Playing back the previous cue 50
Plus 174
Plusfade 97
Print options 106
cue sheet 108
cues 107
digitizer 109
groups 110
macros 111
real time programs 112
SMPTE programs 113
softpatch 114
stage display 115
installing 11
Programming regions 27
Proportional patching 19
Reading a show from disk 119
Real Time Clock
Creating or editing real time programs 123
setting 123, 124
Real Time Programs 112
Rec 175
cue only 33
tracking 33
Record functions 33
Recorded channels 32
Recording a show on disk 53, 117
Rel 176
Remote Focus Unit 122
Reset (SMPTE) 177
Downloading a SMPTE 64
Maintenance panel 14, 167
LEDs 168
Macros 167
Manual 167
Pause 167
Step 167
SMPTE override controls 167
Uploading a SMPTE program to the PSC 64
Viewing SMPTE events 63
Selected channels 32
Selecting boot option 10
Selecting cues 46
Selecting monitor type 10
Set Up 178
Setting defaults
dimmer profiles 20
fade times 23
fader clear times 24
full levels 23
SMPTE 55, 179, 180
creating programs 56
editing programs 59
Learn mode 58, 162
reset time 55
SMPTE editing screen 56
viewing events 62
SMPTE (continued)
working with 55
SMPTE Edit 56
SMPTE override controls 167
SMPTE programs 113
block editing 60
Softpatch 114
captured channels 21
channel zero 17
custom 17
entering 16
inhibiting dimmers 19
one-to-one 16
patching dimmers to channels 18
proportional 19
Solo 41
Stage 29, 181
Stage display 115
Step 14
Step (SMPTE) 182
Step/Part 183
Storing disks 116
Style 95
Subroutines 66, 95
creating 96
deleting step 98
inserting step 98
System configuration 10
System settings 22, 184
Text conventions 4
Thru 185
Time 186
Time (SMPTE) 187
Timed faders 188
Track 189
Track record function 66, 72
allfade 78
using record to create tracks 73
Track record functions
inserting cues 76
recording modified cues 74
Track Sheet 29, 66, 80, 81, 82, 190
display 80
Tracked channels 32
Unpatching dimmers 21
Update 192
cue 49
modifying groups with 85
Uploading a SMPTE program 64
Using digitizer 6
Using this manual 3
Verify show 54
Verifying a recorded show 120
Viewing cues 45