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Chapter 14 Systems

14.2 General Terms of Business of the company INOTEC GmbH

General terms and conditions of Inotec GmbH 

Valid from April 2021  


§ 1 
General, scope 

I.   All  offers,  deliveries  and  other  services  provided  by  INOTEC  GmbH  — 
including  in  the  future  —  are  exclusively  subject  to  these  general  terms  and 
Terms and conditions of the customer that deviate from or are not included in 
our  terms  and  conditions  are  not  recognised  unless  INOTEC  GmbH  has 
explicitly  agreed  to  their  validity  in  writing.  Counter-confirmations  by  the 
customer with reference to their terms and conditions of business or purchase 
are hereby rejected. 
II.   INOTEC  GmbH’s  general  terms  and conditions  of  leasing  apply  to  leasing 
services we provide. 

§ 2 
Product descriptions, application-related information, subject to 

I.   Machine  descriptions  in  brochures,  technical  data  sheets,  etc.  do  not 






recommendations  that  INOTEC  GmbH  issues  verbally  and  in  writing  to 
support  the  customer  or  processor  are  based  on  our  current  level  of 
knowledge. They are non-binding and do not establish any contractual rights 
nor  any  secondary  obligations  from  the  purchase  contract,  unless  explicitly 
agreed otherwise.  
II.   We reserve the right to make design and material changes, provided that 
normal  use  of  the  delivery  item  or  use  required  under  the  contract  is  not 
significantly  or  adversely  affected  and  the  change  is  reasonable  for  the 

§ 3  
Delivery period, assembly deadline 

I.   Agreed delivery periods start on conclusion of the contract, but not before 
the  customer  has  provided  the  necessary  documents  and  approvals  and  has 
fully  clarified  all  of  the  details  regarding  the  requested  execution  and  all 
technical  questions.  Compliance with  the  delivery  period  always  requires  the 
customer to meet its contractual obligations.  
II.   In the event of force majeure and any unforeseeable obstacles which were 
unknown  on  conclusion  of  the  contract,  where  we  are  not  responsible  for 
such  obstacles,  the  delivery  period  shall  be  extended  appropriately  — 
including within a delay — insofar as it is proven that such obstacles impacted 
the provision of the service owed. 
This also applies if these circumstances apply to sub-suppliers. We shall notify 
the customer of the start and end dates of such obstacles as early as possible. 
If the obstacle lasts for more than three months or if it is determined that this 
will  last  for  more  than  three  months,  both  we  and  the  customer  may 
withdraw from the contract.  
III.  If  we  have  agreed  the  time  of  delivery,  assembly  or  installation  with  the 
customer,  the  customer  is  obliged  to  take  all  precautions  at  their  place  of 
work to be able to carry out their planned work. In particular, the customer is 
obliged  to  provide  electrical  connections,  compressed  air  connections  and 
adequate lighting at the place of work. 
If the customer is responsible for the fact that we are unable to complete the 
planned work, are unable to complete it in full, or are unable to complete it 
within a reasonable period of time, the customer is obliged to compensate us 
for any damages incurred, and is particularly obliged to reimburse use for any 
additional  costs  incurred  as  a  result  of  additional  journeys  and  wasted 
working hours additionally required from our employees.  
The assembly deadline is met if assembly has been carried out for acceptance 
by  the  customer  by  the  deadline.  If  a  test  is  stipulated  by  the  contract,  the 
deadline  is  met  if  assembly  has  been  carried  out  for  execution  by  the 
deadline. If there are any delays as a result of force majeure or circumstances 
for  which  the  customer  is  responsible,  the  assembly  deadline  shall  be 
extended to a reasonable extent.  
IV. If  the  customer  has  demonstrably  suffered  damage  as  a  result  of  a  delay 
by  INOTEC  GmbH  as  an  assembly  company,  they  are  entitled  to  demand 
compensation  for  the  delay.  In  the  case  of  simple  negligence  on  the  part  of 
INOTEC GmbH, this is a fixed amount totalling 0.5% for each full week of the 
delay,  but  this  amount  shall  not  exceed  5%  of  the  value  of  the  part  of  the 
total  delivery  that  cannot  be  used  on  time  or  in  line  with  the  contract  as  a 
result of delayed assembly.  

