Assembly and preparation
Instructions for use Fabius plus SW 3.n
Connecting the gas supply
Risk due to gas supply failure
All gas supplies (central gas supply, gas
cylinders) must be correctly connected since
otherwise the backup system (gas cylinders)
will not be available if gas supply fails.
– Make sure that all compressed gas hoses
are correctly connected to the rear side of
the device.
– After connecting the gas supply, check for
correct function.
– Even when the anesthesia machine is
connected to the central gas supply, the
gas cylinders should remain at the device
with valves closed as backup.
Risk of contamination of ambient air and risk
of fire/explosion
or N
O can get into the ambient air as a
result of leakages.
– Make sure the compressed gas hoses are
connected properly.
– Avoid and remedy all leakages.
– Ensure sufficient ventilation of the room.
– Use an anesthetic gas scavenging