inst name must form an LDName that is unique within the network for proper operation. It is recommended that the
length of the IED NAME plus the length of this setting be not greater than 64 to respect the requirements of IEC 61850 7
2:2010 22.2 for LDName.
The factory default configuration is for six logical devices with Product LD inst name settings and logical node
assignments as per the following table.
Table 5-11: Factory default logical nodes
Functional ldName
Range: 0 to 64 VisibleString characters
Default: empty string
Each logical device has this setting. The value is configurable in all logical devices. Valid characters are upper and
lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. If the number of characters entered is greater than zero, the
setting sets the value of the function-related name used in communications. If an ldName is entered, it must form an
LDName that is unique within the network for proper operation. The standard recommends choosing this name
according to IEC 81346-1. If the number of characters entered is zero, no function-related name is defined.
Range: 0 to 255 ASCII characters
This data attribute is provided by the protocol to declare changes to the semantic of the data model of the UR. The intent
is that the user changes Master configRev each time that the semantic or data model changes, so that clients can
readily detect the change. A semantic change is a logical node getting a new semantic use; for example, an instance of
logical node CSWI is now serving a different physical switch, or an instance of a logical node PDIS is now used for
another zone. A data model change is a change in the presence of logical nodes, data objects, data attributes, or
instance names.
The scope of Maser configRev is the entire relay configuration, as the Master logical device is the root logical device.
Similar settings are provided for the other logical nodes; the scope of these other configRev settings is limited to the
corresponding logical device configuration.
Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Default: 0
The configurable data attribute paramRev has a scope that includes the entire device, and thus is modified whenever
any setting in the device changes. The UR increments the value of paramRev by one whenever one or multiple setting
changes occurs in one Modbus write request by any means (front panel, Modbus, or MMS) other than by SCL file
Default logical
device inst name
Contains logical nodes modeling...
(root logical device;
name is fixed)
communications, including GOOSE, reports, Remote I/O, Virtual Inputs, Modbus, DNP, and so on.
Setting group control.
This is the root logical device.
To comply with IEC 61850 7 1 Ed2 clause, all group L logical nodes (logical nodes with class names
begin with "L"), except LLN0, belonging to this IED are in this logical device.
Protection (Prot)
protection functions
Control (Ctrl)
control and monitoring functions
power system devices: breakers, switches, CTs, VTs, and so on, including interface to these such as AC inputs,
contact I/O, transducer I/O, HardFiber I/O
Metering (Meter)
metering and measurement, including Signal Sources
General (Gen)
FlexLogic, virtual outputs, non-volatile latches, FlexElements, FlexMath, recording (for example oscillography),
security, front panel, clock
Throughout the remainder of this IEC 61850 section, <LDName> is a syntactic variable representing the present
LDName of the master logical device. In other contexts LDName can refer to some other logical device. Depending
on its context, <LDName> can be a product-related name or a function-related name.