§ 4  
Transportation, transfer of risk, packaging, partial deliveries 

I.   Unless  otherwise  agreed,  INOTEC  GmbH  shall  deliver  goods  carriage 
forward and uninsured to the named destination at the risk of the recipient. If 
there  are  any  damages  in  transit,  the  damage  must  be  confirmed  by  the 
carrier  before  the  goods  are  accepted.  If  carriage  paid  delivery  is  owed,  this 
only  applies  to  shipping  and  transportation  standard  in  the  industry. 
Additional  costs,  e.g.  for  express freight  requested  by  the  customer,  shall  be 
borne by the customer.  
II.   Unless  otherwise  agreed,  risk  for  shipping  transactions  transfers  to  the 
customer  as  soon  as  the  delivery  has  been  handed  over  to  the  person 
providing  transportation.  If  dispatch  is  not  possible  for  reasons  for  which 
INOTEC  GmbH  is  not  to  blame,  risk  transfers  to  the  customer  upon 
notification that the goods are ready for dispatch. If the customer collects the 
goods, risk transfers when the goods are handed over. 
III.  Unless  explicitly  agreed  otherwise,  INOTEC  GmbH  shall  provide  deliveries 
without packaging. 
IV. INOTEC  GmbH  is  entitled  to  partial  delivery and  partial  performance  to  a 
reasonable extent. 

§ 5 
Prices and payment, returns 

I.   Unless otherwise agreed, prices do not include packaging, transportation, 
insurance,  unloading,  installation,  assembly  and  commissioning,  namely  for 
delivery  ex  works  or  from  the  delivery  warehouse,  and  are  exclusive  of 
statutory  VAT at  the  respective  rate.  The  prices  quoted are  only valid  for  the 
respective  individual  order.  Assembly  is  billed  based  on  time  spent,  unless  a 
fixed rate has been explicitly agreed. 
II.   If contracts have an agreed delivery period of more than two months, both 
contracting parties may request a change in the agreed price if costs decrease 
or increase after the contract is concluded and the contracting parties cannot 
avoid  this,  particularly  if  such  decreases  or  increases  are  caused  by collective 
bargaining agreements or changes in the cost of materials. The price change 
must be limited to the amount required to compensate for the cost decrease 
or increase. A party is entitled to a similar price adjustment if delays arise for 
which  the  other  party  is  responsible  and  these  result  in  an  actual  delivery 
period of more than two months.  
III.  Unless  otherwise  agreed  (e.g.  when  the  invoice  is  sent),  payments  are  to 
be made immediately on delivery of the goods. Payment is only considered to 
have been made when INOTEC GmbH has the amount at its disposal. 


Granting  a  payment  term  once  or  several  times  only  applies  to  the  invoice 
amount  referred  to and  not  to  other  receivables (e.g.  receivables  from  other 
or future deliveries).  
IV.   If  the  customer  defaults  on  payment,  INOTEC  GmbH  may  demand 
statutory default interest as a minimum.  
V.   Offsetting payments or retaining payments where such retention equates 
to  offsetting  is  only  permitted  if  the  customer  has  legal  claims  that  are 
recognised  by  INOTEC  GmbH,  are  not  disputed,  are  pending  judgement  or 
have been established by law. 
VI.   Despite  any  of  the  customer’s  provisions  to  the  contrary,  INOTEC  GmbH 
is entitled to initially offset payments against their older debts and will notify 
the  customer  about  the  type  of  offsetting  that  has  taken  place.  If  costs  and 
interest  have  already  been  incurred,  INOTEC  GmbH  is  entitled  to  offset  the 
payment  against  the  costs  first,  then  against  the  interest  and  finally  against 
the main receivable. 
VII.  If  the  customer  defaults  on  acceptance  of  the  delivery  items  or  on 
payment,  INOTEC  GmbH  may  withdraw  from  the  contract  and/or  may 
demand  compensation  instead  of  performance  after  a  reasonable  grace 
period passes to no avail, where such a grace period is required by law and is 
set  by  INOTEC  GmbH.  If  a  compensation  claim  for  damages  is  asserted, 
INOTEC  GmbH  may  demand  compensation  at  the  amount  of  15%  of  the 
purchase price, without being required to provide evidence to compensate for 
lost  profit.  The  contracting  parties  are  free  to  provide  evidence  of  higher  or 
significantly lower actual damage. 
VIII. If  we  take  back  goods  after consultation  without  any  legal  obligation,  a 
credit  note  will  be  issued  that  totals  a  maximum  of  the  value  of  the  goods. 
With respect to the expenses incurred (loss of value, testing, cleaning, freight, 
packaging,  administrative expenses,  etc.),  we  reserve  the  right to  deduct  the 
working hours spent at current billing rates and/or a percentage of the value 
of  the  goods  from  the  credit  note,  and with  respect  to machine  returns, we 
reserve the right to carry out a leasing calculation using current leasing rates.  

