Chapter 4 Basic operations
Cue 3: Modifying up and down fade times
You may also want to modify cue up and down fade times
. When you create a
cue, the
PSC assumes you want to use the default fade times. However, you
can easily change fade times using [Time]
. See page 24 for instructions on
changing default fade times.
Press [Blind] if the Blind mode screen is not already displayed.
Add channels using numeric keypad and [And] or [Thru]; then enter inten-
sity levels.
Press [Rec] to indicate that you want to record the cue.
Enter cue number, and press [Enter].
Press [Time]
Enter upfade time in minutes and seconds (00:00) or in seconds and
frames (00.00).
Upfade times can be from 00.01 (one frame) to 99:59 (99
minutes; 59 seconds).
Note: Enter a decimal point between seconds and frames. (One second
equals thirty frames.)
Press [Enter]
Enter downfade time, if different from upfade time
. Enter a time between
one frame and 99:59 minutes
. If you do not enter a time, the PSC as-
sumes you want the same downfade time as upfade time
Press [Enter]
10. Enter wait time. Wait time is the length of time after
beginning the upfade
before the downfade starts
. If you do not enter a wait time, the PSC
assumes you want a wait time of zero.
Note: If you modify fade times after you record the cue, you do not have
to rerecord the cue. Fade and wait times are automatically added to cue
11. Press [Enter].