Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
12.3 Question step
The question step can be inserted in any place in the test plan. Question
steps are asking the operator about information of the test object (e.g.
damages on the item, etc.). The question text box is showing in the test
sequence. Answer the question by touching the "Yes" or "no" button. Crea-
tion of Question steps, see Chapt. 12.1 - above.
12.4 Pause step
The pause step can be inserted in any place in the test plan. Pause steps
serves for interrupting the test sequence for a specified time. This is nec-
essary perhaps before starting a function test, for switching ON and for
the booting up of the test object.
The rest time is showing in test screen.
A n s w e r w i t h
"Yes / No"
Rest time
Fig.: 12.5: Question text
Fig.: 12.6: Pause