§ 6 
Retention of title, extended retention of title 

I.   INOTEC  GmbH  retains  title  to  the  delivered  goods  until  all  receivables 
from  the  concluded  contract,  including  all  accessory  claims  (e.g.  exchange 
costs,  financing  costs,  interest)  have  been  met  in  full.  If  several  items  are 
delivered  for  a  total  price,  ownership  of  all  items  remains  reserved  until  full 
payment has been made. 
If a current account agreement has been made with the customer, retention 
of  title  exists  until  the  recognised  current  account  balance  has  been  paid  in 
If cheques or bills of exchange are accepted, fulfilment only occurs when the 
cheque  or  bill  of  exchange  has  been  cashed  and  INOTEC  GmbH  has  the 
amount at its disposal without any recourse risks. 
II.   The  customer  is  obliged  to  treat  the  goods  subject  to  retention  of  title 
with  care  and  to  immediately  notify  INOTEC  GmbH  in  the  event  of  seizure, 
confiscation,  damage  or  loss.  Any  breach  of  this  obligation  gives  INOTEC 
GmbH the right to withdraw from the contract. The customer shall bear all of 
the costs that have to be paid, particularly in the context of third-party action 
against  seizure  being  lifted  and,  if  necessary,  for  the  replacement  of  the 
delivery items, unless they can be recovered from third parties. 
III.   If the customer defaults in payment with respect to a not inconsiderable 
portion  of  its  obligations,  INOTEC  GmbH  is  entitled to  temporarily  take  back 
the goods subject to retention of title. Exercising the right of withdrawal does 
not  constitute  a  withdrawal  from  the  contract,  unless  INOTEC  GmbH  has 
explicitly  declared  withdrawal.  The  customer  shall  bear  any  costs  that  arise 
from  the  exercise  of  the  right  of  withdrawal  (in  particular  for  transportation 
and  storage)  if  INOTEC  GmbH  threatened  withdrawal  within  a  reasonable 
period  of  time.  INOTEC  GmbH  is  entitled  to  dispose  of the  goods  subject  to 
retention of title that have been taken back and to offset its claims with the 
proceeds,  provided  that  INOTEC  GmbH  has  previously  threatened  to  dispose 
of  them.  In  the  threat,  INOTEC  GmbH  must  have  set  the  customer  a 
reasonable deadline to meet their obligations. 
IV.   The customer hereby assigns to INOTEC GmbH the purchase price, wages 
or other receivables (including the recognised balance from a current account 
agreement  or,  in  the  event  of  insolvency  on  the  part  of  the  customer’s 
business partner, the ‘causal balance’ available) at the amount of the invoice 
value  for  the  goods  subject  to  retention  of  title  (inclusive  of  VAT)  from  the 
onward sale or further processing of the goods subject to retention of title, or 
which  arise  because  of  another  legal  reason  (insurance,  tort,  loss  of 
ownership  caused  by  connecting  the  delivery  item  to  a  property);  INOTEC 
GmbH  hereby  accepts  the  assignment.  INOTEC  GmbH  revocably  authorises 
the customer to collect receivables assigned to INOTEC GmbH for the account 
of INOTEC GmbH in their own name. This collection authorisation can only be 
revoked if the customer does not properly meet their payment obligations. In 
such a case and at the request of INOTEC GmbH, the customer must provide 
information  on  the  assigned  receivables  which  is  required  for  collection,  in 
addition  to  making  corresponding  documents  available  and  notifying  the 
debtor  of  the  assignment.  The  assignment  of  receivables  under  sentence  1 
serves to secure all receivables — 
including in the future — from the business relationship with the customer. 

