"Connect unit" menu
10.5.6. Analog module (optional)
The analog module has two circular female connectors.
Female connector
input external „off“-key).
Female connector
with three logging outputs
and one input for an external programmer or other voltage and/or
current sources.
Information regarding labeling:
For service purposes only. This key has no function during
regular operation.
The module can be „reset“ with this key. This may be
necessary in case of an error, for example if the red LED
(error) lights up.
Green LED is illuminated
The module has operating voltage but does not receive any
information (CAN-Messages).
Green LED is not illuminated
The unit is turned off or the module is damaged or it has no
power supply.
Green LED blinks
Irregular blinking indicates that the module receives
information (CAN-Messages) and works correctly.
Red LED is illuminated
Alarm of the module. The TFT display shows the type of
error and required measures.
Red LED is not illuminated
If the unit is operating and the diode is not illuminated the
module works correctly.
Red LED blinks
An unknown error has occurred during the data transfer on
the CAN-Bus. The CAN-Bus has deactivated itself for safety
reasons. Turn the unit off and then on again after several
second. If the error occurs again, please contact JULABO
The buttons will display the
current settings.