Activating the Host Console function opens a new window on the Remote-side user’s
screen. This window displays the screen content of your Host system (the system you
control remotely via the DKVM-IP1). The Host system will behave exactly as if you were
sitting in front of it. This means you can use your keyboard and mouse in the usual way.
However, be aware of the fact that the feedback from keyboard and mouse actions on
the Host system will be slightly delayed. The delay depends on the bandwidth of the link
between you and the DKVM-IP1.
Keyboard Settings:
Differences between the Remote computer’s keyboard layout and the Host computer’s
keyboard settings may lead to some problems. For example, if the Remote-side user
uses a German keyboard layout and the Host system is set up for an English keyboard
layout, special German-specific keys on the German keyboard will not work as expected.
Instead, the keys will have the same effect as those of an English-layout keyboard. The
Remote-side user can circumvent such problems by adjusting the keyboard settings of
the Host system to have the same mapping as the Remote user’s keyboard.
You can adjust these settings in the DKVM-IP1’s web management GUI by going to
KVM Settings > Keyboard/Mouse Settings
(see the screenshot below), and using the
Keyboard Model dropdown box to choose the same type of keyboard used on the
Remote computer.
Resizing the Host Console window:
By default, the Host Console window will display the Host screen at an optimal size. That
means it will resize the window to fit the Remote-side user’s screen by default. However,
the Remote-side user can always resize the Host Console window in the Remote-side