§ 7 
Notice of defects, rights in the event of material defects 

I.   If  a  contract  is  established  with  a  consumer  (§13  of  the  Civil  Code 
[Bürgerliches  Gesetzbuch,  BGB]),  the  statutory  provisions  that  entered  into 
force on 01/01/2002 shall apply. 
II.   If the purchase is a commercial transaction for both parties, the customer 
must provide immediate notice of any defects in writing, provided that this is 
in line with the normal course of business. Notice of hidden defects, however, 
must  only  be  given  after  they  are  discovered;  otherwise  the  goods  are 
considered to be accepted. 
III.   Insofar  as  the  delivery  item  and/or  the  associated  assembly  service  is 
defective, the customer can either request that the defect is remedied (repair) 
or  that  an  item  free  of  defects  is  delivered  (replacement  delivery)  as 
supplementary performance, at INOTEC GmbH’s discretion, for a period of 12 
months from transfer of risk. If we are not prepared or are unable to carry out 
the  repair/replacement  delivery,  particularly  if  this  is  delayed  beyond  a 
reasonable  period  for  reasons  for  which  we  are  responsible,  or  if  the 
repair/replacement  delivery  fails  in  any  other  way,  and  if  further  attempts  at 
supplementary performance are unreasonable for the customer, they shall be 
entitled  to  withdraw  from  the  contract  or  to  reduce  the  purchase  price,  at 
their  discretion.  If  there  is  a  negligible  defect,  the  customer  may  only 
withdraw from the contract with our consent. 
IV.  No claims for material defects arise in the event of unsuitable or improper 
use  or  treatment  of  the  goods,  incorrect  assembly  or  commissioning  by  the 
customer or third parties, natural wear and tear (especially for wearing parts), 
unsuitable equipment or operating conditions, inadequate maintenance, etc.  
V.  If  the  defective  goods  are  third-party  products,  we  are  entitled  to  assign 
our claims for material defects against our sub-suppliers to the customer and  


to refer them to their (judicial) claim. A claim can only be made against us if  
claims  against  our  sub-suppliers  are  not  enforceable  despite  the  (judicial) 
claim  being  made  on  time,  or  if  the  claim  is  unreasonable  in  the  individual 

§ 8  
Limitation of liability 

I.    INOTEC GmbH shall be liable for intent and gross negligence. 
II.   INOTEC  GmbH  shall  only  liable  for  simple  negligence  if  essential 
contractual  obligations  (cardinal  obligations)  have  been  breached,  except  in 
the  case  of  injury  to  life,  limb  or  health.  Liability  is  limited  to  foreseeable 
damage typical for the contract. 
III.  Liability  for  indirect  and  unforeseeable  damage,  loss  of  production  and 
use, loss of profits, loss of savings and financial losses due to claims by third 
parties  is  excluded  in  the  case  of  simple  negligence,  except  in  the  case  of 
injury to life, limb or health. 
IV.  Further  liability  that  goes  beyond  this  contract  is  excluded,  regardless  of 
the  legal  nature  of  the  asserted  claim.  However,  the  above  limitations  or 
exclusions  of  liability  shall  not  apply  to  no-fault  liability that  is  mandatory  by 









V.  Insofar  as  liability  under  points  II  and  III  is  excluded  or  limited,  this  shall 
also  apply  to  the  personal  liability  of  INOTEC  GmbH’s  employees,  workers, 
representatives, bodies and vicarious agents. 


