neoVI FIRE 2 User’s Guide
© 2016 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.
Version 2.1 - October 10, 2016
1.5 Hardware and Software Requirements
Only a small amount of hardware is required to use the neoVI FIRE 2:
A vehicle network, either within an actual vehicle or in a test bench environment.
A DC power supply capable of providing 4.5V to 40V of DC power, with a nominal
current of 250 mA at 12V. Your network setup must include wiring capable of providing
this power on pin 25 of a female DB-25 connector that connects to a FIRE 2 cable; see
Chapter 7 for pinout details.
A PC with an open standard USB 2.0 (or higher) port. You can use a USB hub, but we
recommend that this be a powered hub to ensure that sufficient power is provided.
Additional hardware may be required for some uses of the device:
Interfacing to a BroadR-Reach (100BASE-T1) Automotive Ethernet network requires an
Intrepid RAD-Moon or similar media converter device.
Additional cables may be needed, depending on the nature of the network to which the
neoVI FIRE 2 is being connected.
Intrepid’s Vehicle Spy Professional is recommended for use with the FIRE 2, and provides
everything you need to set up your hardware and use all of its capabilities. The setup program
for VSpy will also install the necessary drivers for your FIRE 2. If you do not have a VSpy
license, you can use the Vehicle Spy trial version for basic network interfacing and driver
setup. Drivers can also be set up using the API kit installer. All of this software can be found on
the disc that comes with the FIRE 2, or if necessary, can be downloaded from the Intrepid web
site at
. Installation instructions can be found in Chapter 3.
Please refer to the Vehicle Spy documentation for its more specific PC hardware and operating
system requirements and recommendations. Note, however, that Vehicle Spy will run on most
modern Windows-based PCs.