Doc Q7.0
Recto2 Red Mdrn
Boogie™ 3-Ch. Dual Rectifier®
Based on the modern version of the Dual Rectifier amp. Red channel.
Recto2 Red Vntg
Boogie™ 2 Ch. Dual Rectifier®
Based on the original Mesa Boogie 2-channel Dual Rectifier Red Channel.
Ruby Rocket Brt
Paul Ruby Rocket
Same with the Bright switch in the up position.
Ruby Rocket
Paul Ruby Rocket
Based on Paul Ruby's amp, in turn based on a Trainwreck® Rocket. Bright switch down.
Shiver Clean
Bogner® Shiva Clean Channel
Based on the 90W anniversary model. Powerful shimmering cleans.
Shiver Lead
Bogner® Shiva Lead Channel
Lead channel: sweet, rich- sounding with aggressive, English- style midrange punch.
Solo 88 Clean
Soldano® X-88
Based on the clean channel of a Soldano X-88.
Solo 88 Lead
Soldano® X-88
Based on the lead channel of a Soldano X-88.
Solo 88 Rhythm
Soldano® X-88
Chosen because the Rhythm channel of the 99 is identical to the that of the 100
Solo 99 Clean
Soldano® X99® Preamp
Based on the clean channel of this midi-equipped motorized preamp.
Solo 99 Lead
Soldano® X99® Preamp
Based on the lead channel of the X99.
Solo 100 Clean
Soldano™ SLO-100®
Based on the clean channel of the SLO-100
Solo 100 Lead
Soldano™ SLO-100®
Based on the snarling lead channel of the above amp.
Solo 100 Rhy
Soldano™ SLO-100®
Based on the rhythm channel of the same.
Spawn Nitrous 1
Splawn® Nitro
Based on the OD-1 mode of a Splawn Nitro with KT-88 power tubes.
Spawn Nitrous 2
Splawn® Nitro
Same, with OD-2 mode. Lots of saturation and big lows.
Spawn Rod OD1-1
Splawn® Quickrod
Based on an amp with bold body and a bit of bite. This is the ‘Hot Rod Plexi’ channel.
Spawn Rod OD1-2
Splawn® Quickrod
This is the ‘Hot Rod 800’ channel of the same.
Spawn Rod OD1-3
Splawn® Quickrod
This is the ‘Super Hot Rod 800’ channel of the same.
Spawn Rod OD2-1
Splawn® Quickrod
OD2 switches in a cathode bypass cap which increases the gain of that stage.
Spawn Rod OD2-2
Splawn® Quickrod
Hot Rod 800 OD2
Spawn Rod OD2-3
Splawn® Quickrod
Super Hot Rod OD2
Suhr Badger 18
Suhr® Badger 18 W
Based on the 18w version of this EL-84 powered tube rectifier classic from Suhr®
Suhr Badger 30
Suhr® Badger 30W
In comparison to the 18w, the 30w features a solid state rectifier.
Super Verb Nrm
Fender® Super Reverb
Based on a pre-CBS 1964 blackface version of this amp. Normal Channel.
Super Verb Vib
Fender® Super Reverb
The Vibro Channel of this amp.
FAS Supertweed
Like a favorite vintage tweed on steroids…
Supremo Trem
Supro® 1964T
A cool classic, built in Chicago by Valco. Originally intended for bass!
SV Bass
Ampeg SVT®
Based on a head used for decades by famous bassists the world over.
Thordendal Mdrn
Custom Amp
Built to the specifications of Meshuggah's Fredrik Thorendal.
Thordendal Vint
Custom Amp
Built to the specifications of Fredrik Thorendal. A less aggressive channel.
Tremolo Lux
Fender AA763 Tremolux
Based on a Fender AA763 Tremolux
Tube Pre
Studio Tube Preamp
A completely neutral, low-gain tube pre useful for “warming up” various sources.
Two Stone J35 1
Two Rock® Jet 35
The amp was modeled in the LEAD mode with the input tone stack bypassed.
Two Stone J35 2
Two Rock® Jet 35
Modeled with the Preamp Bypass switch off.
