SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software
SkyView Classic Pilot’s User Guide –
Revision Z
factors. Be sure to understand the traffic-detection capabilities of your traffic
device thoroughly so you understand how to best interpret the position of the
traffic displayed on SkyView.
Useful information about the TIS traffic system, including airports that have TIS
service can be found in the FAA AIM:
SV-ADSB-470/472 Traffic Display Capabilities (US Only)
The SV-ADSB-470/472 works in tandem with your SV-XPNDR-26X or Garmin GTX 330ES
transponder module to provide the ADS-B based TIS-B traffic picture around your aircraft when
you have both products and a Navigation Mapping Software License is activated. This is enabled
by the following bidirectional data link capability:
The SV-XPNDR-26X or Garmin GTX 330ES has ADS-B out capability via its 1090ES
The SV-ADSB-470 contains an ADS-
B 978MHz “UAT Band” receiver that can see other
both ADS-B equipped targets AND radar targets - in the following manner:
ADS-B equipped aircraft: The SV-ADSB-470/472 can detect traffic transmitting ADS-B
out messages via 978 MHz directly. The SV-ADSB-472 detects traffic on 1090 MHz, as
B: Additionally, the FAA’s ADS
B service, seeing your transponder’s 1090ES
ADS-B out transmission - but knowing that your aircraft only has 978 MHz input
capability via the SV-ADSB-470 - assembles a traffic portrait of all traffic that it
knows about that are within 15 Nm and +/- 5000 ft. of your aircraft. This includes:
ADS-R (rebroadcast) targets: The FAA ADS-B system will rebroadcast all of the
1090ES ADS-B-equipped targets onto the 978 MHz band for your benefit (SV-
ADSB-470 only).
Radar targets: Any targets that the FAA’s radar system is aware of via approach,
center, and other radar facilities.
Note: The SV-ADSB-472 is a dual band receiver and generally relies on direct reception of
ADS-B equipped aircraft. As a result, ADS-B equipped aircraft may not be retransmitted
by the FAA’s ADS
-R service.
The end result: your aircraft sees the vast majority of the aircraft that can possibly be a factor.
Since SkyView participates in the ADS-B system via the SV-XPNDR-
26X’s or GTX
330ES’s ADS
out capability, it receives all of the traffic that the FAA knows is around your aircraft. In
contrast, “receive only” ADS
-B traffic soluti
ons aren’t able to see the all traffic (such as radar
only targets) because they are not able to request traffic data from the FAA ADS-B ground
stations. To reduce clutter from targets that are far away, targets that are farther than
approximately 15 nm away from your position or more than 5,000 ft above or below your
altitude are not shown.