Expression Show Control System
Creating a multipart cue
Follow these steps to create a multipart cue:
Press [Stage]. The
PSC displays the Stage mode screen and prompts you
to enter a channel number.
Enter channel number(s) for the first part.
Set intensity levels by pressing [At] and entering a two-digit level, adjust-
ing the level control strip, or pressing [+] and [-].
Press [Rec]; then enter the number of the cue you wish to record.
Press [Step/Part]; then enter the number of the part you wish to create.
Parts can be assigned numbers one through four and can be created in
any sequence you like.
Press [Enter].
Press [Time] if you want to assign upfade, downfade and/or wait times to
the part.
Note: If you do not assign times to a part, the PSC will automatically
assign it the default upfade and downfade times. No wait time will be
Enter an upfade time in minutes and seconds or in seconds and frames
(00.00), then press [Enter]. Upfade times can be from 00.01 (one frame) to
99:59 (99 minutes; 59 seconds).
Note: Enter a decimal point between seconds and frames. (One second
equals thirty frames.)
Enter a downfade time, and press [Enter], or just press [Enter] to enter a
downfade equal to the upfade.
10. Enter an upfade wait time, and press [Enter]. (Upfade wait time is the
length of time after the multipart cue starts before the upfade.) If you do
not enter an upfade wait time, the
PSC assumes you want an upfade wait
time of zero.
11. Enter a downfade wait time, and press [Enter]. Downfade wait time is the
length of time after the multipart cue starts before the downfade begins.
If you do not enter a downfade wait time, the
PSC assumes you want an
downfade wait time of zero.
12. Repeat steps 2 through 11 for each part you want to create.
Note: You do not need to rerecord the part changing fade and wait times.