DGS-3700 Series Layer 2 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Page | 131
create sflow flow_sampler ports
where the packet will be forwarded.
– The sampling rate for packet sampling. The configured rate value multiplied by
256 is the actual rate. For example, if the rate is 20, the actual rate 5120. One
packet will be sampled from about 5120 packets. If set to 0, the sampler is
disabled. If the rate is not specified, its default value is 0.
– The maximum number of leading bytes in the packet which has been
sampled that will be encapsulated and forwarded to the server. If not specified, the
default value is 128.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To create sflow flow_sampler:
DGS-3700-12:5#create sflow flow_sampler ports all analyzer_server_id 1 rate 10
maxheadersize 100
Command: create sflow flow_sampler ports all analyzer_server_id 1 rate 10 maxheadersize
config sflow flow_sampler
Used to configure the sflow flow_sampler parameters.
config sflow flow_sampler ports [<portlist> | all] {rate <value 0-65535> |
maxheadersize <value 18-256>}
This command is used to configure the sflow flow sampler parameters. If the user
wants the change the analyzer server ID, the user needs to delete the flow sampler
and create a new one.
– Specifies the list of ports to be configured.
– The sampling rate for packet sampling. The configured rate value multiplied by
256 is the actual rate. For example, if the rate is 20, the actual rate is 5120. One
packet will be sampled from about 5120 packets. If set to 0, the sampler is
disabled. If the rate is not specified, its default value is 0.
– The maximum number of leading bytes in the packet which has been
sampled that will be encapsulated and forwarded to the server. If not specified, the
default value is 128.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure sflow flow_sampler:
DGS-3700-12:5#config sflow flow_sampler ports all rate 10 maxheadersize 100
Command: config sflow flow_sampler ports all rate 10 maxheadersize 100
delete sflow flow_sampler
Used to delete the sflow flow_sampler.