When the computer/server fails (Diagnostics)
Unfortunately, fixing hardware defects is not possible through a remote management
device. However, the DKVM-IP1 does give the administrator valuable information about
the type of a hardware failure.
When the computer/server fails, the Remote computer user can see the error message
from the computer/server on his or her screen.
With the DKVM-IP1, Remote-side administrators can determine which kind of hardware
failure has occurred on the Host system.
Serious hardware failures can be categorized into five different categories. These
categories are listed below, together with the percentage of times that such failures
were caused by the specific type of problem.
See the table below for a list of
Host system failures and how they are detected.
Type of failure
Detected by
Hard disk failure (50% of all failures)
Console screen, CMOS set-up information
Power cable detached; power
supply failure (28% of all failures)
Server remains in Power Off state after Power
On command has been given
CPU, controller, main board failure
(10% of all failures)
Power supply is on, but there is no video output
CPU fan failure (8% of all failures)
Server-specific management software
RAM failure (4% of all failures)
Boot sequence on boot console
Above: Host system failures and how they are detected.