Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
Special notes Safety current limit E03
The tester is equipped with a safety current limitation by an active-redun-
dant system (additional hardware component for 3 mA for AC currents)
and a passive resistor (12 mAeff maximum) connected in series with the
output sockets of the test voltage.
Additional the measurement values are recorded cyclically by a micro
controller. If the limit value is exceeded, the test is automatically switched
off. This "software interruption" is not a safety function.
High voltage tests with AC voltage
HV-AC tests are therefore monitored by the active-redundant system as
well as the passive system and also by the "software interruption" to a
maximum test current of 3 mA. The test run is automatically switched off
when exceeded..
The test limit value is restricted to max. 3 mA AC.
High voltage tests with DC voltage
At HV-AC tests the active-redundant system is not in use. For monitoring,
the passive resistor (output socket) and the "software interruption" is active.
The test limit value is restricted to max. 5 mA DC.
Insulation resistance test
In insulation tests (tests with DC voltage) usually only the limitation by
passive resistor in the output (max 12 mA dc) is used. At insulation tests
are no current limits available.
Additional at insulation test, a automatic range detection is available, to
get the best measurement results. To prevent the test from being prema-
turely interrupted by fluctuating current values in the case of measuring
range switch-over, the "software Interruption" is suppressed during range
detection (transient effect).
In unfavourable cases, e.g. if there is a short circuit is on the device (be-
fore ISO-Test is active), the device will regulate the required test voltage
to a high level. Only after the controller is on the maximum, the device is
interrupting the test automatically with limit value exceeding.
The passive limitation (resistance in the output) ensures that a maximum
test current of 12 mA DC is not exceeded.