console WriteLine IDN result is 0 strResults Clear status and load the default se...

Page 1395: ...ed 0 nLength Change settings with individual commands Set vertical scale and offset myScope SCPI CHANnel SCALe Command 1 0 05 myScope SCPI CHANnel SCALe Query 1 fResult Console WriteLine Channel 1 ver...

Page 1396: ...PI MEASure FREQuency Query CHANnel1 fResult Console WriteLine Frequency 0 F4 kHz fResult 1000 Use direct command query when commands not in command set myScope Transport Command Invoke MEASure VAMPlit...

Page 1397: ...ount As Integer nXreference As Integer _ nYreference As Integer Dim dblXincrement As Double dblXorigin As Double _ dblYincrement As Double dblYorigin As Double myScope SCPI WAVeform PREamble Query nFo...

Page 1398: ...lose Console WriteLine Waveform format BYTE data written to 0 _ strPath End Sub End Class End Namespace SCPI NET Example in IronPython You can also control Keysight oscilloscopes using the SCPI NET li...

Page 1399: ...AgInfiniiVision4000X_01_20 import Initialize def initialize Get and display the device s IDN string idn_string scope SCPI IDN Query print Identification string s idn_string Clear status and load the...

Page 1400: ...Nnel OFFSet Query 1 print Channel 1 offset f qresult Set horizontal scale and offset scope SCPI TIMebase SCALe Command 0 0002 qresult scope SCPI TIMebase SCALe Query print Timebase scale f qresult sco...

Page 1401: ...e fStream Write image_bytes 0 nLength fStream Close print Screen image written to screen_image png Download waveform data Set the waveform points mode scope SCPI WAVeform POINts MODE Command RAW qresu...

Page 1402: ...x_origin scope SCPI WAVeform XORigin Query y_increment scope SCPI WAVeform YINCrement Query y_origin scope SCPI WAVeform YORigin Query y_reference scope SCPI WAVeform YREFerence Query Get the waveform...

Page 1403: ...Programming Examples 42 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 1403 Wait for a key press before exiting print Press any key to exit Console ReadKey True...

Page 1404: ...1404 Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T X Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Guide 42 Programming Examples...

Page 1405: 53 angle brackets 162 annotate channels 273 annotation background display 319 annotation color display 320 annotation text display 321 annotation X1 position 322 annotation Y1 position 323 annot...

Page 1406: ...tarting byte position 742 CAN frame counters reset 724 CAN SEARch commands 926 CAN serial bus commands 719 CAN serial search data 929 CAN serial search data length 930 CAN serial search ID 931 CAN ser...

Page 1407: ...646 Config softkey 44 configurations oscilloscope 175 179 183 991 Configure softkey 44 connect oscilloscope 43 connect sampled data points 1188 constants for making automatic measurements 275 constan...

Page 1408: ...324 DISPlay commands 315 display commands introduction 316 display connect 1188 display date 981 display factors scaling 275 display for channels 270 display frequency span 358 381 display measuremen...

Page 1409: ...95 FFT Fast Fourier Transform operation 1111 FFT display mode 351 FFT function display 350 FFT function source input 357 FFT vertical units 361 382 fifty ohm impedance disable setting 990 filename for...

Page 1410: ...h level voltage waveform generator 1162 high pass filter cutoff frequency 384 high resolution acquisition type 232 hold time setup and hold trigger 1065 hold until operation complete 176 holdoff time...

Page 1411: ...17 921 label digital channel 310 labels 273 327 328 labels to store calibration information 258 labels specifying 316 LAN interface 43 46 LAN Settings softkey 44 landscape layout for hardcopy 410 lang...

Page 1412: ...tup 468 measurements delay 470 measurements fall time 479 measurements falling edge count 482 measurements falling pulse count 483 measurements frequency 480 measurements how autoscale affects 197 mea...

Page 1413: 60 numeric variables reading query results into multiple 62 nwidth 484 O obsolete and discontinued commands 1175 obsolete commands 1276 occurrence reported by magnitude 1210 offset 369 offset for A...

Page 1414: ...analysis enabling 597 POWer commands 589 power factor 535 power factor for IEC 61000 3 2 Standard Class C 603 power loss 541 power phase angle 529 power quality analysis 622 power supply rejection ra...

Page 1415: ...printed copy 1199 resource session object 55 ResourceManager object 55 restore configurations 175 179 183 991 restore labels 327 restore setup 179 return values query 1283 returning acquisition type 2...

Page 1416: ...etup and hold trigger setup time 1066 setup and hold trigger slope 1062 setup configuration 179 183 991 setup defaults 180 987 setup memory 179 setup reported 1008 setup time setup and hold trigger 10...

Page 1417: ...ce 1192 sweep mode trigger 1007 1018 sweep speed set to fast to measure fall time 479 sweep speed set to fast to measure rise time 496 switch disable 984 switching level current 647 switching level vo...

Page 1418: ...rigger glitch greater than 1039 trigger glitch less than 1040 trigger glitch level 1041 trigger glitch polarity 1042 trigger glitch qualifier 1043 trigger glitch range 1044 trigger glitch source 1045...

Page 1419: ...353 355 389 395 vertical value maximum measured on waveform 514 vertical value measurements to calculate overshoot 485 vertical value minimum measured on waveform 515 video line to trigger on 1073 vi...

Page 1420: ...format for data transfer 1094 word format ARINC 429 709 word select WS low I2S trigger 785 word select WS source I2S 775 word width SPI decode 865 write text to display 982 WriteIEEEBlock method 55 6...
