6. Event Management > Event Clearing and Recovery
CPS-1848 User Manual
June 2, 2014
Formal Status
This document is confidential and is subject to an NDA.
Integrated Device Technology
Loss of AckID Synchronization
Each S-RIO port supports the software-assisted error recovery registers defined in the RapidIO Specification (Rev. 2.1). These
registers include the
Port {0..17} Link Maintenance Request CSR
Port {0..17} Link Maintenance Response CSR
, and the
. A set of each of these three registers are provided per S-RIO port. Their use is described in
subsequent sections.
Additionally, if the link partner supports a per-port reset function, it may be possible to cleanly recover from loss of ackID sync
by resetting the link partner (for more information, see
Reset Control Symbol Processing
Port {0..17} Link Maintenance Request CSR
A write to this register forces the S-RIO port to transmit a Link-Request symbol on the associated link. The command field in
the transmitted symbol are the contents of the CMD field written into this register. A read of this register returns the value of the
CMD field in the register.
Support is provided for the following CMD field values:
• 0b011 = Reset device
• 0b100 = Input status
Port {0..17} Link Maintenance Request CSR
(Reset Command Field)
When a write to this register is received with the CMD field set to 0b011 (reset device) the device will:
• Cease all current and pending transmissions (data and S-RIO control symbols – including multicast control symbols)
• Transmit four Link-Request – Reset Symbols in succession. After transmitting the Link-Request - Reset Symbols, the port
will enter the output error state and wait for a corresponding Link-Response.
Port {0..17} Link Maintenance Response CSR
This register is read-only and contains the information contained in the most recently received Link-Response by the specific
port. When read, it returns this data.
Bad control character sequence
Port {0..17} Implementation
Specific Error Detect
.BAD_CTL = 0, then
Transmission error - hardware error recovery
Lanes reordered
Port {0..17} Implementation
Specific Error Detect
.REORDER = 0, then
May be expected on some boards due to lane connections
between devices.
Table 61: Physical Layer Events and Information Capture Summary (Continued)
Clearing The Event
Event Handling Discussion