Turntable control SmartTurn
Structure and function
4.2.2 Special mode
The turntable rotates depending on the selection via the PLC, 1 to
4 cycles forward or backward per activation. It can be rotated
forward or backward as often as desired. The lock angle in special
mode is fixed at 30º.
Necessary settings - special mode:
Securely connect input E4 to 0VDC.
Set lock angle on switch S1 to position 9.
Pre-select the number of cycles.
Input E5 =LOW and E6 = LOW -> rotate 1 cycle
Input E5 = HIGH and E6 = LOW -> rotate 2 cycles
Input E5 = LOW and E6 = HIGH -> rotate 3 cycles *
Input E5 = HIGH and E6 = HIGH -> rotate 4 cycles *
* In preparation
In operation, the outputs, “0-position”, „“In lock
angle”, and “In position forward” or “In position
back”, will only be output after reaching the
activated index, in accordance with the cycling:
After activation with one clock cycle for the first
index, after activation with two cycles for the
second index, and so on.
However, if the movement is interrupted, e.g.
through emergency stop, before reaching the
activated position, and restarted, then first,
regardless of the status of inputs E4/E5, the
system will be stopped at the first 0 index of the
drive roller.
Consequently, additional position sensing is
necessary for turntables with more than 2 indexes.