T15 Torx bit
T10 Torx bit
Dusting gas
Time Required:
7-8 minutes
About this task
Four types of voltage modules are attached to XC30-LC and XC40-LC: Aries VRMs, vertical 48–12Vdc and
52-13Vdc VRMs (VIVOCs), horizontal 48–12Vdc and 52-13Vdc VRMs (HIVOCs), and Intel socket VRMs (IO
blades only).
Equipment damage
The voltage module connectors are keyed for orientation and the voltage module can be installed
only in the proper orientation. If the connectors do not mate easily, rotate the voltage module 180
degrees. If the connectors are forced together, the voltage module or the blade can be damaged.
HIVOCs and VIVOCs have the same key. Verify the replacement components part number before
inserting it into the connector. Inserting the wrong replacement component into a connector can
result in equipment damage.
Spray the voltage module contacts and the voltage module socket with dusting gas to remove any debris.
2. Position the voltage module in the socket and simultaneously push down on both ends of the voltage module
with both thumbs until the voltage module seats.
3. If installing a HIVOC, replace the IP15 Torx+ attachment screws (2). Torque the screws to 5.5 in-lbs.
4. Install the power cable assembly.
a. Position the power cable assembly on the blade.
b. Insert the two tabs on the center of the cable into the standoffs on the blade.
c. Reconnect the cable connectors.
5. Replace the air diffuser bracket and reinstall the T10 Torx screws. Torque screws to 5.5 in-lbs.
6. Replace the shroud and reinstall the T15 Torx attachment screws. Torque to 9 in-lbs.
7. Reinstall the blade into the cabinet.
Compute and IO Blade Procedures