Instructions for use Fabius plus SW 3.n
Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
Sterilization eliminates living microorganisms from
semicritical medical devices and dries residual
water in the interior of components.
Sterilize only components that have been
cleaned and disinfected.
For sterilization, use a vacuum steam sterilizer (in
accordance with DIN EN 285), preferably with
fractional vacuum.
Risk of fire
Residual vapors of easily flammable
disinfectants (e.g., alcohols) and deposits
that were not removed during reprocessing
can ignite when the flow sensor is in use.
– Ensure particle-free cleaning and
– After disinfection, allow the flow sensor to
air for at least 30 minutes.
– Before inserting the flow sensor, check for
visible damage and soiling such as
residual mucus, medication aerosols, and
– Replace flow sensors when damaged,
soiled, or not particle-free.