§ 9 
Fixed compensation for damages 

I.  If the buyer cancels the order before execution, INOTEC GmbH is entitled 
to demand 15% of the total order amount as compensation. 
II.  INOTEC  GmbH’s  right  to  claim  higher  damage  amounts  remains 

§ 10 
Documents, demonstration equipment, property rights 

We  shall  retain  title  and  copyrights  to  drawings,  drafts,  cost  estimates  and 
other  documents  provided  by  us,  particularly  samples  and  demonstration 
equipment. Documents and items may not be reproduced or made accessible 
to third parties without our explicit, specified consent. 

§ 11 
Place of jurisdiction, applicable law 

I.   The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to these general terms 
and conditions and the entire legal relationship between INOTEC GmbH and 
the customer, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International 
Sale of Goods (CISG). 
II.   If  the  customer  is  a  merchant  within  the  meaning  of  the  Commercial 
Code  (Handelsgesetzbuch),  a  legal  entity  under  public  law  or  a  special  fund 
under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all rights and obligations of the 
parties to the contract from any transaction — including those involving bills 
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Daimlerstraße 9-11 
D-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen 
Managing Director: 
Manfred Schmidt 
Jörg Tetling 
Commercial Register: 
Freiburg District Court HRB 621 131 

Summary of Contents for inoCOMB Maxi Power

Page 1: ...EN Original Operating Manual inoCOMB Maxi Power mixing pump Read this entire original operating manual before starting work...

Page 2: you or in urgent cases contact us directly We work constantly to further develop our products and reserve the right to make changes for technical reasons relating to building legislation Yours fai...

Page 3: ...eeder motor 10 3 7 Rotor stator 10 3 8 Noise emissions 10 3 9 Operating conditions 10 4 Assembly and function 10 4 1 Scope of delivery of inoCOMB Maxi Power set 10 4 2 Functionality 10 4 3 Components...

Page 4: ...n 36 6 12 1 Adjusting the material consistency 37 6 13 Preparing the machine 37 6 14 Starting the machine 37 7 Commissioning 38 7 1 Adding material to the material hopper 38 7 2 Opening and emptying b...

Page 5: 1 3 1 Purpose of this operating manual The operating manual is used to provide information to the operating manager assembly fitters and machine operators on the construction site It contains impor...

Page 6: ...e can be fed with powdery material from bags one way containers with the dry conveying unit inoFLEX Mono big bags with the Big Bag Box Mono or silos with a conveyor system The material is pumped in mo...

Page 7: ...pressure gauge The pressure in dicator must display 0 bar Before opening the hose coupling let the inoCOMB Maxi Power run in reverse to reduce any pres sure To do this turn the phase change switch 1...

Page 8: ...he safety and hazard notices in a clearly legible condition 1 3 4 5 5 6 2 2 2 3 Conversions and changes DANGER Conversions or changes can put the safe ty of operating staff at risk and impair the func...

Page 9: ...uipment PPE CAUTION PPE particularly gloves safety boots a safety helmet and safety goggles and respira tory protection must be used Even though the inoCOMB Maxi Power mixing pump does not cause any i...

Page 10: ...version 4 running wheels Material hopper galvanised Geared motor with reinforced axial bearing Rotor stator D 6 3 Switching cabinet Mortar pressure gauge Compressor Mixing coil Water fitting Water pu...

Page 11: ...into the mixing zone Then move the motor back again and close the eccentric lock Ensure that the mixing coil is connected to the motor and rotor of the pump unit via the motor bracket 3 Connect the i...

Page 12: 4 3 1 4 Switching cabinet All the necessary connections and controls for operating the machine are located on the switching cabinet It is firmly screwed to the frame of the machine The switching c...

Page 13: are two settings 0 OFF This setting switches off the star feeder motor and interrupts the material supply to the mixing zone 1 AUTOMATIC This setting couples the star feeder to the working cycle...

Page 14: ...he planned application The mortar pressure gauge is used to monitor and display the pressure in the conveyor hose This image illustrates the connection from the motor to the mixing coil and from the m...

Page 15: ...l water hose to the GEKA coupling on the mixing zone NOTE To ensure sufficient water pressure regard less of the pressure of the supply line the machine is equipped with a pressure booster pump WARNIN...

Page 16: ...2 Water fitting connections 1 2 Connection for an external cleaning hose or con nection of the conveyor hose via a coupling piece for cleaning the hose by means of a sponge ball 1 connection of the ex...