TX Star Clean
Mesa Boogie® Lonestar™
This model is based on the clean channel of a Mesa Lonestar.
TX Star Lead
Mesa Boogie® Lonestar™
This model is based on the lead channel of a Mesa Lonestar.
USA Bass 400 1
Mesa Boogie® Bass 400
Based on a Mesa Boogie® Bass 400
USA Bass 400 2
Mesa Boogie® Bass 400
Modeled with the Bass Shift on.
USA Clean
Mesa Boogie™ MKIV™
A beautiful clean that can pushed into warm clipping.
USA IIC+ Bright
Mesa Boogie® Mark II™
Based on a US-made amp famous for its smooth overdrive sound. Pull Bright ON, Pull Deep OFF.
Mesa Boogie® Mark II™
Based on a US-made amp famous for its smooth overdrive sound. Pull Bright ON, Pull Deep ON.
Mesa Boogie® Mark II™
Based on a US-made amp famous for its smooth overdrive sound. Pull Bright OFF, Pull Deep ON.
Mesa Boogie® Mark II™
Based on a US-made amp famous for its smooth overdrive sound. Pull Bright OFF, Pull Deep OFF.
Mesa Boogie® Mark II™ C+
Based on a Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC+. This model is used by Metallica for their live sound.
USA Lead +
Mesa Boogie™ MKIV™
Same amp with the Mid Gain switched on.
USA Lead Brt +
Mesa Boogie™ MKIV™ (Lead)
The same, with both the Treble Shift and Mid Gain on.
USA Lead Brt
Mesa Boogie™ MKIV™
Treble Shift gives this amp a slightly different character with a little more cut.
USA Lead
Mesa Boogie™ MKIV™
This model has a tight, focused, hi-gain sound. Great for fusion and rock leads.
USA Pre Clean
Mesa Boogie™ Triaxis™
Based on the clean channel of a Mesa Triaxis™ preamp
USA Pre LD1 Red
Mesa Boogie™ Triaxis™
Based on the LD1 Red Mode of a Mesa Triaxis™ preamp with the TX-4 board.
USA Pre LD2 Grn
Mesa Boogie™ Triaxis™
Based on the LD2 Green "Mid Gain Mark IV Lead channel".
USA Pre LD2 Red
Mesa Boogie™ Triaxis™
Based on the LD2 Red Mode of a Mesa Triaxis preamp.
USA Pre LD2 Ylw
Mesa Boogie™ Triaxis™
Based on the LD2 Yellow "Classic MKII Lead channel".
USA Rhythm
Mesa™ Boogie MKIV™
Based on "the" California crunch rhythm sound. Rhythm Ch. 2 with “Fat” switch OFF.
USA Sub Blues
Mesa™ Subway Blues
Based on the 20W Subway Blues.
Vibra-King Fat
Fender® Vibro-King®
Modeled with the Fat switch on
Fender® Vibro-King®
Based on the venerable Vibro-King®, famous for crystal cleans and powerful overdrive
Vibrato Lux
Fender® Vibro-Lux®
Based on the "legendary" amp that connoisseurs call "the little Vibro-King™"
Vibrato Verb AA
Fender® Vibroverb®
Based on a AA763 Fender VibroVerb.
Vibrato Verb AB
Fender® Vibroverb®
Based on a AB763 Fender VibroVerb.
Vibrato Verb CS
Fender® Vibroverb®
Based on the "64 Vibroverb Custom" a modified version of SRV's blackface Vibroverb. Mod switch ON.
Vibrato Verb
Fender® Vibroverb®
Based on a 40W combo that's great for clear or grinding cleans and gutsy blues.
Wrecker Express
Trainwreck™ Express
Based on the Trainwreck Express—designed and built by the late, great Ken Fischer.
Wrecker Lvrpool
Trainwreck™ Liverpool
Based on a Trainwreck Liverpool.
Wrecker Rocket
Trainwreck™ Rocket
Rounding out the collection is the Rocket, with four EL84s and a tube rectifier.