Above: The “Host Console” (the redirected view of the Host system’s screen). This is the
view the Remote-side user will see if the Host system is running on Windows XP and has
the Desktop file view open. The Remote-side user can now open any of the files and
programs on this Host system, simply by clicking on them with his or her mouse.
If the setup and configuration has been done correctly, the user of the Remote computer
can now control the Host computer by clicking inside this window and using the Remote
system’s keyboard and mouse to access all the Host system’s files and programs. Thus,
an administrator can control the Host system entirely from the Remote system in exactly
the same way as he or she would control the computer in front of him or her. Due to
network bandwidth limitations, the Remote computer user may experience slight lag.
Telnet Console
In general, the Telnet or SSH interface supports two operating modes: command-line
mode and terminal mode. Command-line mode is used to control or display some
parameters. In terminal mode, the passthrough access to the DKVM-IP1’s serial port is
activated (if the serial connection settings were configured accordingly). All inputs and
outputs will now be redirected to the device via the serial port, and its configuration
parameters and values will be displayed in the Telnet interface.
1) In order to log in with Telnet or SSH, you have to enable their access settings from
Device Settings
menu category in the left-hand column of the GUI (see the
screenshot below). Click on
Device Settings > Network
. Tick the check boxes next
to “Enable TELNET access” and “Enable SSH access”.