To save your new password and close the window, click the
button. Otherwise, click
Please make sure that you change the default Super User password immediately
after you have installed and accessed your DKVM-IP1 for the first time. Leaving
the password as it is represents a severe security risk and may result in
unauthorized access to the DKVM-IP1 as well as the entire Host system and
connected devices. The password can be changed in the setup program (as
described above) or online on the browser-based Web Management GUI. Make
sure you write your password down in a safe place.
Your web browser has to be set up to accept cookies, or else you won’t be able to
log in. If you experience login problems, check to see if your browser has been set
up to accept cookies.
Configuration Setup via Serial-based Console
For connecting to serial-based terminals, the DKVM-IP1 has a serial cable interface (for
setup on the Host side). This connector is compliant with the RS-232 standard for serial
connections. The serial connection has to be configured with the parameters given in the
table below.
Parameter Value
Bits per second
Data bits
Parity No
Stop bits
Flow Control
When configuring your device from a serial-based terminal such as Hyper Terminal, reset
the DKVM-IP1 and immediately press the “ESC” key. You will see some device information
and a “=>” command prompt. Type in “config”, press the “Enter” key and wait a few
seconds for the configuration questions to appear.