Page 17: mortar hose M piece couplings and rotating V piece only at 25 mm With cam levers on the M piece Technical data Operating pressure 40 bar Bursting pressure 120 bar 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 35 mm 35 mm Leng...

Page 18: ...spray pipe with 2 m whip hose 19 mm with mortar coupling 25 mm and 2 m air hose with GEKA coupling without nozzles Item no 10039887 Nozzles for Spray attachment for inoCOLL PRO one handed gun 10039322...

Page 19: ...corative plaster spraying device Made from stainless steel 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm Item no 10024071 10024065 10024066 Finishing coat device long version With offset tip Including a 12 mm nozzle Item no 10040...

Page 20: ...Output 2 2 kW Dimensions L x W x H 870 x 560 x 590 mm Weight 86 kg Item no 10039227 as auxiliary compressor Injection hood inoCOMB M4G Maxi Power G4 consisting of Injection hood Rotor sensor 50 m cont...

Page 21: ...ped on site A level probe in the mixing pump tank monitors the level and ensures automatic replenishment Areas of application Suitable for long delivery ranges up to 120 m and materials that are diffi...

Page 22: ...cleaner KV 3500 EL LP Technical data Operating voltage 3 x 1 2 kW 230 V 50 Hz 16 A Filter surface area 3 m2 Filter class H Dimensions 760 x 600 x 1 570 mm D x W x H Weight approx 83 kg Dust container...

Page 23: ...cription of the table columns Item Corresponds to the number in the drawing designating a spare part Item no INOTEC item number Installation quantity number of parts of this item when installed in the...

Page 24: ...Units Insertion grid 4 10023279 1 Units Cleaning shaft 5 10043833 1 Units Mixer cleaner 6 1 Units Gear motor 0 55 kW black without cable 7 10023620 1 Units Star feeder fastening plate 8 10023619 1 Uni...

Page 25: ...5 5 kW AL black cable plug 6 pol 6 1 Units Fan wheel for geared motor 7 1 Units Fan hood for geared motor 8 10022370 1 Units Geka coupling IG 1 9 10022363 1 Units Dummy coupling Geka 10 10044176 1 Uni...

Page 26: ...its Screw connection 1 2 7 10006494 1 Units T piece 1 2 8 10022412 1 Units Ball valve 1 2 9 10022372 1 Units GEKA coupling 1 2 IT 10 10021166 1 Units Double nipple 1 2 11 10006479 1 Units T manifold 1...

Page 27: ...10006470 1 Units Hose nozzle 14 1 2 23 10021968 0 36 Meter Spiral hose 1 2 360 mm 23 1 10022454 2 Units Hose clamp 1 2 24 10022374 1 Units GEKA coupling 1 2 PT 25 1 Units Ball valve 1 4 26 10023377 1...

Page 28: ...binet inoCOMB Maxi Power cpl 1 10038262 1 Units Water pump motor protection switch PKZM 0 1 6A 2 10016000 1 Units Motor protection switch for star feeder motor PKZM 0 2 5A 3 2 Units Auxiliary contact...

Page 29: ...Units Schuko 230V mounted socket 16 1 Units Mounted plug 5x32A 400V 17 10015616 1 Units Housing mounting angle 90 4 5 pole 17 1 10015398 1 Units Coupling insert 4 pole 18 10016247 1 Units Plug insert...

Page 30: and damaging the spine at least 4 people must move the machine 5 2 Transport inspection NOTE Check the machine to ensure that all components are present and for transport damage immediately upon...

Page 31: ...wer or other assets DANGER Rotating mixing shafts Danger of death due to being pulled into the ma chine and crushed When the motor is running the mixing shaft rotates in the mixing zone Do not reach i...

Page 32: ...ter carrying parts from freezing For storage dry out all water carrying parts 6 1 Delivery condition of the machine The inoCOMB Maxi Power is delivered from the factory on a pallet as a complete machi...

Page 33: the pump unit rotor stator pressure gauge 1 To do this fold the mixing zone upwards and lock it in place by engaging the fastening lever 1 2 Mount the pump unit and tighten the two nuts with a span...

