11. Test parameter
Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
11.1.4 Tripping current
Tripping type
- enter the current of portion of the current that is to be
used for tripping.
- evaluation of the real part of the test current (effective)
- evaluation of the complex current (test current with real
and reactive portion),
- evaluation based on the peak value of the test current. If the
peak value is exceeded, the device indicates i>Imax.
Range (mA)
- enter the measurement range in which the test current is
to be evaluated. This parameter may be dependent on the voltage (AC
or DC (option)).
1 mA
measurement range
10 mA
measurement range
100 mA
measurement range
Tripping current (mA)
: - the current entered is the maximum current that
is allowed to flow during the HV testing. If this value is exceeded, an
HV fault (I>Imax) is indicated (test object fault - HV flashover). The
tripping current (Imax) is dependent on the measurement range and
can be between 1 and 100 mA.
Tripping delta I „on/off
“ - switches on the evaluation of the rate of change
of the test current per time unit. The rate of change of the current is
evaluated in addition to the tripping mode (real, complex, peak). If this
value is exceeded, an HV fault (I>Imax) is indicated (test object fault
- HV flashover).
- no evaluation of the rate of change of the current.
- evaluation of the rate of change of the current active.
Fig. 11.5: HV test parameters - Tripping current