Doc Q7.0
“dimension chorus”, “tape delay”, “analog flanger”, “script 90 phaser”, and many more. Once you make a
selection, however, you can go beyond the model. With deep recreations of the intricacies and interactions behind
great tone, we create not only a sample or profile but a multidimensional whole enchilada. Again, just plug in and
hear it for yourself.
To re-pose the original question then, what is the Axe-Fx II?
The Axe-Fx II is the new flagship processor from Fractal Audio, with far more power and many more capabilities
than the former heavyweight champion, Axe-Fx Ultra—twice the DSP in fact, allowing it to deliver far more
detailed amp modeling, plus numerous other upgrades. It contains our best-ever guitar amplifier simulation and
effect technology—state-of-the-art algorithms designed to sound and feel like the real thing. It is a fully routable,
fully programmable, real-time controllable, multi-effects processor offering the utmost in sound quality, with
unrivaled flexibility and control options. It is a
modeling platform
upon which you can create any number of
incredible guitar tones—able to replace entire rigs of traditional gear with a single black box. Let’s take some of
these concepts a bit further:
Place effects freely in any order and layout—series, parallel, or complex networks, including feedback
loops and external send and return, at any point in the signal chain.
Every effect has a full complement of parameters offering desirable features and tremendous
range. Gone are the limits of processors with restrictive options or little-to-no depth.
Many parameters—including all the usual expression pedal suspects and every effect bypass
switch—can be operated remotely via MIDI, offering great real-time performance control capabilities. You can map
control curves, assign multiple parameters at once, tap powerful global controllers, and much more.
The Axe-Fx II offers all the classic effects plus a few new ones. The massive “effects inventory” allows any
preset to use two or more of almost every effect block type, so you can build huge virtual rigs. In addition, many
effects now include X/Y states so you can instantly swap one set of settings for another without changing presets.
Almost all the effects in the Axe-Fx II process in full stereo.
Utmost Quality
: Sound quality is our first-and-foremost criterion for the success of the Axe-Fx II. This shows in the
hardware design and in every detail of our proprietary natural processing software algorithms. Many of these
replicate patterns that occur in nature (thus our company name of
Audio Systems). The amp simulations
use unique, dynamic, non-linearity generators that produce smooth, even-ordered harmonics, giving a depth to
the sound that other processors lack. Our effects have been vetted and championed by some of the world’s most
demanding and discriminating players.
Rig Replacer:
Having everything in one box has some great advantages, especially when that box is as powerful
and versatile as the Axe-Fx II. In addition to being able to replace big rigs outright, this tightly integrated, unified
system offers certain fringe benefits. No longer does changing a drive pedal mean fighting with cables half-an-inch
too short. No longer must you labor over deciding which amps your tour’s budget will or won’t allow you to ship or
handle. Gone are the headaches and hassles of systems of so many boxes strung together with so many wires,
prone as they are to failure and noise. And let’s say a small meteor hits the stage and obliterates your Axe-Fx II:
you can literally restore to a new unit during the intermission and be up and running again for the next set.
Finally, after you’ve replaced your entire rig, the Axe-Fx II lets you continually re-invent it without ever touching
Velcro, rack screws, or your credit card.