Page 34: ...7 Connect the internal water hose to the GEKA coupling on the mixing zone 8 Open the water tap to the external water supply 9 Open the ball valve above the GEKA coupling for the cleaning hose 2 until...

Page 35: ...he cool ing fan wheel on the front of the motor The direction of rotation is marked with an arrow on the motor 6 If the direction of rotation does not match switch off the machine with the main switch...

Page 36: ...ure The control cap on the pres sure reducer allows you to readjust the water pressure if necessary 6 12 Material preparation Fill the material hopper with dry material CAUTION Make sure that no bag p...

Page 37: ...d or bursting con veyor hoses Before disconnecting the conveyor hoses make sure that the hoses are depressurised To do so check the pressure indicator on the mortar pressure gauge The pressure in dica...

Page 38: ...short forward and backward movements 3 Move the bag sideways and upwards and then empty the contents into the material hopper 4 Observe the applicable occupational safety regulations e g respiratory...

Page 39: ...luctuations 1 Check the water inlet screen and clean it if it is dirty 2 Check the water pressure at the supply line and regulate it accordingly if necessary 3 Check the pressure reducer and regulate...

Page 40: ...from the mixing zone and clean it 16 Place the mixing tube cleaner 3 in the mixing zone and turn it until it clicks into place Make sure that the coupling 4 of the mixing tube cleaner corresponds to...

Page 41: ...conveyor hoses Risk of injury and risk of property damage due to es caping and or flying material and or bursting con veyor hoses Before disconnecting the conveyor hoses make sure that the hoses are d...

Page 42: ...into for safety and functional reasons 5 After cleaning remove all the covers which were at tached to protect against the water 11 1 Maintenance plan Have the machine inspected at a specialist worksho...

Page 43: ...of operating staff at risk and impair the functionality of the machine Proceed as follows where a fault occurs 1 Cut off the power supply in the event of any faults which pose a direct risk to people...

Page 44: blocked Check whether any hardened material or foreign bodies are around the mixing coil or in the rotor stator if necessary re move the hardened material or foreign bodies Machine operator Servi...

Page 45: ...sary have the air pressure switch checked and adjust ed correctly If necessary have the defective air pressure switch replaced Service technician qualified electrician Air hose or seal de fective Repl...

Page 46: ...6805 777 DANGER Electrical voltage Danger of death due to electric shock When switched on electrical components can cause uncontrolled movements and lead to serious injury 1 Switch the machine off To...

Page 47: ...s of the EC Directive 2006 42 EC This declaration will become void in the event of any modification made to the machine without our approval Name of the device inoCOMB Maxi Power Machine model Mixing...

Page 48: ...t to deduct the working hours spent at current billing rates and or a percentage of the value of the goods from the credit note and with respect to machine returns we reserve the right to carry out a...

Page 49: ...X1 7 5kW K2 A1 A2 XPE Ein Marcia Start S3 2 S3 13 14 Aus Arresto Stop S3 1 S3 21 22 F2 1 53 1 54 F3 1 53 1 54 KT1 B1 A2 Wasserpumpe Pompa d acqua Water Pump 0 37KW 1 1A I I I 3 5 2 4 6 K3 1 2 3 4 5 6...

Page 50: ...ustomer Consultant Date Number Item no Item name Our General Terms of Business Delivery and Payment apply The customer has been made aware of these terms and agrees to the application of the same All...

Page 51: ...46 E EC declaration of conformity 47 F Faults causes and solutions 43 Functionality 10 G General Terms of Business 48 I Installation 31 Installing the mixing coil 33 Installing the star feeder 33 Ins...

Page 52: ...sales partner English language 52 INOTEC GmbH Headquarter Daimlerstra e 9 11 79761 Waldshut Tiengen Germany Phone 49 7741 6805 675 Fax 49 7741 6805 665 E Mail j tetling inotec gmbh com Wherever you ar...

Page 53: ...ct range Delivery pumps Mixing pumps Mixers Delivery systems OWC technology Silo technology Airless devices Cutters Grinders One handed guns Accessories spare parts Waste water systems Tillage Power t...
