7 Troubleshooting
I can’t bring up the login page of DKVM-IP1 web server.
Check to make sure that the DKVM-IP1 is powered on, and that your network configuration (IP
address, subnet mask, router, firewall, etc.) is correct. Try pinging the IP address of the
DKVM-IP1 to find out whether the DKVM-IP1 is reachable. If you cannot reach the DKVM-IP1,
you will not be able to go to its login page.
I forgot my password. How can I reset the DKVM-IP1 to factory defaults?
For a detailed description of this process, see the section
Reset Factory Defaults
I can’t log in to the DKVM-IP1.
Check to make sure that the username and password combination you are entering is correct.
The default username is
, and the default password is
. Also, your browser must
also be configured to accept cookies.
When a PC connects to the Host via USB (B-type connector) and runs the DKVM-IP1
Utility, an error message appears that says: “Exception processing message ...”
This may be due to improper BIOS settings. If the Host system is not equipped with a floppy
disk drive, check the BIOS to make sure it is set to “No floppy drive installed”.
The DKVM-IP1 web GUI pages are inconsistent or have errors.
Make sure your browser cache settings are not set to “never check for newer pages” or
something similar. Otherwise, web pages may be loaded from your browser cache and not from
the DKVM-IP1 device itself.
I can’t open the Host Console window for the DKVM-IP1.
(1) Please make sure that the Remote computer has Java Runtime Environment v1.5 or above
installed. When trying to open the Host Console on the Remote computer, the
icon will
appear at the top right corner of the screen if the Java Runtime Environment is not installed.
1. In order to run the Host Console window, the Remote system must be able to
support Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 or above. You can get the
Java software from their website:
2. It’s recommended that you install a newer Java version (e.g. version 6 update
11 or newer) for better performance.