10. Menu System
Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
Test plan management and automatic testing
After opening „Test plan management“, the operator must enter the pass-
word for level 2 (parameters).
The menu is used for adding test plans. Test plans contain one or more
test steps and so form a defined test sequence. The sequence is displayed
in the form of a list; the device runs through the list from top to bottom.
Depending on the options fitted to the device, e.g. HV, IS, Burn steps that
are used to provide information to/prompt the operator, to poll buttons or
to poll/set a digital input/output.
To be able to assemble test plans, test steps must be defined for the indi-
vidual test types (HV, IS; Burn). This action is undertaken on the start menu
using the buttons for the test types, e.g. „High voltage - Load parameter“,
on this topic see chapter 10.5. „Load parameter“.
The screen is divided into two columns.
- lists all existing test plans.
- indicates the information text assigned to the test plan. Select
the required test plan on the list.
10.6.1 Buttons
- opens the test plan marked and displays the screen for the au-
tomatic test. The start of the automatic test is here. With indication of
status and statistics, it is also possible to edit test steps, see chapter
10.8 „Automatic test“.
- opens a new blank test plan. The device prompts for the new
test plan name. Then the test plan screen appears, see chapter 10.7.
„Editing/adding a test plan“
- opens the test plan marked and displays the test plan screen,
see chapter 10.7. „Test plan management“.
Fig. 10.14: Test plan management - test plan selection