Table 253: LLDP Statistics Fields (continued)
Displays the number of age-outs that occurred on a given port. An age-out is the
number of times the complete set of information advertised by a particular MAC
Service Access Point (MSAP) has been deleted from tables associated with
remote entries because the information timeliness interval had expired.
TLV Discards
Displays the number of LLDP TLVs (Type, Length, Value sets) discarded for any
reason by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port.
TLV Unknowns
Displays the number of LLDP TLVs received on the local ports which were not
recognized by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port.
Displays the total number of LLDP-MED TLVs received on the local ports.
TLV 802.1
Displays the total number of LLDP TLVs received on the local ports which are of
type 802.1.
TLV 802.3
Displays the total number of LLDP TLVs received on the local ports which are of
type 802.3.
to update the page with the most current information.
to clear the LLDP statistics of all the interfaces.
The Link Layer Discovery Protocol-Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) is an enhancement to
that features:
Auto-discovery of LAN policies (such as VLAN, Layer 2 Priority and DiffServ settings), enabling plug
and play networking.
Device location discovery for creation of location databases.
Extended and automated power management of Power over Ethernet endpoints.
Inventory management, enabling network administrators to track their network devices and
determine their characteristics (manufacturer, software and hardware versions, serial/asset number).
LLDP-MED Global Configuration
Use the LLDP-MED Global Configuration page to set global parameters for LLDP-MED operation.
To display this page, click
in the navigation menu.
Configuring Switching Information
ExtremeSwitching 200 Series: Administration Guide