10. Menu System
Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
Testing with last parameter settings
The device loads the settings saved last and starts the test. As it is not
possible to change the test parameters, it is only necessary to enter the
password for level 1 (measurement).
The device now waits for the manual confirmation of the start. This con-
firmation can be given using the green RUN button S3/H3 on the device
or by closing the protective hood on the test cabinet.
In the case of operation via the front panel (local) the green RUN button
(S3/H3) on the device must be pressed twice (2nd start), on this topic also
see chapter 3.12.1.
Acceptable test and faulty test, see Manual test chapter 10.3
Fig. 10.9: Manual test - ready for test screen
Fig. 10.10: Manual test
- test screen - test running