Table 301: Add Access Control List Rule Fields (continued)
ICMP Message
(IPv4 Extended and IPv4 Named ACLs) IP ACL rule to match on the ICMP
message type and code. Specify one of the following supported ICMP
messages: Echo, Echo-Reply, Host-Redirect, Mobile-Redirect, Net-Redirect,
Net-Unreachable, Redirect, Packet-Too-Big, Port-Unreachable, Source-
Quench, Router-Solicitation, Router-Advertisement, Time-Exceeded, TTL-
Exceeded, and Unreachable. This option is available only if the protocol is
TCP Flags
(IPv4 Extended and IPv4 Named ACLs) IP ACL rule to match on the TCP
flags. When a + flag is specified, a match occurs if the flag is set in the TCP
header. When a - flag is specified, a match occurs if the flag is not set in the
TCP header. When Established is specified, a match occurs if either RST or
ACK bits are set in the TCP header. This option is available only if the protocol
is TCP.
Service Type
(IPv4 Extended and IPv4 Named ACLs) The service type to match in the IP
header. The options in this menu are alternative ways of specifying a match
condition for the same Service Type field in the IP header, but each service
type uses a different user notation. After you select the service type, specify
the value for the service type in the appropriate field. Only the field
associated with the selected service type can be configured. The services
types are as follows:
IP DSCP – Matches the packet IP DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value to the
rule. The DSCP value is defined as the high-order six bits of the Service
Type octet in the IP header.
IP Precedence – Matches the IP Precedence value to the rule. The IP
Precedence field in a packet is defined as the high-order three bits of the
Service Type octet in the IP header.
IP TOS Bits – Matches on the Type of Service (TOS) bits in the IP header.
The IP TOS field in a packet is defined as all eight bits of the Service Type
octet in the IP header. For example, to check for an IP TOS value having
bits 7 and 5 set and bit 1 clear, where bit 7 is most significant, use a TOS
Bits value of 0xA0 and a TOS Mask of 0xFF.
TOS Bits – Requires the bits in a packet's TOS field to match the two-digit
hexadecimal number entered in this field.
TOS Mask – The bit positions that are used for comparison against the IP
TOS field in a packet.
Time Range Name
The name of the time range that will impose a time limitation on the ACL
rule. If a time range with the specified name does not exist, and the ACL
containing this ACL rule is associated with an interface, the ACL rule is
applied immediately. If a time range with specified name exists, and the ACL
containing this ACL rule is associated with an interface, the ACL rule is
applied when the time-range with specified name becomes active. The ACL
rule is removed when the time-range with specified name becomes inactive.
Committed Rate / Burst Size
The allowed transmission rate for packets on the interface (Committed Rate),
and the number of bytes allowed in a temporary traffic burst (Burst Rate).
Match Criteria (IPv6 ACLs)
The fields in this section specify the criteria to use to determine whether an
IP packet matches the rule. The fields described below apply to IPv6 ACLs.
Configuring Quality of Service
ExtremeSwitching 200 Series: Administration Guide