Figure 147. Heatsink Assembly Order Closeup
a. Tighten the screw labeled 1 halfway.
b. Tighten the screw labeled 2 completely.
c. Tighten screw 1 completely.
d. Work between screw 3 and 4, tightening them slightly in turn until they are both tightened completely.
9. Place the processor air duct over the processor.
10. Install the power cable assembly.
a. Position the power cable assembly on the blade.
b. Insert the two tabs on the center of the cable into the standoffs on the blade.
c. Reconnect the cable connectors.
11. Replace the air diffuser bracket and reinstall the T10 Torx screws. Torque screws to 5.5 in-lbs.
12. Replace the shroud and reinstall the T15 Torx attachment screws. Torque to 9 in-lbs.
13. Reinstall the blade into the cabinet.
KPDC Replacement
Compute and IO Blade Procedures