Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
Digital interface
For the connection of the safety circuits and for external control, the device
has a 25-pin connector X7.
Fig. 6.3: View of connector X7
The inputs and outputs described in the following are connected
to X7 in the standard device. Additional digital outputs can be purchased
as an option.
To activate the digital inputs, a voltage of +5...24V DC must be ap-
plied. For this purpose you can apply the +24V (+Ue) control voltage on
pin 22. Ground is pin 17 (GNDE).
Auxiliary vUe:
This floating control voltage makes it possible for the user to control the
device via the digital interface without the need to connect an external
power supply.
The maximum load including the outputs should not exceed 300mA.
Pin 22
Pin 17
(reference potential)
Safety circuit „SK1“:
If this pin is connected to +Ue (pin 22) or an external power supply, SK1
is closed. In the case of operation in a test system the circuit is closed by
a safety switch that is actuated when the guard is closed.
Pin 21
Safety circuit SK2
Pin 15
SK2 (default) -
If this pin is connected to GND
(pin 17) SK2 is closed ( negative switching).
Pin 16
SK2 -
Using internal jumpers, SK2 can be
changed to +“positive switching“. SK2 is then closed by making a
connection between pin 16 and +24 V DC (pin 22). Outputs
The digital outputs are designed for „positive switching“, for 24V/ approx.
50mA. The reference potential in this case is also GND.