Then press
to confirm.
3. The following message will appear on the display:
Press ▼ until the message below appears:
Any letter following LPA indicates the correlated alarm events (I = break-in, S = sabotage, R = robbery, P =
panic, T = technological, F = fire, G = failure, C = chime).
4. Press
to modify the list of the events recognized by the LPA outputs. The “Break-in” event will appear
on the display:
If necessary, use button ▼ to choose another event.
5. Press
and use button ▼ to decide whether the event shall be added to (“YES”) or removed from (“NO”)
the LPA list. Confirm your choice by pressing
6. Press
to go up one level in the menu.
7. Use button ▼ to select another event, then start again from step 6, or leave the menu by pressing
To correlate the sectors to the inserters, proceed as follows:
1. Type in the Installer code (factory setting: 000000), then press
2. The following message will appear on the display:
Press ► until the message below appears:
Then press
to confirm.
3. The following message will appear on the display:
Press ▼ until the message below appears:
Then press
to confirm.
4. The following message will appear on the display:
where 12345678 indicates all the correlated sectors (all sectors, as factory setting) and A1 indicates Area 1. To
select another area or inserter, press button ▼ several times (the inserters and areas will be displayed in order,
according to the following sequence: K-R1 A1 - K-R1 A2 - K-R1 A3 - K-R2 A1 - K-R2 A2 - K-R2 A3 ...).
5. To modify the list of correlated sectors, press
and then type in the numbers of the sectors to be
correlated (by typing in the number of a sector already correlated, its correlation will be eliminated: the dash
indicates a non-correlated sector). End the procedure by pressing
6. Use button ▼ to select another inserter or area, then start again from step 5, or leave the menu by pressing
K - R 1 A 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K - R E A D E R M A P P I N G
Z o n e P r o g r a m m i n g
C o n t r . P a n e l P R G
E v e n t M e m o r y
A L : B u r g l a r y : - > S I
P r g L P A I - R P T F G C
Z o n e P r o g r a m m i n g
C o n t r . P a n e l P R G